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Reavis in Church Records

This compilation is on data I have found and been given from many sources.

NOTES: (by Mrs. Sue Koon)
1829 Morgan Reavis was a member
Clayton Brown wed Lucinday Reavis on 13 Oct 1817 with Morgan Reavis, bondsman
Thornton Brown and Elizabeth Ravis on 1 June 1816
Jimmy Bradley was witness for James Reavis, Jr's will, probated July 1803
Oct 1782 George Revis appeared on a charge of treason against the Senate. Trial was lad over til next court. Betsy Burge wed William Reavis

BILL'S CREEK BAP CH-200 yr History 1782-1982 pg 108>br?

Case of Isaac Ledbetter:
Borther John Whiteside requested a letter of dismissal for Brother Isaac Ledbetter on 2-19-1833. M. Reavis (probably (James) Morgan Reavis went to Tn thereaft) objected on the ground of his horse running races, therefore, the letter was not granted. Brother Henry Pettit was appointed to talk to Isaac Ledbetter and if he gave Bro. Pettit satisfaction it would be to the satisfactrion of the Church. Brother Pettit reported on 3-15-1833that he had not seen Brother Isaac Ledbetter. On 4-20-1833 Brother Isaac Ledbetter, being present, the charge was made known to him. He denited having anyh knowledge of his horses running and if they were it was without his consent, therefore the Church agreed to give him a letter of dismissal. He then requested a letter of dismissal for his negro boy Jack. It too was objected to by M. Reavis because he had seen him ride a race. The church agreed to give him a letter provided he would acknowledge his wrong for so doing before the letter was..."


Frm notes of son of Rev. S.S. May (who was minister at Deep Creek for nearly 60 years)

The arm of seven appointed by Cross Roads Church were George Baity, Andy Cranfill, Joel Reavis, Francis Danner, Monroe Hendricks, and others.
Rev. S.S. May was elected moderator,
Anderson Hoots elected clerk.

After the names of members were enrolled in a church register, they were given the hand of fellowship.

Then a name for the body was in order and Brother Joel Reavis made a short talk and suggested it be "Deep Creek". He said there was a Baptist Church by that name a few miles east, many years ago.

"BEAR CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH" 1792-1860 Rowan/Davie Co NC Was constituted March 30, 1792 with 98 charter members (now Flat Rock Baptist Ch in Yadkin Co NC)
Some Reavis/Revis/Revice charter members were: John Revis, Sarah Revas, Ann Revice, Edward Reavis, Prudence Revice (w/o Jno-2 or Jess-2?), Jesse Revice, Ruth Revice, David Revice, James Revis, Martha Revis,Mary Revis, Mary Reavis

Apr 5, 1800, Rev. Brumbey Coker was ordained to the pastorate of Bear Creek Baptist Church by Rev. Lasures Whitehead and Benjamin Buckner

Brothers William Pety, Lasures Whitehead, Joseph Murphy, Peater Eaton, appointed Thomas Beamon, John Revis as prior Elders, and Solomon Thomas Decon
after examination of the weight of Duty they Reserved them in full fellowship as a gospel church of Crist into all the Preveleges of such Constitution..." (spelling as in church document).

frm Bear Creek Baptist Church Meetings (Davie Co. Public Library, Mocksville, NC)(frm Ben)

A list of members composing Bear Creek Church "1834"

A list of males arranged alphabetically from the rolls found at the back of the church book: Revice, David
Revice, William W. - exe.
Revis John - dead
Reavis, William - dis. by letter
Revice, Jessie - dead (must be Jesse-2 aft 1835)
Revis, Andrew - exe
Revice, Anderson - exe.

Roll of 1839 not included
A list of females arranged alphabetically from the rolls found at the back of the church book.
Revice, Nancy - dis.

Names of Males 1839
John Revis - dead (could be John-2 prob Feb 1842)
David Revis
Wm. W. Revis

Names of females 1839
Prudence Revis
Nancy Revis - dismist

Nancy Revis - dismist
............females roll of

Frm "EATON BAPTIST MEETING HOUSE" Records, November 24, 1772 to April 25, 1818, original in Wake Forest College Library, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Eaton Baptist Meeting House Records "October the fifth ye 1772"

At the Constitution of the reagular Baptist Church in North Carolina Roan County in the Forke of the Yadkin there was ten members. Their names are as followeth William Cook, the minister, James Tompkins, Ebenezer Fairchild, Abraham and Triphena Adams, Thomas Easteb, Susan Easteb, Savid Reavis, Jeminma Reavis, Jesse Reavis.

