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Before you enter... please read the following:


We are in NO relation to any of the bands, their management, family, or  friends. Though some of us are a part of one of the music groups, you  know how to contact us anyways. Please do not send us hate mail or  messages to send to the music groups. This story is completely FICTION. It is made up by FANS. Some scenes might be actual occurances, but they just happened to pop into the story. This story isn't based on anything/anyone in particular. Please remember, this is all a Fan Fiction. That means it's not real..

   This story is rated PG-13 for language and alcohol use. It is not yet finished and the rating might change. This means, only mature fans and/or people over the age 13 are allowed to read this. If you do not find yourself mature enough to handle profanity and alcohol, then I suggest you leave now and not let us all have to suffer through your immatureness. You've been warned, so don't come crying to me about there being too much bad things in this story.

You may now ENTER our tour bus!