"Come on, it's just for one night. You promised the next time you were in town we would go out to dinner." She said as she turned to Anya. "And he never breaks his promises does he?"

Anya was a little surprised by this. She had this feeling inside of her that she did not like. It was a feeling she had not felt in a long time. It was jealousy. What am I jealous of? So Justin and Libby go out, so what. I have no reason to be jealous of her, or do I? She dismissed the feelings immediately and answered. "She's right, Justin, you never break your promises. You two should go out."

Justin was taken back by Anya's comment. Sure he liked Libby but all he really wanted to do was go back to the hotel and crash with Anya. "Oh…okay…whatever you say…I mean…sure we can go out tonight." He said skeptical of them both.

"Great. I'll give you a call at the hotel later and we can arrange a time to meet." With that, she was out the door and on her way home. Before he had a chance to say anything, Anya had left as well. Women. I'll never understand them!

Later at the hotel, Anya heard a knock. When she opened the door, there stood Justin. She invited him in. He was about to ask why she agreed with Libby that they should go out when Anya got weak and almost fainted. He caught her and had her sit on the bed. She passed it off as being tired and not eaten all day, that's why she felt dizzy. All she needed was some food and she would feel better. "Why didn't you eat today?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Well, I was woken up by Joey this morning telling me to hurry down to the video shoot. You know what happened when I got there. I did my part in the video and then came back here. I just didn't find the time to eat. I'm sure when I get something in my stomach, everything will be alright?" She noticed that he had gotten out his cell phone and started to dial a number. "Are you calling room service, because I already have. My food should be here any minute." He didn't answer. He sat there beside her until she could hear a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Libby. Yeah, it's Justin. Listen, I don't think I can make it tonight. No, I'm alright. It's Anya, she is sick or something. I don't think I should leave her right now."

"What are you doing?" She asked him, not understanding exactly what he was up to. He didn't answer her but continued his conversation with Libby.

"No, the others are going out tonight. Yeah, I know, I was looking forward to seeing you, too. Yes, I'll call you later. I promise we will go out sometime soon. Okay, bye." With that, he hung up his cell and picked up the room phone. "Hello, room service. I would like to add to the order for room 412. Yes, I would like…." He rambled off his order and hung up the phone. All the while, Anya sat there awestruck, not knowing what was going on or what to say. Justin noticed that she had not said anything to him for a few minutes. "Well, I wasn't going to leave you here when you are sick." He said very nonchalantly.

"Justin, I am not sick. I only need to eat something. When my food…excuse me…our food comes, I will feel much better and you would have cancelled a date for nothing." She was getting a little upset with him for staying with her. She felt like a two-year-old that couldn't be left alone for five minutes. "I don't need a babysitter, Justin. Thank you but please call Libby back and see if she can still make it tonight." She said, hoping he would go. It was true that she had not had a lot of time to eat that day, but even if she had, she wouldn't have been able to swallow her food. That feeling she had when Libby asked Justin out this afternoon had been running through her mind all day. She needed to sort out her feelings for him and understand why she was so jealous of Libby. Having Justin with her tonight would not help. He was only a distraction to her, a very good distraction, but a distraction none the less.

"I am not going out with Libby tonight. I am staying here with you. We will eat and watch movies all night if you want. I don't want you to be alone." The way he said it made Anya feel wonderful. He truly was a great friend to her and always looked out for her, although she was the older one

"Okay, okay, if you want to stay, stay. I would love the company." She told him, knowing that this would be one long night. A night alone with Justin Timberlake. This is every girl's dream. What to do with him? What to do with him? She giggled when she realized what she had been thinking at that moment.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing. When did they say the food would be here?" Right on cue, there was a knock at the door.

"I guess now!" Justin said as he answered the door to reveal an older gentleman carrying several trays of food for them.

They sat on the bed and started to eat. Immediately, Anya felt better. She wasn't sure if it was because of the food or because of Justin. Either way, she was glad she felt better. Remember to eat next time, she told herself. They had been talking for a while until they finished their meals. Justin took both of their plates and placed them on the dresser. He flipped the TV on and they started watching a movie on HBO.

"You know, I could go for some dessert right about now." Anya announced.

"I thought you would." With that, Justin picked up a tray that Anya had forgot about. He brought it over to the bed, sat it on her lap, and removed the lid to reveal a piece of chocolate cake. The cake was covered with chocolate sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream was on the side.

"Oh my goodness. You remembered."

"How could I forget this is your favorite." Justin said proudly as he knew Anya loved chocolate cake. "Here, dig in." He handed her a fork and sat back on the bed.

"You're not eating any?" She didn't mind not sharing any of this cake with him, but it was a big piece, even for her to eat.

"No, I may have what's left, if you leave me any."

"Fat chance. You just lost out." She pulled the plate away from him and began to eat the dessert. Remember to thank him for everything when you finish, she told herself.

She turned her attention back to the TV and started watching the movie. She brought her eyes off the cake. Without looking what she was doing, she accidentally dropped chocolate sauce on herself. Justin noticed this and began to laugh at her. She had been wearing a white tank top and pajama pants and now her top had sauce on it. He couldn't hold his laughter in when she tried to wipe it off but only made it worse.

"What are you laughing at? So, I'm a klutz. I can't help it. Stop laughing at me. Let's see you do a better job at cleaning this off my shirt." Justin stopped laughing and without warning, he leaned his head down and put his mouth where the sauce had dropped. At first, all Anya could do was sit there motionless. What was he doing and was he going to stop anytime soon? Please don't stop, she thought to herself.

This definitely wasn't the same feeling she had when she had to kiss Joey earlier that day. This was…well, overwhelming to say the least. She had thought many times about what it would be like to have him touch her like this and it was better than she imagined. Before she knew it, he had worked his way up the top of her shirt and onto her neck. She was glad she was sitting down or she would have fallen for sure. He started kissing her neck and she found herself putting her hand around the back of his head and pulling him closer. He took this as a good sign and continued his course of kisses. He knew it was now or never. She hadn't stopped him yet, but what would she let him do next? He didn't know how far she was willing to go, but he had to try to see.

He stopped kissing her neck and sat back up. He looked in her eyes. They were begging him to continue. He reached up with his hand and cupped her chin. As he leaned forward, Anya closed her eyes, waiting for what was to happen next.

Chapter 11

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