There has been added sence Mary Easteb by letter November the 22 year 1772
Elesabath Tompkins added by letter
Veara Bra added 1772 by letter
Benjamin Cutbeard added by baptism on the seaventh day of March 1772
fifteen members in the whole.

(1773) June the fifth at our quarterly meeting there was added by Baptism John Eaton and Elesabeth his wife
there was also added James Reavis and his wife by letter September the 17 (?) 1773
at a meeting held a Boons Ford on the Yadkins there was aded Nicholas White Hannah Lews Bathelem Canday Leah Garrawood nineteen in the whole.

Frm ROWAN COUNTY REGISTER pg 198 date unknown The Ed. herewith supplies a little background information. Eaton's Baptist Church, known as Dutchman Creek Baptist until 12 Dec. 1790, was organized 5 Oct. 1772, with the Rev. William Cook the first minister. Most of the membership was English, although there were many Germans in the area. A typed copy of the church minutes beg. 1773 is located in the Flossie Martin Room of the Davie County Library, 371 N. Main street, Mocksville, NC 27028. The church roll for 1787 lists 189 names including those of Abraham Adams, Jonathan Hunt, Ebenezer Fairchild, David Reavis, John Eaton, Georte Eaton, James Dial, Geo. Hedspeth, George Boone, Acquilla Green, Edward Moore, Abraham Hawkins, John Hunt, Andrew Hunt, Thomas Eastep, Benjamin Cutbeard, Daniel Lewis, Edward Moore, Joseph Brandley, Elias Barnes, Silvester Baker, Joseph Whitley, Richard Cook. The church is situated in the northwestern quadrant of present day David County off hiway 601 on rural road #1415.

BAPTIST CHURCH ON BEAR CREEK, DAVIE CO., NC. Extracts copied from the original manuscript church book (sp as in record) Baptist Church on Bear Creek (started) on March the 30th, year 1792 by a Grant from Brother Pety's Church to become a Constutition. Brother Pety and Brother Whitehead appointed to Constitute Brother Josep Murphy Entertained the Congregation with a Sermon Preached from the 1 Peter 26th 5 v (?) after Sermon the Church took their seats After examination by the Prisbatery to it Brother Wm. Pety Lasures Whitehead Joseph Murphy Peater Haten Apointed Tom (?) Beaman, John Revis as Prior elders and Solomon Jones Decon after Examination of the Weight of Duty John Beaman and John Revis as prior Elders adn Solomon Jones as Decon they ____them in full _____ as a /Gospel Church of Christ into all the preveleges of Such Constitution...we whose names is heare inroled Male: Jacob Segler Dismised, Solomon Jones Dismised, John Moor Dismised George Moor Dismised John Beamon Dismised, Thomas Parker Ded, Ameriah Gerton Ded Azekiah Crankfield Ded John Reavis John Garner Excom Vachiel Stockstill Sephiniah Swan leter Shadrick George Moor Jun Letter Enoch Edwards Letter James Beaman Letter William Rutledge AEn's Campbell(?) letter

William Edwards L Edward Reavis Richard Grevet Ex Howel Barker E Thomas Wiles E George Weeb Ex Jesse Revice Joseph Ranard David Revice L George Steelman L John Segler L Mycal Evin Robt Marlow Negrow George Tho. Holt L James Revis William Steelman E Abraham Eaton L Daniel Cain Benjamin Belt L John Ervin L(these names very difficult to read/B)

Females Lucy Holdman Susannah Stockstill Elizabeth Jones Letter Elizabeth Haddox Dismisse Sarah Stockstill Sarah Revas L Ded 1876 Mary Rutledge Elizabeth Cook Pashert Brothers L Ann Moor L Saphariah Runerd L Jannah McCannon L Ann Runard D Lewcy Rutledg Ruth Moor L Ann Revice L Mary Beaman L Prudence Revice Rebecah Edwards L Penelpy Weeb L Rebecah Herrin L Mary Swan D Sabine Belt L Ruth Revice L Elizabeth Hall L Elisabeth Steelman L Magrit Holman L Ann Sigler Elisabeth Steelman D Caterenah Holeman L Rebeccah Johnson L Margett Glascock (crossed out) Elizabeth Glascock (Crossed out) Elizabeth Stokesale L Priscilla Belt E Ann Dyson L Martha Revis L Mary Revis L Margaret Beaman

