It's Gonna Be Me

Making the Video

Yum, yum, yum, and more yum. Did I say yum? I MF love Wayne. Almost as much as I love Darren. I said almost, right? LOL. Here's the review according to $$'s....

The plastic makeup is a little scary, but in a cool sort of way.

Lance whippin around his "string" is pretty damn sexual. See, I knew he liked to be tied up.

Why when Justin talks does he find it necessary to play with his mouth and lick his lips every three seconds....I swear the kid is trying to kill me.

Friggin love Justin's improv rap. Nice face on "it's not so great" LOL. Go ghetto boy, go!

Christo and Mini Me...HAHAHAHAH...but yummy arms on Justin.

OMG...Christo making fun of JC behind his back....HOLY CRAP...IDOL.

Could the performance sequence be any sexier? Nope didn't think so.

I hate to admit it but shit, if I didn't know better I would think JC was MF HOTT.

And don't even get me started on the other 4.

Joey hittin on Kim. Go figure. Hey FAT-ONE..she's ILLEGAL.

Christo and Justin grabbing each other's asses. Classic.

JC's laugh on the part where they are walking kills me.

"THAT'S THE BEST!" ~Christo.

I would love to scan their barcodes *wink wink*

Lance little dance he does on the scanner. Yum, and you get a tummy shot. Double yum.

Dude, lovin Christo once again..."THAT'S A WRAP!!!!"

Justin is such a little bitch in the morning.

Lance actually looks OK in that hat, I prefer bed head though. Grrrrrr.

Screaming Man George scares the absolute shit out of me.

I love that JC says, he doesn't want to do a "pretty video" and then the performance segment is them looking as mf hot as they can.

Dude. I MF love that Wayne played the joke on Christo. He so deserved it. But why in the hell is he is Joey's box. And I love that he takes it out with his ass. LOL.

JC: "They act all flirty, then the beat the crap out of us. Typical." Friggin love it. Right on JC.

On a side note, I love the AC/DC J/C shirt...and his pants kick ass.

And there is my favorite line EVER...taking it to the next level. Shut up already, we get it. Next level. Check. Got it. Now LET IT GO.

OK. The fight scene. Scary. LOL. Why the hell does that army guy have his hand directly IN JC's crotch? Lance fights like a girl. And noogies are always really affective on army helmets. LOL.

Lancer's voice on "major butt" lmfao!

If Christo is so afraid of heights, why in the HELL does he always do these stunts?

Joey slammin his ass on the shelf. Go go FAT-ONE!

That slow music is like WHOA. Freaky.


On to the actual video.....

HOLY SHIT. Drool drool drool.

I love how Lance screams "hey, that's my box" when the army dude tosses it over the edge. Funny.

The slow mo was soooo unnecessary. Now I have to lust over them in slow motion. YUMMMMMM.

Everyone knows how much I love JC ::cough cough:: but HELLO. I give him props. HELL-O.

Chris jumping after the army guys get scanned is friggin hysterical, sugar high much?


Nice cheeseball poses before the net comes down.

Once again, my fave frame of the video is of Lance and Joey. Every single video they have every made that is my fave. Hey, at least I'm consistent right?

UGH....the look on Lance's face during "but I'm not like that" sex-say. And of course you have Cracknuts in the back. LOL.

Say hello to Justin's shimmy on "finally" WHOA.

I love that they left Joey crunking into the shelf in the video. Classic FAT-ONE moment. Beautiful.

The little cracked out puppet dance is dope-ily fresh, as JC would say.

Yummy sex face on Chris during the next "it's gonna be me" to accompany the yummy body roll from Lance.

Cute that Joey catches Christo fallin off the counter.

Christo's facial expressions as everyone is getting scanned are classic.

"It's gonna be me" and Lance apparently, since he doesn't fall down. Move over Justin, there's a new blond in town.

So hot when they are walking out of the store.

HAHAHAHA...the MTV movie award commercial. Funny shit. I love how Christo and Justin are running. Dorks, I tell ya.

Can someone please explain to me why Joey is swinging Lance around by his arms and JC is hopping over him? WTF? LOL.

Christo and Lancers at the end. YUM. Poor Christo, always concerned about everyones boredom.

In closing, I can't wait for them to release an unedited vershion of this like they did BYE BYE BYE. Please MTV, I am beggin you.

JC is adopted (take him home)