BSB Breakup?

Now I don't know what kind of truth this article holds. I mean, the possibilities are endless. It could be a major publicity stunt, it could hold some shred of truth, or it could flat out be an April fool's day joke. I'm not trying to spread any false rumors here, I just came across this yesterday and found it very very interesting. All I know is that there was major discussion over this article on the internet yesterday....So I felt it was my duty to get it out to all of you, and let you determine what you think this is all about....

International News (supposedly this is from MTV Asia)

Backstreet Boys Disband Amidst *NSYNC Success
March 31, 2000

Backstreet Boys

It has been announced. Backstreet Boys will be disbanding as news of *NSYNC's success circulate the globe.

The multiplatinum boy band have expressed disappointment over their sales and music when compared to *NSYNC's success. *NSYNC broke the sales record in the U.S. when they sold 2,415,859 records a week over the counter.

One of the BSB band members was rumored to have said that, "We've worked so hard and so long to become the best band in the world. We wish *NSYNC all the best, but the morale of the group has plummetted to zero after we heard the news."

Executives at Jive Records were both shocked and dismayed at the band's decision to quit so suddenly.

"We're absolutely shocked about the news. Backstreet Boys have been with us since the beginning, and we've supported this amazing band all the way. We are dismayed that they have made such a drastic decision overnight. I am confident they will continue to sell records and be bigger than they are now." said Norman Bates, Labels Manager for Zomba Records.

But the promotion staff at Jive Records had other concerns. "Our other worry is their fans. What will they say? I'm sure they will not let the band go so easily. We are organizing a petition from the fans throughout the world, and we'll present the results to the boys on Monday."

We'll bring you more news as the situation develops.

With my luck this is just a big ass joke. But on the other hand damn....that would be really interesting if it held any truth whatsoever. I mean it is a confirmed FACT that AJ is out there performing on his own under his other stage name Johnny Crotch Grabber or something to that effect...I have no But to me, just watching them, I don't see the chemistry or love between them that I do whenever I turn on *NSYNC. Maybe its because they are such SERIOUS artisits, or maybe its because they really hate each other. Who knows? I'm sure that they WERE pissed about *NSYNC's phenomenal record sales. I mean, with all the crap and little jabs they take at our boys, I wouldn't doubt that for a second. They are probably pissed at Jive too over all the promotion and publicity NSA got, but shit, they were all over MTV the week Millenium came out. BSB made the choice not to do many TV appearances any more because they want to focus on what is important to them, the MUSIC and NOT the publicity. And I have to say that if it was not for us out of control *NSYNC fans buying more than one copy a piece (I have for each of them plus't ask) and the Buy NSA on the FIRST DAY campaign, I don't think the sales would have skyrocketed like they did. In closing all I have to say is, no matter how much truth this article holds right now, someday in the future it will be a damn fact. Amen. ~The world according to $$

JC is adopted (take him home)