Alternate Tour Names for NSA

The "Fuck Me Now" Tour

Rated NC-17 Tour

Oh shit, I like all 5 of them

The Justin Can't Dance Tour

All The Extra $$ Hasn't Bought Johnny Good Taste Yet

Stever in the Spotlight -- Tour 2000

I Wish I Was the Floor Tour

Ditch the Clown Tour

This Tour -- Sponsered by Leather

Enough With the Puppets Already

We Get The Idea Tour

Hangin to the Right in My Women's Pants Tour

Pawn Off Your Opening Acts Tour

Glowsticks are Cool Tour

The Bedazzled Bandanna Tour

Barnum and Bailey Tour 2000

The Wardrobe Mistress is on JC's Crack Tour

What the HELL is the Monk Thing Tour?

Asswipe Revisited Tour 2000

Lance's Mommy's in the Tour, Tour

BSB Can't Do This Shit 2000

We Have Been Takin Mucho HOTT Pills Tour

Johnny Tells the Same Joke Every Night Tour

Plug Your Nose and Swim Tour

Our Crotches are Now Guns Tour

We Spent Way Too Much Money On This Tour, Tour

Joey's Extra-Hammy Tour 2000

JC's Crack Is Only Effective Part Time Tour

Our Stage Has Headlights Tour

Lance Rides Toby 2000

Justin Got To Pick The Color For The Final Outfit Tour

The Stage Is On FIYA Tour

Justin Is A Showoff Tour 2000

The Whore Tour, Cumming In a City Near You

Sisqo Is Jealous of Justin's Beatboxing Skillz Tour

Lance is FINALLY the Hot Blond Tour

Bed Head is a Proud Sponsor of *NSYNC Tour

Stever Has Perfected the Crotch Shot Tour

JC Likes to Die His Beard Blond and Look Like a MF Scary Psycho Molester Tour

No Mirrors in the Dressing Room Tour

Joey Lost Weight While on Tour, Tour


FMU Even More Tour 2000

Can We Please Break the Projector With the Clown Tour

Lonnie kicks Joey's Ass Tour

Justin Does His Favorite Hobby Of Looking in the Mirror Tour

Regis Is Hot Tour

You Should Know Better Than Call Joey For Your Lifeline Tour

Asswipe's Cameo/Mooching AGAIN Tour

Professional Do Rag Tying Are Us Tour

The Bus Drivers Drive Like Shit Tour

Joey Will Fall Off the Platform Before the Tour is Over Tour

Christo Gets Another Dose of Heights Tour

We Hope One of Them Falls On Their Ass On the Conveyor Belt Tour

None of You Are Worthy To Be Monks Tour

I Want To Log Onto THAT Computer Tour

My Computer Sure Doesn't Show That Shit Tour

Lance Isn't A Girl Anymore Tour

Justin's Hair Strikes Again Tour

Joey Finally Got A Haircut, AMEN Tour

They Will Always Be Single and Ready To Mingle Tour

Camo Chris Tour 2000

Christo Creates A Signature Dance Tour

You Can Slap My Ass Like That Tour

Replace the Confetti With Real Money Because You Can Afford To Tour

We Don't Hold The Endings Anymore Tour 2000

JC is adopted (take him home)