written by Lilly
on July 15th 1993
The Southern Cross shines
Brighter than ever overhead
I look to the sky
And the pale moonlight
Shines upon my face
And I smile, for perhaps
You are looking towards
The sky tonight, as well
I am lulled into
A soporific mood
By the gentle crashing
Of the salty waves
The scent of the sea
Nourishes my senses
And reminds me of
How you used to be
I yearn to be with you
Wherever you are
Think of me tonight
I look to the stars
Playing their games
Of peek-a-boo
With the world below
And wonder if I
Shall ever see you
Again in my world
And I think to myself
Does the Southern Cross
Shine brightly in
Your part of the world?
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