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Homage to our Pioneers

First there was New Kids on the Block. Then came Backstreet Boys and stole the "we are boyband pioneers" bit. NSync, 5ive, 98 Degrees, LFO, etc. soon follow and before you know it, there's a boyband caravan outside your door. But we shall never forget those who stepped out and dared to be different. They are those websites that us petty sites steal and copy off of. Those pages that make us look at NSync in ways we didn't even know we could look. Here's our homage to our NSync Humor page pioneers.

They Just Wanna Be NKOTB Intellectual humor at its finest right here. Mandi wrote smart NSync humor like Picasso painted. Like Michael Jordan played basketball. Okay, maybe I am going a bit overboard. But she could write. Stories about NSync were not sloppily put together but everything was quality stuff. My whole world came crashing down when she said the site was no longer going to be up but after a couple of bottles of Asprin and a night in ICU... I survived. "TJWNKOTB" will always have a special place in my heart. *wipes a tear*

The Girls Who Have Everything Although I did not go to this site often, it was apparently the first of NSync humor pages. That alone causes me to bow down. Yizzy was obviously a genius, wise beyond her years to think of such a wonderful idea. DAMN was she funny. All of her stories and interviews just flowed and it made you want to read and read and read like there is no tomorrow.

Just Thrust It Ah, Jen's good old site. A little more fun, a little more daring, a little more spunky. She has a whole wagon of contributers to her page that make every story different. It's one of the few sites I check regularly. They have it all. Seriously. Pictures, stories, encounters, fan fiction, tapes, the list goes on. And all of it is incredibly amusing and keeps me laughing every time, without fail.

NSync Comedy Central I think this may have very well been the first NSync humor site I ever went to. What an honor. He he. Suz was more nice than cruel which I think attracted me but still had that bit of discreet sarcasm which I love.

Giddy for NSync Y'all know how I feel about this site. I put Wendi and Heather, its editors, on the highest pedastol because damnit, they deserve it. This site inspired me to start one of my own. These girls are hilarious and define good NSync humor. Without them I would really have no motivation to mock NSync or even begin to. Giddy has started so many trends and ideas that humor sites both consiously and sub-consiously rip off. [Plus, thanks in part to Wendi, Jayce is off my hit list;)]

Yeah this may seem like kissing ass. Shameless attempts of kindness. Think what you want. NSync humor sites have come a long way since the first one and we have these sites to thank. Think about how many ideas we have all taken from these pages and lessons we've learned about NSync. They have opened our eyes to girlfriends, parties, theories, scandals, you name it. They deserve respect and some love for that.

JC is adopted (take him home)