A week passed by and Anya didn't receive another letter. She assumed it was a one-time thing and had nothing to do with the first one. Fans were probably doing this but she was still careful. The second letter had warned her to watch her back that someone could be there. That feeling unsettled her so she decided to stay home from work all week. Her and Justin were leaving for LA today, with the others to attend an awards show. There were so many that Anya lost track. All she knew was that the guys were going to perform and were up for a couple of awards. Her thoughts had been on other things this week and she hadn't paid attention to what was going on around her.

To make matters worse, they were leaving Emma in Florida with Justin's mom. She was still too young to be traveling to California for only two days. Anya hated to leave her but knew she was in good hands. The whole way to LA, she sat by herself, looking out the window or listening to music. Justin was talking with Lance and Joey since Anya wanted to be alone. The other girls were with them but kept their distance. They knew something was wrong but didn't push Anya to find out what.

They got to the hotel and dropped the girls off. The guys had a sound check to get to and interviews that night. Kiley and Beth had asked Anya to join them for dinner but she declined. She wanted to go straight to bed. She had been suffering from a terrible headache all day and wanted to rest.

"I guess it's just the four of us tonight. I don't know what's wrong with her but I hope she snaps out of it." Kiley announced as her and Beth came downstairs to meet Jen and Claudia in the hotel restaurant.

"She has been really moody this past week. JC said he tried to talk to her but she practically bit his head off." Beth said. Her and JC had made up and now she was concerned for her friend. She hadn't seen her act this way since Cancun. "Oh, no, I hope everything is okay with her and Justin. Have you guys heard anything?"



"I thought everything was going great for her. She seems to have everything a girl could want; a beautiful baby, gorgeous boyfriend that wants to marry her, all the money she wants, but she acts like she wants more or isn't happy with what she has." Claudia got stares from the others. "What, that's just the way it seems."

Kiley interrupted. "She does have it all but we do, too. Take Emma out of the picture and we all have the same things. Don't you guys get down sometimes when you think about all of this." She circled her arms in the air. "This is the life of superstars and I know that it can get to me sometimes, especially now that people know Chris and I are getting married. We have been together a long time but people are just now realizing that I'm here to stay. Maybe Anya is feeling the same way. Her and Justin just did that shoot for Rolling Stone and it's suppose to be a tell-all article. Their lives will be out there for all to see. Everyone will know that Justin is taken and that thought may scare her. Think of what that girl in Cancun did to her. She has to be somewhat worried about what others will do?"

"But Kiley, we all had to think about that when we became involved with the guys. Why is she freaking out now?" Jen, who had been quiet until now, asked.

"Look guys, we can speculate what is going on with Anya all night but until she decides to tell one of us, we won't ever know. I just hope it's nothing serious." Beth told the group.

The girls decided to drop the subject of Anya and talk about what they were all wearing to the show the next night.

The next night, the show began without any problems. The guys were all seated with their girlfriends between them. Anya tried to enjoy herself but she couldn't. When the first break came, she hopped out of her seat and ran up the aisle with Justin's cell phone. JC saw the hurt look on Justin's face and got up to follow her.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked Anya as he approached her.

She clicked the phone off before replying. "JC, I'm sorry, I haven't been myself lately. I just got off the phone with Lynn. She says that Emma's cold is getting worse. I knew I shouldn't have left her. Why am I even here? You guys don't need me around. My daughter needs me and I am here trying to fit in with a bunch of people I have nothing in common with." She brought her hands up to her face and wanted to cry.

JC took both of her hands down and held them. "Don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup, or at least that is what Beth says. Then you'll have to explain to everyone why you look like a raccoon." He was trying to make her smile, but it wasn't working. "Look, you know good and well that we all want you here with us, especially Justin. He has been so worried about you since we left yesterday. Talk to him. He misses Emma, too. You two are going to be married soon, you can't keep things from each other."

"Some things can't be shared." Anya said under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing…I know JC, I have to talk to him. Listen, I'll be okay when we get home. I didn't think I would have this hard of a time leaving her, that's all. I promise I'll cheer up and be nice." She faked a smile for him.

"Are you sure that's all that's bothering you." He knew her too well. He knew she was hiding something.

"JC, I'm worried about Emma, that's all." She couldn't tell him about the letter. It was probably nothing and didn't want him worried too.

"I know there's something else but I'll leave that to you to tell me later. Come here." He pulled her close to him and gave her a hug. The two friends didn't know that they were being watched.

They made it back to their seats and the show started back. Justin leaned over to whisper in Anya's ear. "Is everything okay?"

She reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers. "It will be. I talked to JC and he helped me a lot." She turned her attention back to the show.

Justin sat there for a minute just staring at her. He then turned to look at JC. He caught Justin's eye and smiled at him. What is going on with them?

A short time later, the guys were being ushered backstage to get ready to perform. Anya noticed a young girl take the seat next to her. She didn't pay much attention to her, seeing as she was only a seat filler and was talking to Kiley and Beth. Anya had more important things on her mind, like her daughter.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Anya heard someone say her name. "Excuse me?"

"I asked if you were Anya, Justin's girlfriend?"

This young girl looked harmless but Anya knew to watch what she said. "Um…yes I am." She answered quickly then turned her attention back to Jen who was on her other side.

The young girl turned to Kiley to ask what happened. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No she's been like that all day. I don't know what's wrong with her." Kiley really liked Anya but since they arrived in LA she had been distant and not very polite to anyone.

Just as she was going to apologize to Anya, an usher came and told her it was time to leave. She was needed somewhere else since the guys were coming back. She got up to leave and Anya heard her say she was sorry for bothering her and then left.

It took Anya a minute to realize how rude she had been to this young girl. Anya felt awful and knew that when the show was over she would go find her and apologize.

