Darren's all like, OK guys, we got to get to work on the routine for Digital Getdown...now you all know the For the Girl chair routine? Yeah, we are just gonna modify that....I've put a few things together so just work with me....
Alright and 5..6..7..8..now thrust and thrust, and pump and pump, now grab grab..now thrust thrust thrust....
OK for the next line..these computer desks are gonna come down from the ceiling and what you are gonna do is mount the desk on your knees and start bumping and grinding on the computer...that goes with the chorus..got it? Digital digital getdown..get...down...thats when you will get up on top of the computer and grab the mouse....after that you like rub and click all over your bodies on counts 6,7,and 8...got it guys?
Now on the next verse...see I was gonna have Justin get down on the floor and start having sex with the stage, but AJ from the Backstreet Boys already patented that shit..so we can't use it. So what I am thinking now is OK...Justin you are gonna roll your computer chair to the front of the stage and thrust it while you are pumping up the chair then when it gets to the climatic part of the song..you hit the lever and the chair will go back down to its orginal position. Think you can handle that?
Then for the next part, we are gonna bring this scanner out, and you are all gonna take off various pieces of clothing and start scanning naked parts of your body. That is for the second chorus. Justin you are gonna lose the beater and scan your chest. Chris you will scan your ass, since you do that already. Lance..hmmmm...we are gonna have you drop your pants and scan little Toby for us...since we already know what JC's looks like thanks to that little mishap on VH1. Shit..JC..if you didnt have so many track marks on your arms you could scan those, but thats out of the question...so we will get back to you later. And Joey...what do we scan on Joey....you can scan your hand, since the rest of you is a little to big to fit on the virutal scanner.
Now the finale...alright...these are my thoughts...you remember Flashdance...ok, we know you weren't born yet Justin, get Chris to explain it to you. But there is gonna be this cord that is like your modem connection and at the end, you are gonna get back up on top of the computer, grind a little more, and then pull on the cord..in sync of course, and water will dump on you from the ceiling..then pyrotechnics will like come out of your crotch like the computers are shorting out. SOUND GOOD?!??!
So that is a quick look into my sick ass mind. Thanks for playin and goodnight.