Male: Isam Hubbard L John Homes Gustavus Boswel E Negro Abraham E James Homan Negro Charles Negro Charles William Patrick D Brumbly Coker D William Coker

Females: Elisabeth Patrick D Debolah Stinsong Mary Reavis Negro Sookey Negro Let E Clary Campbell Negro Nell D Negro Sarah Rebecah Coker Ruth Jones

April the 5 Day 1792 Church Met and discharged tell time in Corce***June the 2 day 1792 church Met Received Michel Ervin by Letter and Rebecah Johnson by Exparance**Sept the 1 day 1792 Church met Chose John Beaman Deacon Concluded by the Church that is a male member is mising 2 meetings is to be Sited for his reason. Dec the 1 day Church met Agreed to take under their Consideration a Covenant and the Baptist Confesion of faith.January the 2 day of 1793 Church Met Nothing Done. Mar the 2 Church Met Agreed that a Majority Shall Settle any Controversies What Ever Except in Special Cases, Secontly we adopt a Covinant as a Rule of Fath and Practice, Thirdly we do agree to ? and sold by what Ever our Brethren Shall do in Our absence at any Church meeting. John Beeman is Appointed to Site Richard Tribit to the next meeting.

April the 6 Church met refard til the next meeting Richard Trivit and George Webb to stand.

May the 4 Sarah Revis Aplied for a Letter Granted Richard Tribit Excumincated for neglecting to hear the Church George Webb Excumunicated for neglecting to hear the Church Church ___ apointed to be on Friday before the day is corce in June Communion on Sunday following...Request from the Branch of the ??Grassy Nob?? for help for a Constitution the Church Appointed brother William Cook and John Beaman to Attend the 3 Sunday in May***May the 31 Church met and santured Robert Marlow(again tried to present their spelling)

"GOLD SPRINGS QUAKER CHURCH" 1898 built by Isaac Sanford Reavis on his land. There are a large number of his father, William, Jr descendants, that are still members of the Friends churches in the area. When Liberty Church was larger and nicer was built within walking distance of Gold Springs, most of the members moved down there including I.S. It is a Baptist Church now. From "Oct 1995 Reavis Times"; He (I.S. Reavis) was also a religious man, building a place of worship on his own property. He attended church as long as he was able. Even in his ninety's he walked to Liberty Church a mile and a half down the road. He would oftern "Discuss the Bible" in his house with a neighbor and storekeeper, Enoch Baity, until they came to a point at which they could no longer agree. Then Enoch would leave for a few days, but return later for another session (frm Don Comer)

was constituted on October 16, 1832.
Approximately sixty members were dismissed from the Bear Creek Church, which at that time would be called Tick Creek, as early as 1819, and was known as Tick Creek Meeting House until constituted as a Church in 1832. It was received into the Sandy Creek Association on October 27, 1832.

The Baptist State Convention met at Rives chapel on Aug 3, 1832. Warren Brooks who was licensed to preach by the church, was a member of the convention representing Rives Chapel. This was a historic meeting of the convention as the delegates voted to begin a school of higher learning, now Wake Forest University, and to begin publication of a state paper now known as the Bibical Recorder.

Around 1835 a new church called "MINERAL SPRINGS" was constituted. This church was formed by 35 members dismissed from Rives Chapel.

"GRACE CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH", Caldwell Co NC pastor Rev B. C. Reavis 1918-1921.

"CHRISTIAN CHURCH ", Pisgah Community, Cooper Co Mo

Materials for this church were furnished by Lewis D. Reavis, a cabinetmaker by trade.