The guys came back and since they had performed and received their award already, they were going to leave. As they were making their way out, Anya caught a glimpse of the young girl from earlier. "Justin, just a minute, I have someone I need to talk to. I'll be right back."

She approached the young girl and hoped she would accept her apology. "Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute?"

The young girl turned around and her face dropped. Here before her stood Anya, the woman who had been rude to her earlier, and the girlfriend of the guy she adored. Would she yell at her for bothering her or slap her or something? "Um…yeah…I guess."

They walked away from the crowd of people so they could be alone. "Listen, first off, what is your name?"


Anya extended her hand for Laura to shake it. "Hi Laura, I'm Anya, nice to meet you."

Laura shook her hand, reluctantly and smiled.

"I need to apologize for my behavior earlier. I have no excuse for the way I acted towards you. I have a lot on my mind but that is no reason to be rude to you. I hope you can accept my apology?"

Laura smiled bigger at Anya. She was glad Anya was not mad. "Of course I can. Is everything okay?"

"I'm a ball of nerves right now. This is my first time away from my daughter and she has a cold. She is home in Florida with her grandmother and I am worried about her."

"I understand and I'm sorry. Look, I'm sure she'll be okay. How old is she now?'

"Two and a half months. I was thinking about her when you came up."

"I heard about her. I bet she is beautiful."

The two of them talked a minute more about Emma. Anya was glad that Laura was mature enough to handle the fact that Justin had a girlfriend and a baby. Anya even showed her a picture of Justin and Emma.

"She looks like Justin." Laura began. "You are so lucky."

Anya looked behind her and saw Justin and the other guys. A smile came to her face, the first since arriving in LA. "You know, sometimes I need to be reminded of what I have. I don't look at Justin as a star but I know he means so much to you. I want you to know that he feels very lucky too, to have wonderful fans like you supporting him and the guys. He shows me all the cards and gifts he receives and enjoys every one of them. Thank you so much." She came up to Laura and hugged her. "Hey, would you like to meet the guys?"

All Laura could do was nod her head. Anya laughed and took a hold of her hand. She led her over to Justin and the others. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Justin, I would like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Laura."

Justin turned to find a young girl in front of him, obviously excited, but held it in rather well. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Justin." He extended his hand to shake hers.

She looked at his hand and then to Anya. "I had the same look you do when he wanted me to shake his hand the first time. Go ahead, I promise he won't bite, or he better not." She raised her eyebrow to him. He chuckled a little then took Laura's hand.

"See, that wasn't so hard."

Anya introduced Laura to the others but soon they were being ushered out the door. "Laura it was so nice to meet you. Listen, give me your address and I'll have the guys sign some stuff and send it to you."

"Oh my, you'd do that for me? That is so nice of you. Thank you for talking to me and letting me meet the guys. You have no idea what a perfect night you have given me." She hugged Anya before they had to leave.

They went to an after party where they were having a great time. Anya had loosened up and was talking with Kiley and Beth. "I'm sorry about how I've been acting."

"Listen, don't worry about it. If I was 2000 miles away from my baby, especially if she was sick, I would probably be more of a bitch than you were." Kiley said with a smile.

"I was pretty bad, huh?"

"No comment," came from Beth.

All three girls started laughing.

"I'm just glad JC talked to me. He always knows the right things to say to make me feel better. Beth, you've got a great guy."

"I know but don't tell him, I'll have to listen to 'I'm the best' for ages."

"Hey, I'm not that bad." The group turned around and there stood JC, Justin and a gorgeous blond girl no one knew.

"Yes you are." Anya said. JC gave her an evil look and she started laughing.

"Anyway…girls I want you meet an old friend of mine, Victoria. Vic these are the girls, Anya, Beth and Kiley. You met the others already. Girls this is Vic." Justin said, introducing everyone.

Victoria walked up to Anya and help out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Beth, you and JC make a good looking couple."

"No, I'm Anya, Justin's girlfriend. This is Beth."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I saw you and JC hugging at the awards show and assumed you were Beth. Sorry about that."

There was an awkward silence between them all when Kiley suddenly spoke. "I guess that means you get to change diapers now." She said, looking at Beth.

"Not a chance. No offense Anya, but I don't do diapers."

"That's right, you and Justin have a baby, Emma right? That's what you told me." Victoria reached over and put her arm through Justin's and linked them together.

Justin saw the upset look on Anya's face and coughed loudly. "Excuse me, I think I need something to drink. Anya, honey, do you want to join me?"

She stood there looking at 'Vic'. "No, I think I'd rather…" Justin gave a look that said 'please'. "Now that you mention it, I could use a drink. Excuse us."

They walked over to the bar to order something to drink. "Let me explain, Vic is an old friend of mine. We knew each other in elementary school. I kept in touch with her up until last year when I met you. I just ran into her tonight. She is visiting some friends in LA and came to the show. Nothing is going on with us, it never has."

"Justin, I didn't say I thought there was something going on. I just didn't like seeing her put her hands on you, that's my job." With that, she closed the distance between them and put her arms around his waist.

"What can I say, I'm irresistible."

"That you are." She pulled him close and he leaned down to bring his lips to hers.

"What would you say if I wanted to leave?"

"I'd say, lead the way." He laughed at her then grabbed her hand and went back over to the group.

"Guys, Anya and I are really tired. I think we're going to go back to the hotel and get some rest. Vic, it was great seeing you again. If you're ever in Florida, you have my address." He let go of Anya's hand long enough to hug his old friend then returned to Anya.

"It was nice meeting you, Victoria. I hope to see you soon."

"You too, Anya. See you guys later."

Justin and Anya returned to the hotel to share a few intimate moments together before they both fell asleep.

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