I joined drama my freshman year with my two best friends. I
imagine a life without the theatre and the special bond the grows
actors especially right before a performance. Drama has also taught me
patience, especially when it comes to ensemble pieces, everyone has
their own
idea about how things should be done. And then there's the unmistakable
feeling that rushes through your body right before every performance,
like fear and security, being happy and terrified all at the same time
believe it's what drives actors to keep reaching for the stars.
We've been through 3 moderators in 3 years and we're expecting yet
new moderator next year, some were bad and others were worse, but it
amazes me how the troupe seems to stick together no matter who gets
thrown at
us. I love u guys.
- Annie - Tessie
- West Side Story Teresita
- Christmas Carol - Caroler
- Two Rooms - Robin