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Rev War, War of 1812, Misc & WW I


Source: MORGAN DISTRICT NC SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW & EQUITY; Misc. Records, Book III..transcription of court proceedings against suspected Tories.

"State of North Carolina, Rutherford County. At a County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions began and held for said county on the Second Monday of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Eight two, before the Worshipfull William Gilbert, James Whitrow & Jonathon Hampton and Other Justices asigned & Duly Commd. With full Power and Authority and Jurisdiction to hold the Said Court and to hear try and determine all petit larcency assault batteries trespasses breaches of the peace and Other Misdeamnors of What Kind So ever of an inferior nature AND also duly Authorised and Impowered by an Act of Assembly in such case made & provided to hear try adjudge & Determine all Cases of Confisfcated Property in the County aforesaid. The Jurors for the State on their Oath present & say that

William Mills, William Going, Arthur Taylor, Moses Whitly, Freeman Jones, Thomas Townsend, Phelemon Hankins, Joseph McDaniel, Jeremiah McDaniel, John Hendrix, James Kelly, James Lemar, William Adams Sen., Williams Adams Jr., James Upton, Benjamin Adams, Benjamin Adams Junr., John Morgan, Moses Wright, William Henson Jur., Giles Williams, Essex Capshaw, John McDaniel, Joseph Clark, John Thomason, John Owins, Thomas Gorge, William Thompson, Jeremiah Webb, John Walburt, Isaih Blackwell, William Webb, John Webb, Thomas Camp, Micajah Proctor, John Camp, James Camp, John Camp Jur., David Morgan, William Nettle Jr, Alexanter Colter, Joseph Moore, William Morgan, Thoms Goodbread, John King,Elias Morgan Senr., James Cook Senr., John Goodbread, GEORGE REVIS, William Duning, Phillip Goodbread Jur, Federick Jones, ISHAM REVIS, John Davice, Neel Wilye, Ambros Mills, George Davice, George Davice Jur., Gideon Rucker, Stophen Walburt, James Chitwood, Joseph Chitwood, Richard Chitwood, William Battle, James Capshaw, John Richardson, Stephen Langford, Joseph Lawrence, Joseph Underwood, Stephen Shelton, Andrew Poor, John Hutson, John Morris, William Hall, Shadrack Nettle, Tho. Whitesides, Elias Brock, Mark Powell, William Henry, Bama King, Giles Reynolds, Samuel Moore, Daniel Singleton, Jonas Bedford, Samuel Thompson, William Green, Isaac Cooper, Abel Langham, Benjamin Biggerstaff, Joseph Baily, Mupphord Wilson, Caleb Taylor, Peter Dills, George Cox Jur., Edward Francis, Shadrach Avery, Arthur Owensby, George Cox, John Jones, Samuel Hendrix, John & Joel Cox, David George, John Felts, Jesse Nettle, William Henson Sen., Brock Davice, James Patterson, William Shaphard, Benjamin Moored, William Capshaw, Robert Tayor of Whiteoak

all late of the County of Rutherford Planters, not reguarding the Duty of their Allegance to the said State & her laws of fearing the pains and penelties therein Contained on the first day of October in the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty with force & Arms in the County aforesaid Wickedly & treacherously entending and and Designing as for as in them lay to Overturn the present free Government of this State & reduce the inhabitants thereof Under the Power of the Army of Great Britain then & now at Open War with this State and the United States of America did then & there with force and Arms feloinously & treacherously Knowingly & Willfully did aid & assist the said King by Joining his Army Commanded by Major Ferguson and by bearing Arms in the Service of the said King Against the Good Government Peace and Dignity of this State, and the Jurors aforesaid on their Oath aaforesaid do further Present & say that by their felony and treason by them respective in Manner & form aforesaid Committed have Severally forfeited their Goods & Chattles lands & tenements to the State according to a form of An Act of Assembly in Such Case made & provided A True Bill- William Porter foreman"
A true Copy of the inquisition found by the Grand Jury - certified by me
Fexlix Walker CC


