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I Finally Found Someone!

The words to the song say it all!

It is so wonderful to find that special someone!

Someone that makes your heart sing on rainy days!

Someone to make you smile even when your in pain!

Someone who takes the gray sky and turns it blue!

Someone that makes you feel like yelling I Love You to the world!

Someone who makes you smile when your alone and your thinking of them....You know that silly!

Someone that makes your heart race when they come on line!

Someone that makes you feel like you are the most loved person in the world.

Someone that takes all the troubles of your day away and turns your nights into heaven.

When you finally find that someone...nothing can take its place.

When you do find that special true to them for love is too precious to play with.

Always mean your I love you's!

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I Finally Found Someone by Bryan Adams and Barbara Streisand