First of all Pacey is the man. He was MUCH cooler than mf Dawson. Ass.
All I have to say, is I would really like to find out what I can get for just one more quarter!
If the guys at my McDonald's looked like that I would eat there all damn day.
I guess the dance lessons from Darren are NOT paying off.
Lance. Thrusting. I'll hold his pickle!
Jaycee has proven on VH1 that he can do it up big.
Why is JC talking about food? Like he knows, ha!
Nice hairnet. Even nicer ass.
JC even "drives thru my heart" like he is on crack.
Lance hurt his ankle fighting with eveyone to get that solo.
Joey has already served over a billion.
Too bad Justin wears his pants like that daily.
I think that JC likes to be touched "funny" thus explaining his obsession with Michael Jackson.
Bedazzler anyone?
And what is up with them all sharing clothes lately?
Poor Lance can only jump on one foot...what a trooper. Awwwww.
Joey, say NO to those jeans.
Lance's throw back to MC Hammer, please don't hurt 'em.
Way to represent with the star shirt Justy.
LOOOVED JC sweater. Good Job.
They sang. It was good.
Joey must have spent a little too much time around Lance.
JC interested in the narcotics. Surprise, surprise.
Chris pulling attitude. Big shocker. (But he looked really friggin hot doing it...BANKS..wanna make a deposit?)
Too bad Jerome couldn't make it to SNL, at least Jaycee's rehab buddy appeared in the skit.
No one makes JRT sit in the back row, BITCH.
Backstreet? Never heard of the guy. IF WE WERE ONLY THAT LUCKY.
Hey Joey...brown hair is good. Red hair is bad. Just a tip.
The blind wardrobe stylist rears her ugly head once again. SPARKLE, SPARKLE...
Way to control your overactive facial muscles Joey!
And in was INCREDIBLE.
JT now stands for John Travolta. Go Night Fever, Go!
PEACE PEACE back atcha Lance. Yo.
Christo can put me in a headlock anytime he wants.
JC cracking out...looks like he got a hold of that duffel bag.
Chris is so funny. Even at 8 in the morning. LIMP BIZKIT ROCKS!
They make me sick that they look that good at 8 in the morning.
Once again, passing that damn jacket around.
JC, nice Elvis/Alex P. Keaton collar dude. You look rad.
My new fave fan is the girl that says, " I love them. I love them. I don't know why, but I love them." Wait, I take that back...I still love the girl pressing her face up against the glass at Snowed in better. "I LOVE YOU!!"
Not the most enthusiastic rendition of Bye Bye Bye I have ever seen, but it will do. Once again, poor Lance hoppin on only his right foot. :(
I love the fact that Rubin cut his hair to be like Christo. Crazy for You will never be the same.
Cute that they chanted "Joey"...must have been a crowd full of girls he slept with/slept with their sister/or will sleep with after the show.
Hey guys...I was just wondering...are you taking it to the next level? Just curious.
Joey avoids malls. Apparently, he avoids barbers too.
Good job on getting the in-ears. That way Jaycee doesn't have to shove his finger in there. Cuz its just THAT sexy. not.
This I Promise You kicks much ass.
I suck cuz my dumbass TV station decided NOT to show I Thought She Knew...but I'm sure it was INCREDIBLE.
Hey guys, little kids watch this shit....CENSORED!
Chris can't stand still for one freakin second. I love it. I wish I could have pulled something in his ass. Yes, please.
Apparently, Joey has big hips. His daughters are doomed.
Impress me and Undress Me. OH YES. PLEASE. PLEASE?
Too bad they look really good doing the dance that fast. I was dying...everyone was on JC's shit that night.
Too bad she's 16. DAMN! Too bad Joey would still consider it....
Day one. Done. Wow. My groin hurts....dude, Jaycee may be my #5, but that was some funny ass shit. Go boy, go!