Justin arrived home late that night. He had been at the park where he first met Anya, trying to think of how he could get her to come home. Whenever he felt lonely lately, he would go to the basketball court and sit on the ground and think back to when he met her. He remembered every detail of that day and how it changed his life. She had been so scared to be around him at first because of what had happened to her with Ben. He remembered the look in her eyes when they first met, when he took his shirt off in front of her, when she laughed at him, and when she told him about Ben. The fear that she must have been feeling that day, haunted him. Someone had hurt her to the point that she couldn't look another guy in the eye. She couldn't touch another guy. She could barely be in the same room with another guy. He started to think back to after she had told him about Ben and that they never really talked about it. Anya just warmed up to him and they became friends and eventually more. Ben was one topic they never discussed. Justin thought he was doing something good by trying to keep her mind off of the past but after sitting there at the park, tonight, he realized he did her more harm than good.

No wonder she needed to get away, I never let her talk about the past. I just assumed she was beyond that since everything seemed fine but I guess when something traumatic like that happens, you need to talk about it more than once. I tried to fill her heart with love but I didn't realize that she first had to empty it of all the pain. I understand, Anya, I understand now.

Since he parked the car in the garage, he never made it to the front door. It wasn't until the next afternoon when he decided to get up and go get the paper that he noticed the note from the guys. It told him to meet them at his parents' house by 2:00 p.m. He had no idea what was going on but went anyway.

When he pulled into the driveway, he noticed a lot of cars. He got out and was immediately tackled by Chris. "It's about time you got here. You just about ruined the surprise."

"What are you talking about, and get off me." Chris stood up and led him into the house. There stood his parents and the rest of the guys. "Okay, what is going on and why are you all looking at me like that?"

From around the corner, Justin caught a glimpse of a baby blanket. When the others saw what he was looking at, they all started smiling. "Go ahead, someone is waiting in there for you." His mother said.

Justin walked into the living room to find his daughter and Anya asleep on the couch. He turned around to look at the others. "How did you get her to come home?"

"WE didn't, JC did."

He looked to his friend and felt a tug at his heart. Somehow JC had convinced Anya to come home and he couldn't be happier but he knew that happiness would be short lived when he told JC about Beth. How was he going to do this to his friend? "You can thank me later, man, they have driven all night and just fell asleep. Maybe now things can get back to normal."

I don't know after I tell you about your girlfriend. "Yeah, thanks." He gave JC a small smile and then returned his attention to the couch. He bent down to get a better look at them. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Here they were, the two most important people, outside the guys and his family, right in front of him. He had wished for this moment ever since he said goodbye to Anya.

He reached over and placed a hand on his daughter's face. She was so beautiful that it almost brought tears to his eyes. His angel was home. He looked to her mother and his heart started beating faster. He hoped she was home, too.

He carefully picked Emma up out of Anya's arms and carried her in to the kitchen. He held her a minute then asked his mom to watch the baby. She agreed and he returned to Anya. She was laying on her back with her head facing the back of the couch. He bent back down and placed his head on her stomach. He remembered that she had done the same thing in New York to him. He whispered to her, "whatever I did, I am so sorry. Please don't be mad at me, I love you."

"You stole my line."

He brought his head up and looked at Anya. Her eyes were open and she had tears in them. "I thought you were asleep."

"And I thought you didn't hear me when I said the same thing to you."

"I always hear every word you say, but sometimes I just don't listen."

She smiled to him and began to sit up. She looked at him for any sign of pain or anger that she had put him through, but she found none. All she saw was love in his eyes and she thanked the Lord.

"I have been trying to figure out why you left and last night I went to the park where we met and it all came to me and I finally understood why you had to go home. You went back to Tennessee, didn't you?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"You had to face your past in order to have a future. I don't know how JC got you to come home, I'm just glad he did. Please say you are here to stay?"

She looked at him and knew this was the question he had wanted an answer to for so long. She brought her hands to his face and placed them on both sides of his cheeks. She rubbed a thumb over his lips and then brought his mouth towards hers. Just before they met, she told him, "I'm here to stay." Their lips touched and that sealed their future together. She was home.

When they pulled apart, she hugged him close to her. She didn't want to ever let go, not again. She had faced her past and found herself and now she could return to Justin and give him everything she had.

"How did JC get you home?" He asked as he sat on the couch and brought her close to him.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

He laughed at her. He didn't care how she got here, as long as she wasn't leaving again. "Let's go see our daughter."

He stood and offered her his hand. She smiled at him and took it. They walked into the kitchen to find the others sitting around the table eating lunch and playing with the baby. "Hey, do you guys want anything to eat?" Lance asked.

"Yeah I'm starving. Anya could you help me over here?"

She turned to see him standing by the countertop smiling. She busted out laughing and Justin soon joined in.

"Did we miss something?" Joey wondered.

Everyone shrugged their shoulders and went back to what they were doing.

Anya walked over to Justin and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Wait until I get you home and then I'll help you."

"Is that a promise?" She didn't say anything, just pulled him down and kissed him. "I'll take that as a yes." She smiled at him and then turned to everyone else. The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up on the past two weeks and telling stories about how awful Justin had been to everyone. He didn't mind them picking on him. Today was a great day and nothing would ruin it for him, well, except that he would have to tell Anya and then JC about Beth. He prayed he would have the strength to do it.

Chapter 14

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