Organized June 19, 1819.. Ruled with an Iron Hand, in early days records showing church trials of members for drinking, dancing, horse racing, swearing, fighting and joint secret societies, Masons and Odd Fellows were especially ruled against. A brother was excluded for playig a fiddle at a party. The first church building near Mr. Bowl's spring, the second near Reavis' spring, was moved to present site in 1838 (when was that ca1890)..In 1838 with John b. Longan still pastor and Samuel D. Reavis, clerk, a new house was voted by the church and the location changed to the present site. It was to be a one story brick building 30 x 50 with a gallery for the colored people. The contract for the brick work was given to Samuel D. Reavis for $299.50..the old building was sold for $31. This was followed in 1871 with a frame building 40 x 60 feet just a few feet north of the brick building. At this time J. B. Box was pastor. Joel Ponton was also one of the preachers.

Mt Pisgah Baptis Church Records Cooper Co Mo

October 3rd Saturday 1829
The Church met and after devine worship proceded to business.
34d-The Church by request grant Brother Enoch Jobe a letter of dismission S.D. Reavis, Clerk

Frm The Hx of Cass and Bates Cos, Mo pub 1883.

"PLEASANT HILL TOWNSHIP CHURCH" -July 1832. Warren P. Reavis was the first clerk.

Frm Hx of Boone Co Mo.."SUGAR CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH": The Sugar Creek congregation of the Baptist Church was organized Nov 2, 1823. The original members of the congregation were: Wm Barnes, Mark Reavis, Wm. Jones, Sr and Jr, Willie Hawkins, Levi H. Jones, John Stemmons, John Berry, John Jones, James Reavis, James Flemming, Thos. Hart, Anthony Crosby, Benj. Dale, Gavin Bledsoe, John Huntsucker, Thos. Huntsucker and Sisters Lucy Reavis, Elizabeth Betty, Tabith Crosby, Polly Flemming, Mildred Hawkins, Anna Jones, Patsy Jones and Vilette, a woman of color

Frm Hx of Johnson Co Mo

p. 531 ...promise of $200 and a small subscription from the citizens as support. Being encouraged by the prospects of building up a congreation, an organization was effected at the house of Rev. Thompson, Nov 8, 1867. The Sabbath-school was organized in the sumer of 1867, and has continued ever since, and now has a scholarship with an average membership of eighty, the whole year. James Rugg is superintendant and Rosa O. Martin, sectretary. The church and Sunday school are both entering a prosperous growth, and will no doubt, last a long time. The CHRISTIAN CHURCH of Kingsville is prominent among the churches of western Johnson county. It was organized in March, 1868, by Eld Geo. W. Longan with the following original members: Alice Fryer, Rilda Douglas, Laura Lea, Mary J. Harner, Emma Huff, Elizabeth Douthit, Dora Douthit, Elizabeth Reavis, Mary Smith, Margaret Fryer, Alice Reavis, Mary Henry, Alice Rolston, Thos. Douthit, Geo. C. Douthit, T. Henry, John R. Reavis, Sam'l McCulock, Joseph Venable, and Ashley York. ....The following ministers have labored with the church: T. J. Crenshaw, M. H. Burnett, John R. Reavis, W. R. Cunningham, John Elliot.

Frm: Hx of Bond anad Montgomery Counties, Ill pub 1882 p.155 This is about the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH in Fairview Precinct "Usually divine services were held at the house of John Reves (Reavis), on section 14, and it was his custom to gather up his congregation on his road to the meeting, as they wee generally to be found in the woods engaged in hunting or fishing." p.157

This is about the CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in Fairview Precinct. "The first trustees were....and Thomas Reaves (Reavis)."

p. 157 This is abt the United Baptist Church "THE UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH"was first organized December 30, 1869....their first minister was Rev. R. B. Reaves (Reavis)


George Reavis, Sunday School Supvr for 25 yrs died 1904
George Reavis, Church clerk 1869-1896
Newton Reavis, Deacon 1870
George Reavis, Deacon 1875
Mrs. Rosie reaivs Harris 1951 willed $25 to be used to have church history printed and framed, waslost in fire; and her brother Joe Reavis of Nashville, replaced it

Hiwassee Baptist Association, Shiloah church, Roan, Tn April 1874, representing Mt. Pleasant Church was Hampton Reavis


The Church was organized April 1872 by M.D. Tood, evangelist. Names of original mamebers were: John Burnett and wife, WOODSON REAVIS and wife, others were Blakey, Daugherty, Ward, Lounry, Jones.
