Justin returned to the room late that night. He knew that Anya and the baby would be asleep and he didn't want another confrontation with her. He had been with Joey since Jen was at home. He told him that Emma was sick or something and he needed to stay with Joey the night. No one asked any questions when Anya didn't show up for dinner. They all assumed she was in the room with the baby.

Justin quietly went into the room so he wouldn't wake them up. He walked over to where his other bags were and was going to pack them up. When he reached the dresser, he could see from the moonlight shining through the curtain, that there were only two bags left. He remembered seeing four or five earlier that night. Something inside him told him to look on the bed for Anya and the baby. When he saw nothing, he immediately turned on the light. He searched the small room but couldn't find any sign of them. They were gone, bags packed and left. He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. What the hell is happening here?

He got up and found an envelope sitting on top of one of his bags. He opened it to find that there was a note address to him. He read the note:


I just want you to know that the baby is fine. I decided to leave and take Emma with me. I couldn't stay with you any longer. I don't know what this person is trying to do to us, but it looks like she has won. She told me that I would lose everything and be left alone, well, I guess she was right. I am sorry you told everyone about us, I really am. I never intended for any of this to happen, but I can't stand in front of you and work things out. By you wanting an explanation for what that letter said, tells me that you don't trust me. I have never given you any indication of being unfaithful to you. I do not now nor ever want anyone else and to have you think that, makes me sick to my stomach. If I weren't 100% with you, I would have never let you tell anyone about us. I know how hard that was for you and the fact that you were willing to sacrifice everything for us, made me love you more. Then, you turn on me and believe some girl that thinks I am after her boyfriend. I only wanted you, why couldn't you believe me? I shouldn't have to explain myself to you. I think…no, I know I have shown you many times how much I love you and want you in my life. I can't believe you would ever think otherwise. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this, I would be too ashamed to even mention it, but I do want you to know that I will not be in Florida when you return. I have to go somewhere and think about everything.


Justin folded the note and placed it in his bag. He sat on the floor and buried his head in his hands and cried. He had jumped to conclusions about Anya and now he had lost her. He let his pride get in the way and she was gone and took Emma with her. He had no idea where she would have gone. A few minutes later, he snapped out of it and walked over to the phone. He picked it up and called Anya's mother to see if she was there.

"No Justin, Anya is not here. I haven't heard from her in a while. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, she just said she was leaving for a while but forgot to tell me where. I just thought she would be going to see you."

"Well, look, if she does come here, I'll have her call you, okay?'

"Thank you. Again, sorry to wake you up. I'll talk to you soon."

Justin dialed another number.


"Hi, is Lisa there?"

"Yes she is, may I ask who's calling?" A man on the other line asked.

"Um…tell her it's Justin."

"Hold on."

A minute later, "Hey Justin, what's up?"

"Lisa, hey, nothing much. I was wondering if you have heard from Anya? She said she was going on a trip but forgot to tell me where."

"Oh, that doesn't sound like Anya. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine, please, have you talked to her?"

"Sorry Justin, but no I haven't. If I do, is there any message you want me to give her?"

"Tell her to please call me and that I love her."

"I'll tell her…if I talk to her."

"Thanks, Lisa, bye."

"Bye Justin." Lisa hung up the phone and turned to her company on the couch. "He says for you to call him and that he loves you. What is going on?"

Anya looked to the ground. "He thought I was cheating on him." That was all she said.

Lisa walked over to her best friend and hugged her. "He sounded really worried about you. Maybe you should call him."

"I can't, not right now. He believed someone else's lies and I have to think about all of this. Can we stay for a little while until I get things right in my head?"

"Sure you can but I don't think it is your head that you have to make right. Anya, your heart belongs to Justin. I can't believe I'm saying this, you know I wasn't fond of you getting together with him in the first place, but you have to know how much that boy loves you and Emma. He has opened his heart to you and told the world how much he cares for you. I got a copy of the magazine you were in. I just want to say that those pictures don't lie. Here…" She handed Anya the magazine and opened it up to their article. "Look at you two. Look at the way he looks at you and you look at him. That is something that can't be faked. You have something together that can't be broken. Don't turn your back on that, you may never have it again."

"But he didn't believe me."

"You didn't give him a chance. You told him to leave and then walked out yourself. Yes, he jumped to the wrong conclusions about you but he is human, he makes mistakes. You can't blame him for feeling a little worried. Look at you, you are beautiful, smart, have a great sense of humor and added to the fact that he is never around but for more than a couple of days at a time, sure he could worry about you being with another guy."

"But I would never do that. I love him too much to hurt him."

"Well, you're hurting him right now. Anya, call him, explain to him why you left, why you are hurt, that you love him, and want to be with him. Reassure him that he is the only one for you. Go back to him. You guys have come so far. You can't give up now."

Anya sat there listening to every word her friend said. She hadn't seen Lisa in months and she missed her friend more than anything. She could tell right away when she walked into the apartment, that Lisa had changed, and she knew it was because of Jeff. Lisa had never been the one that stuck up for relationships. When there was trouble, she was the first to leave. Now, from being with Jeff, Lisa had found that relationships take work, take time, take two people to make it last. She had found what was missing in her life and knew the joy of being with someone you loved. Anya was happy for her friend.

Lisa also knew that Anya had found her love, too. Justin wasn't the best choice for her friend, in the beginning. Lisa thought he was too young and too famous for Anya. Anya had just had the toughest year of her life with Ben and she didn't need another heart break, especially from Mr. Teen Heartthrob himself. Eventually, Lisa began to see that when Justin and Anya were together, everything around them cease to exist. They were in their own little world and Lisa couldn't help but see how much they loved each other. If it was the last thing she would do, Lisa was determined to help her friend get back to Justin.

"Look, I won't say anything else tonight. Emma is already asleep. Why don't you join her and we can see how tomorrow goes. Please, just think about what I said and remember that no matter what you chose to do, I will stand by you."

"Thank you, Lisa, for everything." Anya hugged her friend before retreating to the guest room.

She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Justin. I swore to myself that I wouldn't let anyone come between us again and here I am running from him. I didn't give him any explanation. I didn't tell him the letter contained lies. I didn't stop him from leaving. Why? That was the question of her life. Why did she not stop this from happening? She stayed up a while longer, figuring out the answer.

Chapter 11

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