Things seemed to get back to normal after the party. Anya and Claudia had started on their way to become friends and she had Lance to thank for that. It was a couple of days since the party and Anya had returned from the doctor's office with news for Justin. She was very excited to tell him but he was no where to be found. She saw the mail on the table and a note from him that said he had to go to the studio with the guys for a couple of hours and hoped he would not be late. She was disappointed he hadn't been home but understood that his career came first for him. She wished that her and Emma would be first but having a family and career was a lot for him to handle especially for him not even being 20 yet. Speaking of that, what am I going to get him for his birthday. I have only two more weeks to go and I have no ideas.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she came across a letter addressed to her. It was a plain white envelope with her name typed on the front. No return address was on it, so, she had no idea who it was from. She opened the envelope and began to read the note. There were no pen marks, no designs, nothing but a couple of lines of typed words that made Anya drop it immediately. As she picked it back up, she couldn't believe what she read: You have everything, why can't you be happy with that. You want more, well, I'm not going to let you!

Anya had to think about who would send her this note. Someone had her address, but wait, no one knew she was living with Justin, or did they? Her and Justin hadn't told anyone in the press about their living arrangements but maybe someone figured it out. If so, why would someone be so bold and write to her home. The more she thought about it the less she worried. Probably it's just a fan that is mad at me or something. She got Justin's address somewhere and wants to scare me. Well, I don't get scared that easily. She tore up the note and threw it in the trash. Nothing was going to ruin her time with Justin and she wasn't about to let anyone take him away from her.

Justin arrived home late that night. He and the others had a lot more to do at the studio than any of them thought. He quietly walked into his daughter's room to check on her. She was sleeping sound, so he kissed her forehead and left to go to bed himself. He entered his room to find that Anya was asleep, as well. She lay on her back with the lamp still on. She had been reading in bed and fell asleep. Probably trying to stay awake for me.

He got ready for bed and took the book Anya was reading and placed it on the nightstand and turned out the light. He got in bed and snuggled beside her. He loved the way she would respond to the slightest touch by him. She immediately turned to her side and put her arm on his chest. They laid there for a minute until Justin heard her stir. "Justin…what time is it?"

"It's 1:00 a.m.. I'm sorry it took so long but we had a lot to do and couldn't stop. Go back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning." He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes to try to find sleep. He realized that he wouldn't be getting to sleep anytime soon, because, he felt Anya start to move her arm up around the back of his head, lift her own head and begin to kiss his neck. He was enjoying this more than he could say. The two of them had tried several times to be intimate with one another but would find that either the baby would interrupt them or Anya would get too tired to do anything. They weren't allowed to do anything until Anya was cleared by her doctor and her appointment was… "Hey, how was your appointment with the doctor, is everything okay?"

She stopped kissing his neck and brought her head up to face him. The lights were off but she could still make out his features from the moonlight. She reached for his face and gently ran her fingers down his cheek and onto where his lips were. He could tell she was getting closer to him and waited for her arrival. When she was inches from his mouth, she told him, "everything is good to go. I am all yours again." She continued on her path and found his lips. They had been waiting for this time for ages. The last time they were together was when they created Emma, and, although that was a very special night, this night was going to be better. This time was to seal the bond they had and a promise of forever for them. Justin knew that Anya was the only woman he wanted. He would see so many girls everyday that adored him and some were very attractive but the way he felt when he was around Anya was unlike anything he felt before. He knew she loved him, genuinely loved him and not for the person he was on stage. She was honest with him, she was faithful, she was caring and made him feel wonderful. He couldn't ask for anything more.

As the two continued kissing, Justin wondered how their lives could get any better but he couldn't wait to see. Anya made him feel more alive than anything he had done in the past few years. His priority was his music and his fans but they couldn't compare with Anya and Emma. They were his girls and if they needed him, he would drop everything to be with them. He hoped that Anya knew that and would come to him if anything bothered her.

She knew he would be there for her no matter what, but she couldn't tell him about the note she had received earlier because she thought it wasn't important. It had to be a prank and it was not something to worry Justin about. Since Cancun, he worried about the littlest things and Anya knew this would be no different. She would keep this to herself and if anything else came about it, she would tell him then.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hand run down her nightshirt and start to pull at it. She positioned herself better to allow him to take it off. When this was done, he pulled her up to him. She felt his warm hands on her and knew they would be together soon. He laid her on her back and began to kiss down her body until he reached her stomach. He gently took a hold of her underwear and began to remove it. This was really turning Anya on and she wanted him bad.

Before he went any further, Anya grabbed his head and motioned for him to return to her face. "Is everything okay?" He asked, unsure of why she stopped him.

Their eyes had adjusted to the low light and she could look in his. The only thing she said was: "I want you now, right now."

He chuckled at her impatience but consented. He began to kiss her again and she moved her hand down his body to see if he was as ready for her as she was for him. When she reached her target, she realized he was more than ready and helped remove his boxers.

