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My Friday Night

I hope these are funny. I was REAL bored tonight.

Musicians who use profanity in their albums and then turn around and make a "clean" version waste their time. Either go ghetto or go home.

Amaya on "Real World/Road Rules Challenge 2000" talks so much shit on everyone on the Road Rules team. And she doesn't even help her team. All she does is bitch and moan, bitch and moan. Shut up already, you're fat. You're ugly. You're a slut. What was Colin thinking? (p.s Colin is a sexy man).

The Superbowl commercials sucked big time this year.

Scream 3 was not that bad. But c'mon now, EVERYONE knew that Jenny McCarthy was gonna die.

Justin is HOT.

Do you ever feel really tired but you don't want to sleep so you do something. Then when you WANT to sleep, you can't? I hate that.

Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachay are going to have immaculate looking babies.

Ya know that guy, "Justin", I was talking about in my diary entry? He is hotter than ever except for I don't want him. Weird.

I heard "Bye Bye Bye" 4 times on the radio today. On 4 different stations. That is so rad.

I miss my old goldfish, Brady.

There are way too many hot guys who don't date in this world.

Caramel Macchiatos are so good. And they are never too hot or too cold.

Sterotypes suck.

JC urged me to go see "Runaway Bride" so a couple of weeks ago I rented it. I fell asleep halfway through.

WHO am I gonna ask to Sadies?

If you knew me, you would never believe that I liked NSync, much less have a website about them. It doesn't make sense.

That new song, "There You Go" by Pink kicks ass and so does Pink. I was sure she was African American until I saw her video. It was a Christina Aguilera moment.

Carson Daly is probably so hot in person.

Everyone read Philippians 4:13.

That Chad Loves Me Girl from the 2+Together commercial is so me, I swear. I am ashamed of NSync and it sucks.

JC is adopted (take him home)