The next morning came too early for Anya and Justin. They had to be at the photo shoot by 8:00 a.m. which meant they had to drop Emma off at JC's by 7:30 a.m. JC had agreed to watch Emma for the two while they were gone. Beth would be there to help him if anything happened. Anya was a little apprehensive about having JC watch Emma but Justin told her that they could call every hour if that would make her feel better. She knew her daughter would be safe, but it was just a motherly thing to be worried all the time.

They arrived at the photo shoot a few minutes late, due to traffic, and were immediately swept away to hair and makeup. When that was done and wardrobe was complete, they met with the photographer who was in charge. "Okay, today is going to be a lot of fun. We are very glad you two decided to do this for Rolling Stone and I assure you that you will love the pictures we are about to shoot. So, what I want from the two of you is a reflection of the love you have towards each other. Whether it is humorous, sensual, rough…" Anya and Justin looked at each other when he said 'rough' and started laughing. "You know what I mean…anyway, what ever the extent of your feelings for each other are, that is what I want you to portray in the pictures, okay?"

Anya and Justin both nodded their heads in agreement and they were off for the first scene. The set was designed to look like a bedroom where Anya and Justin would be lounging around. Many other couples would be introduced in Rolling Stone's Who Rockers Really Love issue. Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey would be in it, as well as older couples like Tommy and Pamela Lee. Each couple would be featured in pictures that reflected their personalities. Anya and Justin were unsure about why running around in their pajamas reflected their personalities but they didn't argue.

Anya was told to sit on the bed with her back on the wall. She was dressed in a man's nightshirt with no bottoms. Justin would be wearing the bottom part of the outfit only. The assistants helped place Anya's shirt to where not much showed except a glimpse of her chest and then part of her underwear. She would be reading a paper while Justin sat on an ottoman at the foot of the bed and painted her toes. She thought this would be very funny to see. Justin had always told her he wanted to do this but she never thought he would in front of 50 people.

Justin had been complaining for the past few minutes about how cold it was. The air conditioning was on and since he was only in pajama pants, he was very cold. "Come on, Justin, it's not that cold, besides, I don't have that many clothes on either and I'm not cold."

"That's because you have a shirt to cover you. I have nothing but these dumb silk pants that are freezing my you-know-what off." He was not very happy about his attire and was going to ask for a shirt when Anya convinced him otherwise.

"Come here a minute." He walked over to where she was and leaned down to her level. She pulled him down onto her and began to kiss him, in front of everyone. This wasn't the shot the photographer was looking for but he couldn't resist taking a few pictures anyway. When the two of them pulled away, Justin was all smiles. "If you are good and not complain, maybe I will give you one of those after each shot." Anya knew this would keep Justin quiet for a while, at least.

"You've got yourself a deal. Besides, I don't feel cold anymore, I'm kind of hot right now."

Anya started laughing at him and pushed him off the bed. "Okay, not back down to my feet. I can't wait to have my toes painted." He laughed along with her.

"Okay guys, you can continue that stuff later, right now I want you, Anya to hold the paper up and look at it. Every few seconds put it to the side and look down at Justin, who will be painting your toes. Justin, just do the best you can with it and if you mess up, don't worry about it. Laugh with each other, have fun. Okay, now let's get started." The photographer instructed.

The first set of shots went by fast and they were setting up for the next scene. This one would be a more serious shot with Anya and Justin. The photographer had Justin stand behind Anya and put his arms around her waist. He took several shots of them like this. He would ask them to look into the camera and be very serious but every time they tried, Justin would start to tickle Anya and try to make her laugh. The photographer gave up on this look and said that it would come later in the next scene. After several pictures were taken, the photographer wasn't getting what he wanted and asked for a change. "Justin, you and Anya need to put more into this shot. Look, I want you to…." He explained what he wanted and the two of them made it work.

Justin stood in pajama pants only, behind Anya, who still wore the nightshirt with the bottom five buttons undone. One of Justin's arms was around her waist and his hand rested on her stomach. He placed the last two of his fingers slightly under the top of her underwear that was showing. His other hand was on the side of her face as his fingers ran down her cheek. One could tell from the position that Justin had a well-defined body. Just enough of his arms and chest showed that the photographer knew this was the shot.

Anya had one of her hands on top of Justin's hand that was on her stomach. She pulled up the other and touched his forearm beside her cheek. He leaned down and whispered things in her ear that only she could hear. From this, Anya would lower her head and slightly smile or chuckle at what he said. The photographer loved the way this looked and snapped away. The way the two of them would get so close and touch each other, showed everyone in that room how much they cared about one another. When the shots had been taken, the photographer yelled for a lunch break and Anya began to get out of Justin's arms and walk away.

Justin had other plans for her. He turned her around and leaned toward her. "I thought if I behaved, I would get another kiss from you?" He had remembered what she told him about being good.

Anya smiled at him. "Well, I guess you have been pretty good, considering that you spent the past hour trying to make me mess up the shot and tickle me."

"Hey, can I help it if I can't keep my hands off of you?" He gave her that million-dollar smile of his.

"I never said I wanted you to keep your hands off of me, in fact, I would love your hands on me all the time."

Justin's smile got even bigger and he leaned forward and captured her lips with his. They heard a couple of people whistle and yell at them and they pulled away, laughing. The crew knew instantly that these two were truly infatuated with one another, there was no denying that. They had chemistry together and a bond that others saw when they first walked into the room that morning.

"Hey you two, you still have another shot to do and lunch is getting cold. You can pick back up later on your own time." One of the crewmembers announced.

Anya and Justin busted out laughing and joined the others for lunch.

After lunch, the shoot started back up. All they had left to do was one more scene and then they were free to go pick up Emma and return home. The next day the interview would take place at their home and they had to get things cleaned up for that.

The final shot was that of Anya and Justin lying on a couch. They were in their same outfits but this time, more of Justin's body would be shown. He was a little apprehensive about this but the photographer reassured him that the picture wouldn't look cheap. He lay on the couch with one of his arms stretched to the ground (think Lance in the Teen People issue with the apple). Anya was lying on the inside of the couch with her head on his chest. Her left hand was lying gently over his chest, as well. His other arm was around her back. He would rub it on occasion.

This shot was going to be the one that would announce to the world that they were indeed engaged. The photographer asked Anya if she would mind wearing her engagement ring to show in the picture. Justin told her it would be okay with him since they were going to be talking about it the next day in the interview. She was unsure about this but when she lay down with Justin on the couch, feeling the closeness of their bodies, she completely forgot about everything else but the beating of his heart.

The photographer took several shots of the two like this and then yelled that it was over. Anya and Justin lay there on the couch for a minute, both lost in the feel of each other. "Come on guys, you can go home now and do whatever it is that you both are thinking about right now." The photographer announced.

Anya and Justin snapped out of their trances and started laughing again. They knew that the photographer must have thought they were idiots because they would always laugh at anything that was said. The photographer thought otherwise. He could see how comfortable they were together and could see their love radiate out of them. He was truly impressed by this young couple. He had heard rumors about what they had been through and could tell that they would be together for a long time.

Chapter 4

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