Another Installment of....
Deep Thoughts by Dolla Billz
(and you can take these to the bank, baby...)

Does Orlando put something in the water to make these guys so hot?

I love Lance with the blue hair. Wait, I love Lance's hair. Period. Hell, I just love Lance.

If I didn't know better, I would think that JC was really hot. Especially in this month's Cosmo Girl, page 120. Lord have mercy.

I can't wait for the new video....especially since OUR HERO Darren is doing it again. Yum Yum.

No matter how much money you have, it still can't buy you good taste.

Did Joey crawl out of the dumpster specifically for that Leno appearance?

Why does the "Official" *NSYNC 2000 calendar have pics of them from 1996?

How come Justin only has hair on his forearms and no where else?

It makes me feel good to know that they know what it is like to be a girl. How many other guys you know have to get their hair and make-up done and get manicures?

Sleeping is not a hobby, but apparently it IS an obsession.

I would love to be "BROKE" like Justin at the end of Just Got Paid. I could handle it. I swear. I want to be broke like JRT.

If they need anyone to tour with them and do the rap in Space Cowboy...they can sign me up anytime they want.

Bed Head is cool.

Are Justin's hips not connected right? Cuz I have never seen anyone else do that with their body.

Chris is so lucky to have Dani, and vice versa. Awwwwwww.

My thoughts on a concert verson of Digital Getdown: 1)I would love for them to sing it. 2)If they did sing it, it wouldn't sound right because of all the voice effects that are on the album. 3) If they did sing it and it had choreography that was as sexual as the lyrics, they may have one less fan...due to the fact that I would DIE from hyperventilation.

Are JC and Bobbie having some "issues"? He has been saying some really shady things about relationships that make me question how well they have been getting along lately.

Poor Justin is broken and bitter.

I would love to just give Christo a mic and a camara and have him bullshit all day long.

No Strings Attached is a great song, how come JC never took credit for that one on MTV?

Lance taking a shower is such a nice picture in one's head.

When are they getting a milk ad? Cuz it sure as hell has been doing their bodies good.

How come they can make stupid nylon Adidas pants look THAT GOOD?

They keep sharing their clothes lately. Cute but at the same time kinda scary.

Shame on BSB for talking smack about *NSYNC record sales not to mention labelmates. Not good publicity for JIVE. Can't we all just get along?

Joey is not the brightest crayon in the box, but that makes him even more loveable. Sickening, isn't it?

I have a confession. I am starting to like JC. It is scaring the shit out of me people.

Do you think Justin would mind loaning me the JRT necklace for like an hour or so?

Damnit. Why did Christo have to get THAT hot? I mean he was always cute with the dreads, and even after he cut them he was hot, but now...LORD HE IS HOTT.

I have this theory....Lance got so HOTT on the day he learned how to dance. I would like to add an amendment to that statement...on that same day, he also got funny. Damn him.

JC is adopted (take him home)