Get Ready to Lick the Screen...
It's another installment of pictures

We apologize for the randomness of this pic page. It would be nice and all to have a theme or something that makes all these pics cohesive, but shit, that is just too hard for us. So the eternal theme here is: THESE GUYS ARE HOT. LET'S LOOK AT THEM.

Can we all share in a moment of silence for their hotness?

Oh, he is just askin for it now.

Why must he do that? Come on, give us a break and TRY not to be so damn fine.

It's JC reliving his WIPEOUT days.

Breathe in, breathe out. Try to resist the urge to rape Lance's hair.

Woah SPREAD EM BOYS. Yes, um please? If I ask really nice?

I'd like to make him smile like that. *wink wink*

Beaters are the best thing since sliced bread. I swear by them.

Special thanks to Christy, Rachie, and Sheri for help with this page. And VERY Special thanks to the guys for being this friggin fione.

JC is adopted (take him home)