"What did you just say?" Anya had to sit down. She couldn't believe what she just heard. "Please tell me you are joking?" She looked over at Justin but he wasn't smiling.

"I wish I was. Look, Victoria told me the whole story. I couldn't believe it either."

"But I was so sure it was Claudia. She…"

"What? Why Claudia, she would never…"

"Justin, you and I both know I wasn't her favorite person when we first met. In New York, she said something to me that made me think it was her. Beth was standing right there with us and never said a thing. I can't believe this. What are we going to do now?"

"I'm not sure. We have to confront her and find out why she was doing this to you, but I don't know how JC is going to take the news."

"Oh no, I didn't even think about that. They have been together for so long, it's going to crush him."

"I think the sooner we get this done the better. We'll go talk to JC in the morning and figure something out from there." He approached her and reached out a hand to help her stand. He put his arms around her waist to hold her. He was so happy that she was home. He missed her more than he thought possible. "Can we just forget about this whole thing for tonight? I really missed you and all I want is a quiet night at home."

She put her arms through his and held him close. "Yeah, I'd like that. I really missed you too." They stood there in the kitchen for what seemed like forever until they heard the all too familiar sound of a baby's cry. "Oh well, so much for a quiet night." Anya laughed as she got out of Justin's arms and went to check on Emma.

She returned a few minutes later, having put Emma back to bed, and found Justin sitting on the couch watching TV. As she walked passed him to get to other side of the couch, he reached out for her. "Come, sit by me."

She sat next to him and put an arm around his neck to motion him to lie down. He took the hint and put his head in her lap. She began to rub his back while they watched TV. Suddenly, Justin asked Anya a question. "Do you still want to get married?"

She was taken back by his question. "What…yeah I do. Where did that come from?"

He sat up to face her. "I was just making sure you hadn't changed your mind. I know you said you were back but I just needed to hear that you still wanted to be with me."

"Justin, yes I still want to be with you. I never doubted you, it's just that I had to figure out how I was going to find myself and return to you. The whole time I was gone, I kept thinking about you. Everything reminded me of you. Whenever I saw a couple walking down the street or I would hear Emma laugh, I would miss you even more. I had to stay away to heal myself but if I could have done that here, I would have never left."

"Anya, you don't have to explain. I understand now, why you left. I didn't like it but it was something you had to do and I am just glad you are back. Promise me that if you ever feel like that again, tell me before it eats you up."

"It won't happen again. I am fine now and I am not going anywhere. I'm here to stay this time." She leaned over and put her head on his shoulder.

He put his arm around her and pulled her close. They sat there for a while, just thinking about what they were going to do about the JC/Beth thing. Soon, Justin felt Anya's head press harder on his shoulder. He turned his head a little and noticed that she had fallen asleep. He moved around so he could get a better hold on her. He picked her up and carried her to bed.

He had pulled the covers over her and then went to leave. When he turned out the lights, he heard her move. "Justin…"


"Where are you going?"

"I didn't want to wake you, I know you've had a hard couple of days with traveling and all."

"No, I'm okay, please lay with me for a while."

He slowly walked over to the bed and she moved so he could get in beside her. She immediately snuggled beside him and let out a sigh. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I just glad to be home." She started to move her hand up his body and around his neck. He took the hint and shifted his body a little so that they were facing each other. The lights were off but their eyes had adjusted to the darkness and they could make out each other's features. Anya ran her hand up from his neck and onto his face. She wanted to feel every part of him and she started there.

When her fingers brushed over his lips, he opened his mouth and took one in. She could feel the warmth of his mouth and the tickle of his tongue as he licked her finger. She wanted to feel his mouth on hers so she replaced her finger with her lips. Justin put his arm around her back to pull her closer and deepen the kiss. He slowly moved her over to her back so he could get to her easier.

She reached down to the bottom of his shirt and began to take it off. They stopped kissing long enough for Anya to lift his shirt over his head and then picked back up. Anya could feel every part of his body pressed against hers and she felt tears come to her eyes. If she hadn't been able to make it back to Justin, she wouldn't be here right now with him. She wouldn't have this wonderful man with her. She wouldn't have his touch, his body on hers, his love. She never wanted to be without him again. They had come too far to see it end. In their hearts, they were already joined together and soon it would be official.

