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Idioms Resource Page

Below is a list of some sites that will prove to be helpful in lesson planning
for teaching idioms in the ESL classroom. Have fun! J

Idiom Links / Idiom Quizzes

Idiom Links:

 Dave's ESL Café is a site that is full of great ideas for idiom lesson
plans! Go to it.

 Go to the page on Dave Sperling's site about Idioms and Their
Meanings with Examples.

 Learn about Idioms with a daily lesson on English Mentor's site called
Daily English.

 Here on Map of Idioms you can find examples of idioms from all
over the world by clicking on the map.

 Here's a site by Mr. Aizen called Idioms that offers explanations of
English idioms.

 Find out about many types of idioms here on a Crazy English idiom

 Idioms are also called cliches. Go to the award-winning page
called The Book of Cliches to find out more.

 This site called English Idioms by Webfriends offers explanations of
idioms and much more…

 The Idiom Connection is a useful site for teachers. Check it out for
some great ideas!

 T-Man's TESL page will give you a wide variety of links and information pertinent to the field! Go to

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Idiom Quizzes:

Quiz about Idioms and Body Parts on Vera Mello's page.

 Quiz about Idioms and Food located at Letitia Bradley's site.

 Quiz about Idioms Beginning with A on another one of Letitia
Bradley's pages.

 Give a quiz about idioms with colors at Kenneth Beare's page.

 Use this quiz for your class on idioms and the body from Kenneth
Beare's Body Idioms page.

 Kenneth Beare's page also offers a quiz on action verb idioms.

 Give a quiz from Kaye Mallory's page about animal idioms.

 Quiz your students on number idioms at Sian Baldwin's page.

 Quiz your students on business idioms. Go to Pearson Brown's page.

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