State of Illinois-Madison County

Personally appeared before me the undersigned clerk of the circuit Court of the County of Madison and State of Illinois Henry Reavis a resident of the said County of Madison who is a credible person who first being duly sworn according to law makes oath and says, that, he has been well acquainted with Harris Revis, who has made an application for a pension under the Law of 7th June 1832. At the December term of the County Commissioners Court of the County of Montgomery, which said application was sworn to beore the said court on the fourth day of December A.D. 1833, from the earliest time of his existence to the present time. That he recollects that he and the Said Harris Reves volunteered as stated in the declaration of the said Harris Revis in the yera 1775 but at what time in the year he canot now Recollect and were out in the service three months and that the said Harris served for three months to this deformants own knowledge and was a private as stated in the said Harris' declaration. This deformant was not with the said Harris during the tour of twenty five days but believes the said Harris performed the service as states by him.

That he believes that the said Harris Revis served as stated in 1780 although this deformant was not with him at that time, but he knows of the said Harris Revis going ----during this ----time of his service on furlought for a few days, while at Salisbury, and believes that the said Harris served at least one whole year at that time. But much of the time this despondent was separated from the said Harris as this depondant was in South Carolina at times.

And further this depondant saith and sworn to and subscribed this 11 day of December A.D. 1833 Henry Reavis
his mark

NC Reavis, Harris
State of Illinois
Montgomery Co.
December Term 1833

On this second day of December 1833 personally appeared in Open Court for the County ___ of the County of Montgomery in the State of Illinois now Sitting, Harris Reavis a resident of Hurrican Township in the county and State aforesaid aged Seventy nine years or nearly so who being first duly Sworn according to law, doth on his oath made the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832

That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named officers and Served as herein Stated-viz: he entered in SurryCountyy in the State of North Carolina very early in the Revolutionary War but does not recollect the exact date of entering served under Col. JosephWilliams, Major Winston, Capt Jacob Free, Lieut. James Sanders and after serving three months Was discharged in the same county to which his services were chiefly confined Said three months he served as a volunteer private-he next served a short tour of twenty five days about one year after his first discharge in Rutherford County in the state of N. Carolina under Capt. George Dickey as a volunteer private, his companybeing collected forte purpose of chastising a gang of tories who had made an inroad into the county-he entered again in the year 1780 in July as he believes at Salisbury in the State of N.Carolina as a volunteer under Capt Langhom and continued there twelve months and assisted in building the Laboratory in that place.

I hereby relinquish every claim to a pension or any anuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Interrogatories propounded by the Court to the said Reavis.
1st Where and in What year were you born? Ans: in Northampton County in the State of North Carolina in the month of December 1754
2nd Have you any record of your age and if so where is it?
Ans. I have none.
3rd Where were you living when called into the Service; where have you lived Since the Revolutionary War, and where do you now live?
Ans: in Surry Countyy in North Carolina when I entered the service. Since the Revolutionary War I have lived in the State of North Carolins, several years afterward in the State of Kentucky about 10 years and lastly in this State where I have lived about 17 or 18 years. I now live in Montgomery Countyy in the State of Ills.
4th How were you called into the service; Were you drafted, did you volunteer, or were you a substitute; and if a Substiture for Whom?
Ans I entered as a volunteer and so continued through all my terms of Service
5th State the names of Some of the regular officers who were with the troops where you served such Continental or military regiments as you can recollect and the general Circumstances of your Service? And. There were no regular Officers with the troops Where I served there was one Capt. Delany who came along When I was at Salisbury While I served there for some time, there were no Continentals except the troops belonging to Salisbury.,br> 6th Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so by whom was it given and what has become of it? Ans. I received a discharge for my first tour of service but have lot it for the other tours I never received any discharge
7th State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify as to your character for veracity and good behavior you ___ view as a soldier of the revolution?
Ans. I am acquainted with the Reverend Henry Sears and Easton Whitter (?)
Harris Reavis
his mark

Revolution War Service

War of 1812, Misc. and WW I

Misc RW Pension data