They had so much to do before then. The first thing was to tell JC about what Beth had done and find a way to confront her about the accusations. They needed to be sure that Victoria hadn't lied about the whole thing because they could lose JC's friendship if they were wrong. Somehow, they would have to go to Beth's in LA and talk there. She wasn't expected in Florida any time soon.

All of that would have to wait until tomorrow. Right now, all Justin and Anya could think about was each other and the times they had missed. They were going to make up for the past two weeks. As their bodies met that night, their hearts were also mended. The pain from the past was now gone and they only had the future to look to. No matter what it held for them, they knew that they would face it together, as a family.

The next morning Anya was in the kitchen feeding Emma when Justin ran down the stairs.

"Who put a fire under your butt?" Anya asked. Justin stared at her for a minute, remembering that he said the same thing to Joey only a couple of days ago.

"Man, we are way too much alike." He started laughing and Anya thought he had lost his mind. "Anyway…sorry about that…never mind. I am in a hurry because we have to get to my mom's ASAP to drop Emma off. "

"Where are we going?"

"We have a plane to catch in two hours. We are going to LA this afternoon and are going to talk to Beth and settle this thing now." He went over to the table and grabbed a piece of French toast off Anya's plate. He took one bite and put the rest back.

"Hey, if you want French toast, get your own."

"I wouldn't be complaining if I were you. Who knows, someday someone might pay big money for my half eaten French toast."

"That'll be the day." She playfully rolled her eyes at him. "Not to change the subject, but, do we really have to go to LA today?"

Justin looked over at her and saw the nervousness in her face. "Honey, I really think that we need to do this today. The longer we wait the worse it will be. I have everything planned and the bodyguards are picking us up in…great, 30 minutes. Go get packed and I'll feed Emma." Before she got a word in, he helped her out of the chair and pushed her up the stairs.

They dropped Emma off at Lynn's office and left for the airport. The plane ride to LA was nerve-racking for Anya. Beth had become one of her closest friends this past year. After Lisa left for Seattle, Beth and Kiley had been there for Anya when ever she needed anyone. She still couldn't believe that Beth would do this to her. Sure, Anya and JC were really good friends but she would never try to steal him away from Beth. Anya had Justin and JC knew that. They would never hook up. So, why would Beth feel desperate enough to send Anya letters to stay away? That is what Anya thought about on the plane ride.

When they reached LA, Justin and Anya went straight to Beth's apartment. They knew it was now or never and didn't want to put it off any longer. Beth answered the door on the first knock.

"Justin? Anya? What are you two doing here?" Beth looked a little too nervous for them.

"May we come in?" Justin asked, trying not to let his anger get to him. When Beth first opened the door, he felt like yelling at her, but held off the best he could.

"Um…yeah, come on in." Beth opened the door a little more so that Anya and Justin could walk inside. "Have a seat. Can I get you anything?"

"No thanks. We're fine." Justin said. Anya just looked at Beth. She couldn't stand being in the same room as her and she knew if she blew up at Beth than they would get nothing out of her.

Beth sat down in a chair next to them. "So, tell me why you are here?"

Neither one of them said anything. Anya picked up her purse and pulled something out of it. She stood and walked over to Beth. She handed it to her and sat back down beside Justin.

Beth looked at what Anya just gave her and then looked at the couple on her couch. All the blood rushed out of Beth's face as she noticed the angry looks she was getting. "I can explain…." She started.

"Please, I have been waiting for an explanation for weeks now about those letters." Anya interrupted.

Beth looked over at Justin and knew that she was cornered. He had to have guards with him, which were probably outside waiting on him. She gave Anya a smug look. She had to hand it to her, Anya came prepared.

Beth composed herself. "Fine, you want to know what this is all about?" She looked over at Justin.

"Yes we do." He folded his arms over his chest and awaited the story.

"Well, if you must know, your little two-timing girlfriend over there has been playing you from day one."

"What are you talking about?" Anya started.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Ever since you met the guys, you have been all over JC."

"If you haven't noticed, I am with Justin not JC." Anya thought Beth had lost her mind. Was she really thinking that Anya and JC had a thing for each other.

"Come on, you have wanted JC from the start, except it was Justin that paid you any attention. I can't see why but he did."

"That's just about all I can…."

Anya put her hand on Justin's to calm him down. "No let her finish. I would love to see what else she has up in that delusional head of hers. Please continue."

