Uh, It's Justin's Um, Speach From, Uh, the Timberlake, Ya Know, Foundation.

Here is the transcript of Justy's speach at the White House. Its, um, really adorable, ya know, that um, he is uh, having a little trouble, uh, being articulate....the comments within the text are not ours it was the way we got it, so that's the way you will get it too. LOL. We reserve our rights to comment at the end.

Hilary - Well, Justin, I would be very interesting in having you perhaps talk a bit about what, uh, motivated you to want to give back and what you anticipate your foundation doing. (Throughout Justin’s whole speech, she was sitting with her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her clasped hands, and looking at Justin the entire time.)

Justin – Um, well thank you very much. Um, before I begin I gotta be honest – this isn’t the normal pop group demographics. (Lots of audience laughter and Justin smiles.) But, uh, nevertheless, I don’t always get to dress up to go to work, so I’m very excited to be here, to talk about what I, uh, just started a couple of weeks, ago, it’s the Justin Timberlake (he says his own name much faster than he says anything else) foundation. I remember one of my close friends, um, he asked me one time, “If you could use one word to describe your life, what would it be?” And I thought about it, and I said, “I would use the word blessed.” Um, let me tell you what I mean. I’ve been very lucky in my life; I’ve landed what started as a hobby, and it became a career for me. And with that in mind, I think back to when I used to attend a public school, before I really started pursuing my career with ‘N Sync (kind of nods his head in various directions to punctuate the group’s name) and where that’s leading me. And I was in a very small town outside Memphis, TN, in a public school, about the age of 10 or 11, and I had so many dreams, and so many aspirations of the arts and music and entertainment, and there was never ever really any way for me to outlet that, to find a way, to find a way to pursue that. And um, I thought about it and for a while and talked this over with my parents, and I remember my parents always saying, “Remember your roots, whatever happens, remember your roots, remember where you came from,” and that’s what I’m doing now. I want to give back to the community; I want to install the best possible music and arts programs in schools – public schools, today. You notice that, um, (says “thanks” to the man sitting next to him on the panel, as an aside, but everyone laughs). You notice that if it’s not an arts school so to speak, you don’t really find as many arts programs. And I feel that, music in my life – I’ve used it to channel so many emotions, so many positive and negative emotions that I may have been feeling at the time – I feel that if you give young minds and young hearts those possibilities, that they can really do something positive with it, instead of all these negative situations that we’re so recently seen in the past year of two with public schools, high schools. So I’ve just started this so recently, two weeks ago, and in the next, you know, couple of months I’m gonna be working with the Giving Back fund, who’s helping me start this foundation, and in the next couple of you’ll be hearing of ways that you can definitely help me, give back to the kids, and help them, because I really think, music has been a way of my life, I think it should be a way OF life, it’s such a great form of expression and, uh –

(Everyone starts clapping. Paul Newman puts his pencil in his mouth so he can clap – how great is that! Hillary leans over to whisper sonething in Bill’s ear. Then she turns back around and nods and raises her eyebrow to Bill (I think she was impressed) while clapping. You know she was thinking, “Why does Chelsea have a crush on Lance instead of Justin? That doesn’t make any sense.”)

Justin - And um that’s it. I just want to give back. Thank you. (When he says “thank you,” he raises his hands up, palms facing out – it’s wicked adorable.)

(The next speaker is a woman who I think works for the Giving Back fund, or some other youth oriented charity, and when Hilary introduces her, she says …)

You might say that we’re in business to create more Justin Timberlakes.

Editorial Comments:

Hilary has the right idea. Stare at Justin's greatness. Especially when it is in a suit. Yummay.

8 uh/um's and only 1 ya know. Pretty good for being nervous.

Remember your roots Justin, remember your roots. Hint: Its the suburbs of Tennessee, not the ghetto. We need to keep reminding him.

Was he really in school all that long? Yeah, I didn't think so.

I love the end of the speach. Funny. He's all like, OK. I'm done. LOL.

If that lady figures out how to make more Justin Timberlakes.....hook me up with her number.

Damnit, why does he have to be so cute?

JC is adopted (take him home)