Since it's the end of the year, we thought we would take a stroll down memory lane, and see what they guys had written in their yearbooks....


Hey budy!! Well this year has flown by soooo incridibly fast. From when we first fought over that 14 year old prostatoot in detroit and you kicked my ass, I new we'd be good freinds. I'm sorry for always leaving my medicinces and hos in your bunk. Dont worry about acxidently running me over with your benz. I furgive you because your my freind. =). Thanks for letting me have britney sometimes. Ow, actually my hand is starting to hurt and my brain too actually. Superman 4-eva!!

your freind always,


I hate you. I wanted those solos. I DESERVED those solos. I am the star. I am the glue that holds us together. I am the one that writes the jazz vershion. I am the one that is dope-ily fresh. I am the one with talent. NOT YOU. Have a great summer! Keep in touch!!



I'm from Mississippi, and you're from Tennessee. I wanted to give you my deepest thanks for giving me your hot pills. Please, don't make me ever play basketball again because I am so bad at it. It really pisses me off that you get all the fuckin solos. Damnit Justin, why do you have to be so good at everything? Shit, I have to go call my mom. Take care and God Bless.



Whazzzzzzzzupppppp?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! HA HA HA HA. You are so crazy man! Stay the same! DUDE!!! I love beating your ass at every video game ever created. THAT'S THE BEST!!!!!! HA HA HA I guess you're NOT good at everything!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Word to your mother!!!! God, I'm funny!!!!!!!!


I am sorry for alwayz pissing you off, but I furgive you for beeting me with the stick. It didnt huurt to bad. I am alsoo sory for screwing youre girlfreind actually, but she was all up in my shit, what wuz I supossed to doo? I hopefuly hope I wil actually try harder nexxt time to keeep my hands too myslef. Thanke yoou fur leting me dance on MMC to. Superman 4-eva!

Your freind,

Yo C -- Mah Man!,

Shit bro, ah have known your dope ass foreva! Ah know dat you be singin betta den me and shit but whoop whoop der it is bro, ah be mor popula den yo tired ass. Don't hate me cuz ah'm beautiful. Check dis, you be gettin da bling bling on but you still be drivin yo shitty ass Jeep. Bro, if ya want da fly hunnies, yo gots to get yoself a new ride. Dat be where its at, yo. Ah'm just watchin yo back bro.

Peace and luv in da hood,
JRT Bitch


I just want you to know that I pray for you every night. I know that it is a really tough thing to deal with being addicted to crack. I have bookmarked some Bible verses for you to help you through the rough times in life. God damnit, I have to go call my mom in Mississippi, cuz I'm from Mississippi. Shit. Piss. Gotta go.

God Bless You My Friend,


STOP BEING SO BORING!!!! You are just boooorrrrriiiinnnngggggggg. You need to loosen up man! Live a little!!!! YEAH!!!!!! And just a word of advise from someone older, stop jumping like that or you are gonna end up needing a knee brace like me. WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!! DUDE!!!!

I'm outta here...
Chris Kirkpatrick


Bro, you gots to check yoself befo you wreck yoself. Stop bringin dem nasty ass hoes back on da bus yo. Ah mean, unless you be sharin dem wit dis ass. Yaknowhahmsayin? Yo, ah just want to say dat if you gonna be borrowin mah Benz, you best be cleanin up da back seat when you be thru with yo shit. Rememba to always bring a jimmy hat yo...Peace.

One fo me, and one fo mah homies,


I make no apologies for beating you on a daily basis. You deserve it. I try to remind myself that you are special, but it doesn't help. Please don't open your mouth in public again, you make us all look stupid. And STOP bringing those dirty whores on the bus, especially when you mistake my bunk for yours. I have my pillows and stuff mushed around in my bunk, just like I like it. Hope to see you soon!!!! KIT.


My dearest Joey,

What I will always remember you for, was that one night when you thought I was one of your hoes. That was one of the best nights of my life. Thank you for always taking me out to the bar and getting me fucking wasted on gin and tonics. Thank you for always picking up the soap in the shower when I drop it. Shit Joey, you complete me, cuz I'm from Mississippi.

I Love You Always and Forever,



P.S. J/K!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA.

Christopher Allen Kirkpatrick III (not really the III)


Wherre do I begine? We have goten sooo "close" ovar the past few years. I feal like I no everyting about you, but I lern something knew every day. I can stil rembeber the first time I saw u. The way ur hair glisttened in the sunlite. The way youre eyes gazzed into myne. Our past has ben so gret togehter actually, I cantt wait fur the fuuture. Nevar change, staye the same alwayz. Superman 4-eva!

Your freind,

Yo bro,

Ah be glad dat you gots yo shit togetha and stopped lookin like a damn bitch. Ah'm bout ready to get out mah 9 yo, on yo ass doh cuz you be all hot and shit to da hunnies now. And yo yo, ya'll know mah ass should be da foinest blond up in dis mutha fucka. You betta watch yo back bro, and don't even think bout messin with mah bitches. Peace.

Ghetto luv,
What's mah name foo? Justin


Thanks for never stealing the spotlight bro. You know I deserved those solos. You know I did. But dude, stop swearing in public man. You know how upset that makes me. If you keep it up, I am gonna have to whip you with my WWJD bracelet. Keep that in mind. Have a swell summer!



YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!! We are both so hot now!!!! YEAH!!!!!! HAHAHAH. We are both so popular now!!! WE RULE!!! THAT'S THE BEST!!!!!

Crazy Chris


I actually want too thanke you foor remindding me houw much i suck on a daley bases actually. I am sooo sorre for droping you on youre head wen I wuz triing to flip you. I just want too sey that I knever put my hands on Danielle, deespite the roomers. Superman 4-eva!

Youre freind,


Yo man, you be one crazy ass mutha fucka all up in here! Ah'd like to give you a shout out yo for inspirin mah new hair. Braids be where its at foo! Ah still be trippin on the fact dat yo damn pooch shit all up in mah bunk, but that be coo yo, we still be bros. Thanks fo neva bein fly enough to steal mah hunnies.

Peace and fro grease,

Dear Chris,

Well my man we are once again at the end of the year. As I reflect on all we've been through together, all I can say I can say is... WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU ASKED JUSTIN IN THE GROUP?? I could have been the favorite damnit. No question about it. You better flip the script cuz only reason this group even makes it in the business world is because I have to carry all of you asses on my back, singlehandedly. I am the one with the talent. I am with the one with the experience. Not that curly haired sonofabitch. All he does is strut his shit on the stage and thrust a lot. I will never forgive you if my solo career doesn't work out and I can't pay Jerome. Bobbi will beat the shit out of you, too and trust me, it's not fun. Have a neat summer!



Even though we don't talk, I am glad that we met. If I wasn't from Mississippi, would you be my friend? Piss, my mom is calling from Mississippi.

Take care and God Bless,
Lance Bass

JC is adopted (take him home)