Beth shot Anya an evil look and then started again. "JC told me how you and your friend thought he was 'hot' when you went to Justin's the first time." Anya remembered seeing Lisa's face when she met JC and saying how hot he was. It was all in fun at the time. "And then when you broke down in front of the guys and told them about your poor pathetic relationship with what's his name. Come on, you knew that would get the guys wrapped around your finger. Only Justin was dumb enough to fall for it."

Again, Anya had to hold Justin down. "Oh, do you want to hurt me, is that it, Justin? Well, go right ahead. I'm sure the tabloids would find this such an interesting cover story for their papers."

"Please Beth, are you getting to the point anytime soon." Anya interrupted again.

"Fine, JC told me about you hanging all over him all the time. He said that you would come over to his place and talk about your problems. You couldn't talk to your own boyfriend about them but you did with mine. The way I see it, you were only with Justin to get closer to JC…and don't try to talk your way out of it. I saw with my own eyes how you two look at each other. Every time you are in the same room as JC, he always looks at you. He has to go over, talk to you, and see if you are okay. After you and Justin broke up in Cancun, that is all I heard about was how bad JC felt for you. He hoped you were okay and always tried to find a way to talk to you. I couldn't take it anymore, but things settled down for a while. You were out of the picture and I had my boyfriend back. Then this baby thing came along and JC was all over you again. He wanted to go to your house all the time, baby sit Emma, go out with you two, everything was Anya this and Anya that. How much was I suppose to take. Yeah, I was upset but I never wrote you any letters if that is what you think."

"We know you didn't write the letters, you only told Victoria to." Justin finally said.

"So, you got to her. I bet you liked having her around, didn't you Justin? She is very pretty and boy does she like you. Did you tell Anya about your little rendezvous with her while dear Anya was out 'finding' herself?"

Anya looked over at Justin. He hadn't told her anything except that Victoria told him about Beth. "Anya, nothing happened between us. Don't listen to her."

"Yeah, don't listen to me. I'm the only one that had the guts to tell you that your boyfriend was out with another woman on Valentine's Day and now I guess I'll be the one to tell you that Justin here just about got it on with the same girl. Don't you remember at your house? You, Victoria, on the couch, does that ring a bell?"

"Why you…"

"No, Justin wait. I do believe that something happened with you and Victoria while I was gone…." She started. Justin just looked at her shocked she would listen to Beth. "But I know that whatever it was is now over. I left you alone and vulnerable and if Victoria was after you then I'm sure she made it pretty hard to hold back. I forgive you for whatever happened." She reached over and grabbed his hand.

"Lord, you two are disgusting. I swear, I think I'm going to throw up now. You seriously don't expect me to believe that you two forgive each other for everything."

Justin took Anya's hand in his and kissed the back of it. "Yes we do. No I didn't tell Anya everything that happened while she was gone, but she trusts me and knows that I would never cheat on her. And I know she wouldn't do the same. That is why this whole thing about JC is just dumb. You have some nerve threatening Anya and telling her to stay away when it's you that should stay away from JC."

"I thought we were friends." Anya said.

"Friends? Come on, I was your friend for about 5 minutes in Cancun until I saw you and JC together. You have everything but you wanted more. You wanted my boyfriend."

"I have never wanted JC for more than just his friendship. Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

"Because he is in love with you." Beth shouted out.

Anya looked stunned by this statement. "What? JC isn't in love with me."

"Yes he is. He told me he loves you."

"I don't believe you. He knows that I am with Justin. He wouldn't…" Anya couldn't believe this. Her and JC had been such good friends. There had to be an explanation for all of this.

"Beth, you are seriously mistaken. I don't know what drugs you're on but JC isn't in love with Anya and you can ask him yourself…JC." Justin yelled.

"What are you talking abo…." Just then, JC walked through the door.

"Hello Beth."

"JC…what are you doing here?"

"Justin told me the story he got from Victoria and I didn't believe him so I came with them here to see for myself. I guess what he said was right."

"JC, please, let me explain. I only did this because I thought you were in love with her…."

"Well, you're right about that." JC started. Anya and Justin looked at him, shocked he had just said that. JC turned towards his friends. "I do love Anya but as a friend only. She has been the kind of friend that I could only dream of having." He walked up to her and gave her a hug.

