They returned home from LA and were getting ready for Justin's birthday. Anya had set up everything for his surprise party. She would take Justin out for dinner and then on their return home, they would stop at Joey's to pick something up. Justin would think that the others had plans and weren't doing anything for his birthday. What he didn't know was that everybody would be at Joey's waiting for them.

"I can't believe the guys all have plans on my birthday?" Justin started.

"Honey, I'm sure they just forgot. They've had a lot on their minds lately."

"Get real, I mean, Joey's birthday was just a few days ago and now they suddenly forget that mine is today. I don't buy that. I have known these guys forever and they wouldn't forget something like this. I didn't even get a phone call from any of them. Oh, well, at least I still have you. You would never forget, would you?"

"Well, to be honest…"


"Just kidding. Listen, I think I left my jacket over at Joey's the other day and I really need it for work tomorrow. Do you think you can get into his house if he isn't there?"

"Yeah, but why don't you just wear a different one to work?" He didn't want to run into any of the guys tonight since they had obviously forgotten his birthday.

"It'll only take a second and besides, it's on our way home. Please, I really want to wear that jacket tomorrow."

"Women, I'll never understand them and their clothes."

"Let's not start on clothes, you have more than clothes then the other guys combined."

"Okay…we'll drop that subject…let's go to Joey's, I guess, but make it quick. I want to get you home as soon as possible to thank you for taking me out for my birthday." He reached across the table and grabbed Anya's hand.

She smiled at him then turned away. I wonder if the guys would be upset if we didn't make it tonight. Justin already thinks they forgot, but, no, he'll thank me even more when he finds out I planned a party for him. "Let's get going!"

They drove to Joey's and found that several cars were in his driveway. Justin started to wonder what was going on that Joey hadn't told him. He thought that Joey was going out tonight but instead his house seemed to be filled with people. "Great, he's having a party and we weren't invited. I can't go in there."

"Justin, come on, Joey won't care. I'll get my jacket and then we will be out of there before you know it."

He reluctantly climbed out of the car and walked to the front door with Anya. When they knocked on the door, Joey answered it immediately. "Hey, what took you guys so long?"

"Justin didn't want to crash your party." She said, looking over to a surprised Justin.

"Why not, the party's for him?" Joey said with a smile.

Justin stood there a minute to figure out what he had just said. "Wait a minute, the party is for me…that would mean…."

"SURPRISE!" Everyone in the room yelled.

Justin turned to Anya and hugged her. "You set me up. You had this planned the whole time. I was ranting and raving about the guys forgetting my birthday and you had a party planned."

She took his hand and led him into the house. "Yes and I expect to be thanked a little extra for it, too."

He leaned down to her ear so only she could hear. "Oh, I'll thank you later, you can count on that."

She laughed at that then let go of his hand. "Go on, this party is for you, enjoy yourself. I'll have you later." She nudged him into the living room where most of the people were.

It was 2:00 a.m. and Justin and Anya were finally home. Justin's mom had kept Emma for the night so they could go to the party. He had already had a celebration with his family earlier in the day and now all he wanted to do was go to bed. Both him and Anya had to work in the morning so a good night's sleep was on his mind. "Oh no, I think I was suppose to be thanked by you for the party tonight?" Anya eyed him as he climbed into bed.

He mumbled something under his breath and then turned to her. "Honey, not tonight."

"Well, if that isn't a major role reversal I don't know what is. Are you okay?" She was worried about him. He looked really tired and, well, he never turned her down.

He held out his arms for her to come lay with him. She got into bed and snuggled up beside him. "Yeah, I'm okay, just a little tired. I think I may be coming down with something, I don't feel so good."

Anya felt his head and sure enough, he was very warm. "Justin, you're burning up. I'll be right back." She got out of bed and went into the bathroom. When she returned, she had some medicine for his fever and a warm washcloth. She placed the washcloth on his forehead and laid back down with him.

He smiled and snuggled close to her. "This reminds me of when you helped me when I banged up my shoulder. You were a very good nurse to me."

"Well, thank you. I must admit though, I was so nervous to have you in my bathroom. I didn't know who you were but still, when I had you take your shirt off, I nearly died right there. I tried to play it off but you knew that, right?"

"Yeah, I knew. You were too cute. At first I thought you were going to jump me or something but you didn't, you calmed down and worked your magic on me. I remember when you blew on my shoulder after you put the peroxide on. It stung like crazy but feeling your breath on me, I was in heaven."

"Really, I didn't know that."

"I tried to not think about it because I had just met you but, man, it felt so good."

She laughed a little at him. This was something that Anya cherished, laying in bed, talking about the good times they shared. They never spoke of the bad stuff but would focus on the things that meant the most to them. They would stay up some nights and talk about everything from growing up in Tennessee, which they both did, to the weather. It didn't matter to them, as long as they were together. They treasured their time together and would make sure to spend a few minutes everyday like this.

Anya's thoughts were interrupted when she heard a soft snore coming from beside her. She moved a little so she could turn out the light and then came right back to her position beside Justin. "I love you and happy birthday." She gently kissed him on his head.

A mumbled 'I love you, too' was heard in the darkness. Anya smiled to herself and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 7

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