Although it had been 9 months since they were last together, they didn't seem to have forgotten anything about each other. The way Anya would move with him made Justin even more certain that this was where he belonged. She was home to him and no woman had or ever would make him feel this way.

When they had both reached the end of their experience, Justin was the first to say anything. "Lord, that was worth the wait!" He lay beside Anya, panting, trying to catch his breath.

Anya started laughing at him. "You are too much, you know that? I thought it was good but not that good." She heard him start to say something but interrupted him. "I'm just kidding. Honey, no one would ever come close to you. I don't know how we are going to top this one."

"We'll think of something." He said as he leaned back over to her and brought her close to his body.

"Oh no, not again. It's been over 9 months and I can't be doing it twice in a row, just yet. Give me a couple of days and then we'll see."

"Fair enough. A couple of days is all you get and then you are mine anytime I want you."

"Justin, I am not a servant you can bark orders at. I am going to be your…."

"Anya, I was just kidding, you know I would never do anything to you that you didn't want. I love you too much to force myself on you. Please say you believe me?"

"I do. I'm just tired, that's all, and when I get tired, I get very crank. You're not a morning person and I'm not a night person. What are we going to do when we get married?"

"We'll just have to be together in the afternoon."

She had to laugh at him. "Yeah, the afternoon would be fine. Can we get some sleep now? Emma will be up soon and I need a few hours of rest after being with you."

He laughed at that. "Well, I think I will have to sleep until noon to recover from tonight."

She joined in with his laughing and the two stayed up a few more minutes before settling down and falling asleep together.

The next morning, Anya was in a hurry. Justin was right when he said he would sleep until noon. It was 10:30 a.m., he hadn't budged, and Anya was running late for work. He had begged her to quit her job at the hospital but she insisted on keeping it for now. Although she loved being with Emma, she needed to be around other people, and not the guys and a baby all the time. She agreed to only work a couple of days a week and only a few hours, at that. The hospital had a nursery where Emma could go and be close to Anya if something happened.

This morning, Emma had spit up on two outfits, pooped through five diapers and was crying uncontrollably. Anya was on her last string when Justin finally appeared in the kitchen. "Well, good morning to you. Tell me how you have been able to sleep for the past 30 minutes with your daughter screaming?"

He raised his arms above his head to stretch his arms and back out. "I didn't. I've been on the phone with JC trying to get out of going to the studio today so I could take care of Emma. She sounds like she needs to stay home with daddy today." He came up to the baby and picked her up. Instantly, she stopped crying. Anya watched in amazement, Justin really did have a way with girls, even 2 month old.

"I don't know how you did that and I don't want to know, I'm just glad you did. Listen, thank you for taking her today. I didn't want her in the nursery anyway. I think she may be coming down with something but I'm not sure and we have that photo shoot tomorrow. I don't want to worry about her being sick while we're gone. What time are we meeting the photographer?"

"We have to be there by 8:00 a.m. I am so glad they agreed to come here to shoot this thing, instead of New York. I don't think I am ready to leave Emma just yet. I know we have to in a couple of weeks for the awards show, but I can't leave my sweet baby girl yet." He finished in a baby voice while he tickled Emma. She began laughing at her daddy.

Anya stood there watching the two of them and thanked Lisa for calling Justin that night of the wreck. If she hadn't, Anya may never have told him about Emma and that would have been a mistake. She thought she was doing the right thing by keeping Justin in the dark about the baby, but she was wrong. She could see how much he adored his daughter and would never leave her.

Justin noticed the intense look on Anya's face and interrupted her thoughts, "hey, is everything okay, you look like you're about to cry?"

"I'm fine, I was just thinking…anyway, is Emma the only one who get hugs and kisses from you?" She was trying to change the subject so he wouldn't ask about what she was thinking about. She was running late and knew he would talk to her more if she mentioned the past. They had promised each other that they would never look back to those times.

"Didn't you get enough last night?" He got a look from her that said 'Not hardly'. He chuckled to himself and then stood with Emma and approached Anya. "Come here. Since you feel so left out." He wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her close. She put one arm around her daughter to help hold her, and the other around Justin's neck. He lowered his head and brought his lips to hers. She pulled at the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. The two were in their own world when they heard Emma giggle. They broke apart and laughed with her.

"I guess we are grossing our daughter out already." Justin said, as he let go of Anya and went to the cupboard to get a box of cereal for breakfast.

"Yeah, well, she'll just have to get use to it, because, like I told you before, no one is coming between you and me again, and that includes our daughter."

He smiled at her and then noticed the clock. "Honey, I hate to break family time up, but if you really want to continue to work, which I still think you shouldn't do, then you better get going."

"Oh great, I'm late." She grabbed her bag and headed out the door. "Listen, I should be only a couple of hours, probably home by 3-3:30 p.m. If you need anything…."

"Anya, I do know how to take care of Emma. Go to work, we will be fine."

She mouthed the words 'sorry' to him and walked out to the garage to get her car and head to work.

Chapter 3

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