Beth looked like her head was about to explode. "That is what I am talking about. They are always all over each other. JC, you can say she is just a friend but I know better. I know there is more between you two. You can't deny it."

"Beth, you were the only one for me until I met Anya. After that, you became so distant and mean to me. I have been wanting to end this relationship for a while but it was Anya that talked me out of it. She knew how much you cared about me and wanted me to give you another chance and try to make it work. She only had your best interest at heart and you go and turn on her. I can't believe I didn't see this before. I can't believe I have loved you for this long. "

"JC, please, I am sorry, I didn't know. We can work this out, I know we can." She turned to Anya. "Talk to him please. He'll listen to you. Please, I need your help. I am so sorry for doubting you. Forgive me, Anya, please." She was begging for forgiveness from the one person she knew couldn't turn her back on her. Anya was too good of a person not to try to help her.

"Beth, I'm sorry too…." She walked over and stood in front of her. "But I can't help you. You brought this trouble on yourself. You had my friendship and my trust, two things I don't give out freely. You took that and used that against me and tried to hurt my relationship with Justin. In the process, you turned JC against you too. I have nothing more I can say to you except that you need help, professional help. I don't want you anywhere near me or my family again. If you do, I will have you arrested, do you understand?" Her voice getting louder at every word.

Beth looked on the verge of tears. All she wanted was to be happy with JC but when their relationship started to crumble, she looked to the closest person to blame when she should have looked in the mirror. She had done all this to herself and not Anya. Beth lowered her head. "I understand. I'm sorry. I don't….."

"Beth, I'm not the one you should apologize to." Anya walked over to Justin and the two left Beth's apartment and headed to the hotel.

A couple of hours later, Justin heard a knock on his door. JC stood before him with puffy eyes, obviously from crying. "Come on in." He invited. They walked over to the bed and sat down. "How'd it go with Beth?"

JC just sat there a minute before he spoke. "We broke up, that's all I can say. I told her it was over. She cried. I cried. She begged. I left."

Justin could tell that this was really hard on JC. "Man, I am so sorry about all of this. I…."

"You don't have to say anything, I know. I am just sorry that she did this to you and Anya. By the way, where is Anya?"

"Oh, she's taking a walk. She needed some fresh air. I guess she is taking this hard, too. Beth was like a sister to her. It's hard for Anya to let people in her life and I just hope she doesn't suffer from this."

"I know what you're saying. I don't know how I'm going to get over this. I told Beth she had to get some help or I would talk you and Anya into pressing charges against her. I called and made her an appointment in a few days for her to meet with a counselor and I hope it helps. I don't think she'll bother you again, at least I hope not."

"Look, if she does, then we'll take action. I think she was trying to find someone to blame for your failing relationship and Anya was an easy target."

Just then, Anya opened the door. She walked over to JC and he stood up and gave her a big hug. "How are you?" She asked.

"Like I was telling Justin, I don't know. It'll take some time to get over this one." He lowered his head.

Anya immediately raised it with her hand. "JC, look at me. I know what you must be feeling and if you need anything, please lean on me. I will be here for you anytime."

"I know and I thank you, but I think that maybe we should take a break for a while. I think that we are a little too close sometimes and you and Justin need to talk about the things you talk to me about. He needs to be your best friend. I will be there for the little stuff if you want but he needs to be there for the rest." He hoped she would be okay with all of this. Beth was right when she said he loved her. He had feelings for her, he had for a long time, but never said anything. He knew that Beth found out about them but he wasn't going to let anyone else know. He loved Anya, he did, with all his heart and wanted her to happy. He knew that Justin was the one to make her that way and he would never act on his feelings. Too many people would be hurt if he did. "Just remember that I am your friend and I love you."

She hugged him close to her. She had always felt a connection with JC but never thought of him in any other way than a friend. She knew she had spent a lot of time with JC and maybe he was right. Her and Justin were going to be together for a long time. He would have to be the one she turned to if she needed anything. She loved JC but knew her place was with Justin, it always had been and always would be. "I understand, JC and I love you too."

Justin was feeling left out. "Hey, do you think I could squeeze in there, too?"

Anya and JC looked at him and then welcomed him. All three hugged one another and then broke apart laughing. They were the best of friends and would remain that way, always.

Chapter 15

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