The next morning, everyone headed to the MTV studios for the guys to be on TRL. Jen and Kiley weren't with them, they were home right now, but Claudia and Beth had come along with Anya and the baby and the guys. Each guy got their own dressing room, which helped because Anya had the baby and all her stuff. Her and Justin decided that they wouldn't discuss the letters today. This was going to be a fun day and nothing would stop them from making it great. They were in Justin's dressing room when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

The door opened and in walked Carson Daly. He went right up to Justin and the two shook hands. "Hey, great to see you."

"You too."

"I can see you have a couple of new faces with you since I saw you last." He looked over at Anya who was holding Emma.

"Yeah, Carson, I would like you to meet Anya and this beautiful little angel is my daughter Emma." He took the baby from Anya and brought her over to Carson.

"She is really beautiful. I can see she gets her looks from her mother." Justin gave Carson an evil look but Anya just laughed.

"Thank you, I take that as a compliment. It's nice to meet you, Carson." Anya held out her hand for him to shake.

"I don't know what you see in this guy but good luck."

"HEY, I am standing right here."

Carson and Anya looked at Justin for a second then returned to their conversation. "Anyway…" Anya began. She suddenly felt an arm grab around her waist. She turned to find Justin giving her that same evil look he just gave Carson. "We're just kidding, Justin." She wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him as close to her as she could without squeezing the baby.

He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss before raising his head to talk to Carson. "So, what do we owe the pleasure of your company today?"

Carson smiled at the family in front of him. They really did make a good couple and he had to admit that Justin looked at home with his new family. "I just wanted to come meet the Misses that I have heard so much about. I saw the article for Rolling Stone you two did and let me be the first to congratulate you, not only was the article well written, the pictures were awesome. Justin, I never knew you were so buff."

He batted his eyelashes at Carson. "Well, maybe I'll give you a peek sometime."

Carson held up his hands in the air. "Man, I was only kidding. I don't think Anya would like that too much."

"Oh, I don't care. As long as he has his shirt off, I don't care who he shows." She smiled over in Carson's direction.

He shook his head back and forth. "You two were made for each other, that's all I can say. Anyway, I've got to run. I just wanted to say 'hi' and tell you congratulations on the engagement. You're breaking a lot of hearts, you know that?"

"As long as I don't break these two girls' hearts, I'll be okay." He leaned down and kissed the back of Anya's neck.

"Lord you guys are sick." Carson said as he left the room.

Anya and Justin just laughed at him then returned to playing with Emma before Justin would have to get on the set.

The commercial break was over and Carson was introducing the guys to the crowd. "Welcome back to TRL. My guests today really need no introduction so let's just bring them out. Guys…"

The guys all ran out on the set to the roar of the crowd. Each guy shook Carson's hand and then sat in a chair that was placed for them.

"Let me start off by saying thank you for coming today. The crowd is wild for you guys. They have been going nuts all day. I know we have a lot of news to cover with you all but first we have to get to the next video on the countdown. At number 5 is…" He introduced the next video and talked to the guys for a minute.

When the song was over, "Welcome back. Today I have the privilege of talking with the guys of NSYNC. How's it going guys?"




"Can't complain."

"Go Panthers."

"Nice, thank you Chris. Anyway, so I hear you all have a lot going on right now. Let's start with you, JC, what's up?"

"Well, I am in the middle of writing and producing an album for a friend of mine. I want to say right now that I am NOT leaving the group. Rumors have been floating around that I am going solo but I'm not. I am only working with a friend on HIS album. I am still the C in NSYNC."

"Okay, so no solo career yet. Lance, how is the managing going?"

"I'm glad you asked. I have a couple of singers under management right now and we are looking forward to debuting their stuff here in a couple of weeks. It should be really exciting. I think everyone will really like these guys."

"Sounds like things are going great for you. Hey, Joey, what's up with you."

"I am doing a movie this summer after tour stops and it should be out sometime next winter. It doesn't have a name right now, but I'll let you know about it when it gets closer."

"Cool, yeah, let us know about it and we'll be on the look out for it. I have to take a break right now but stick around, more to come with NSYNC and the rest of your top ten videos."

Anya watched the show in Justin's dressing room. She wondered what Carson would ask Justin when they returned from break. She didn't have much time to think about it because the break was over and the questions started back up.

"Okay, that was the number 4 video and I am Carson, your host, along with NSYNC today. We just got word that JC is NOT leaving the group so stop asking." The guys busted out laughing. "Lance has a couple of people coming out with some stuff in a couple of weeks and Joey is doing a movie this summer. So, that would leave Justin and Chris. We need some dirt, gentlemen, and I know you've got some to share."

"Hey, are you the one that has been messing up my garden?"

"Chris, man, just tell us what's going on with you."

"Oh…okay, well, the clothing line is fine, I am fine, and life is fine."

"Thank you, everybody that was Chris and he is fine. Seriously, we heard you are about to be taken off the list of eligible bachelors."

"Oh, that's what you wanted to know about. Yeah, I am getting married…." He started and then the crowd joined in with half the people clapping and the other half booing.

"Hey people, if you don't like that, wait until Justin talks." All eyes fell on Justin.

"What, I don't have anything to say." He smiled at the camera.

"Oh really, well I have a couple of pictures that would prove otherwise." Carson wasn't one that would probe into anyone's personal life but he had worked this whole routine out with all the guys so they knew he would be asking questions about girlfriends, business, etc. The guys all agreed. They wanted to get their say on all the rumors before anything else came out.

All the attention became focused on the video screen beside the guys. The first of three pictures of Anya and Justin from the Rolling Stone shoot they did, came on. "Well, I would have to say that for someone who has nothing to say, these pictures say a lot."

"Exactly. They say enough. Let's just admire the pictures and not comment on them. No, I'm just kidding. I am afraid to say anything after Chris got booed…"

"But…come on is there someone special in your life?"

He looked around the room and although he had agreed to this line of questions, he became really nervous. This was it, the article would be published next week and everybody would know for sure by then but just getting the words to come out of his mouth was going to be tough. "Well…yes, I do have someone in my life…in fact, I have two someones."

He got the same response Chris had a minute ago. Many people booed and others clapped. All Justin could do was put his head in his hands and hope for the best.

"Come on people, show some love here. I have to say that I for one am glad about this, but I'm not a fifteen year-old girl." The guys laughed at his remark. "Look, what I'm saying is you guys have got to show support for the guys. If you love them like you say you do, and believe me that is all I ever hear, I love NSYNC, I love NSYNC, then show it. Be happy for these guys that they have found someone that could put up with their antics and still hang around them."

Anya sat there watching Justin shift uncomfortably in his seat. She wanted to stop the show and go to him but knew she couldn't do that. All she could do was watch and wait.

"Look" Justin started, "I would like to say something real quick if I could." Carson told him to 'go ahead'. "Okay, yes I may have found someone that I love and who loves me back, but I won't let that interfere with my music. These four guys beside me are my family, too, and I intend to stay with them for a long time. Just because I'm not going to date anyone else doesn't mean I'm not going to sing anymore. I know we have fans that love us for our music and those that love us for other reason, well, I'm sorry but I have someone…excuse me…two people in my life that mean more to me than I can say. All I ask for is your support for the MUSIC and not concern yourselves with the other stuff. As long as the fans are out there listening to our music, we'll keep making it."

He finished to a round of applause from the crowd. "I couldn't have said it better myself. Now, I hate to change the subject, but I have to get to the number 3 video or Jon back there will have my head. Here at number 3 is…"

Chapter 9

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