She thought his lips would never make it to hers. She wanted to feel them on her own lips. He was doing this on purpose, to see if she would kiss him first. When he realized she wouldn't do it, he knew he had to. She was about to go for it herself, when suddenly, she felt his lips touch hers. This wasn't the most sensual kiss she had had but it was a good start. It was more of an exploratory one to see what she would do next. She felt she had come this far and thought she would take matters into her own hands, or lips. He was thoroughly enjoying the kiss when he felt her tongue touch his lips. He gladly welcomed it by opening his mouth and allowed it to enter. The kiss grew deeper. Justin didn't want to stop but was still unsure about how far he should take things.

She seemed to be in control, so he decided to let her set the pace and see what she would do. As if on cue, she placed her other arm around him and pulled him down on the bed with her. While one hand was placed on the back of his head, feeling his soft curls in her hand, the other crept its way down his back and began to pull a little at the bottom of his shirt. He knew what this meant and was eagerly awaiting her next move. She took her hand away from his head and joined the other one. Together, they began to pull his shirt up. He stopped kissing her, and for a moment, she was afraid she had gone too far. He reassured her by placing a quick kiss on her lips before removing his shirt over his head. He discarded it on the floor and returned his attention to Anya.

She had made the first move in telling him what she wanted, now was his turn to take over. He placed a hand under her chin and began kissing her neck again. His hand moved slowly down her neck and onto her collarbone. His fingers slid underneath the strap of her top and he pulled it off her shoulder. He placed his mouth were his hand had been. This was really turning her on. He had found the spot where her neck and collarbone met and that was making her lose control. She felt his hand begin to move down her shirt. She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted him to feel her, not her shirt. She removed his hand.

This time, Justin thought he was the one that had gone too far. He was about to say something when he felt her guide his hand underneath her shirt. When he reached his target, she let out a moan and he knew without a doubt there was no stopping them now.

As he was feeling her against his palm, she ran her fingers down his stomach and onto the button of his pants. She could tell right away that he was enjoying himself. She chuckled to herself. I can't believe I am here with Justin about to do this. What would the fans say if they knew he was with an old fart like me?

"What is so funny?" Justin stopped what he was doing and looked at Anya.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I was thinking what would your fans say if they knew you were with someone like me." She hoped she had not ruined the moment.

"You mean an old fart like you?"

"You know me too well." She smiled and pulled Justin back down until their lips met again. His hands returned to her shirt and he lifted it over her head. In return, she quickly found her place again on the button of his pants and began to take them off. They stopped long enough to discard the rest of their clothes on the floor.

Justin looked at Anya and for the first time, really looked at her. He noticed how she had a ring of green surrounding her blue eyes. How her smile was crooked and how she bit her lower lip when she became anxious about something. He noticed that she was biting quite hard on her lip right now. He knew she didn't want to wait any longer and he didn't think he could either. He gently reached down and touched her thigh to let her know he was ready. She took the cue and her legs fell open. He positioned himself on top of her and was about to enter her when she stopped him.

"Wait, you forgot something."

If he hadn't already been kissing her, he would do it again. Even in the heat of the moment, she had remembered the most important thing.

"Thank you. I don't want to think what could have happened if you hadn't reminded me." Justin moved to the side of the bed. He reached into his pants to retrieve his wallet and the small square package tucked inside. He quickly put it on and returned to Anya.

"In a hurry aren't we?" She asked, due to his leaping back on top of her.

"Hell yeah I am…I mean…yeah…I mean…well, you know what I mean." He stuttered. He was a little embarrassed by his actions.

Anya had to laugh at him. "You are too cute, you know that?"

"Hey, I'm not a puppy, I'm a man." He returned.

This made Anya laugh even harder. "A man. Good one Justin." Anya was always giving him a hard time for being the youngest in the group. She tried to control herself but he was making it difficult because he really was too cute for his own good.

"Why you. I'll show you." With that, Justin captured her lips again with his. She was overwhelmed by the pressure and almost couldn't breathe. She lessened the pressure by putting her hands on his chest and pushing him slightly away. She let his tongue enter her mouth and was getting back into the moment quickly. His body was pressed against hers and she could feel every inch of him. She wanted him now, right now. She spread her legs to allow him to enter her. Just like their first kiss, she thought it would never happen. Just then, she felt him slowly entering her. She wanted more, so she put her hands on the back of his legs and pushed him in farther. He took the hint and thrust into her with so much force she thought her head would hit the wall.

Once he was inside, he began to move in and out at a fast and deep pace. They moved together for a while, until he started to tighten up. He wanted to last longer but wasn't sure if he could. He wanted to give her the same pleasure he was about to experience himself. She knew she was close herself and if he could hold out of another minute, she would have her moment.

He was lightly biting on her neck and she knew if he just bit down a little harder, that would send her over the edge. She was able to whisper "harder" to him. He was unsure if that meant move in her harder or bite her harder. When he asked which one, she answered, "both." That was all they both could take. As he thrust into her harder, he also bit down on her neck. This made her scream out and she dug her nails into his back, but it fulfilled its purpose. He was first soon followed by her.

He collapsed on top of her, not wanting to move. She ran her fingers through his now sweaty hair and laughed a little. "I didn't know I was being that funny tonight." He said, taking deep breaths in between words.

"You're not funny at all." She tried to be serious but when she got the giggles, it was impossible to stop.

"Do I have to find a way to keep you quiet again?" Justin said with his eyebrows raised.

"No. No, I don't think I could handle you again. Boy, I think I need to get in shape." This time Justin started laughing. They both continued to laugh until they noticed that Justin was still on top of Anya. "I think you are going to break me if you don't get off of me."

"You didn't seem to mind a minute ago." He quickly got off her to avoid the smack he knew was coming.

"You are too much, Justin, too much." Anya turned off the light and snuggled up to him. Soon they both had fallen fast asleep.

The next morning, Anya woke to the sounds of talking. She thought she had been dreaming about last night until she noticed Justin standing by the window. He wore only a pair of boxers and was talking to someone on the phone. The light from the morning cast down over his body and she thought she was looking at an angel. He really was beautiful. She knew how lucky she was to have such a wonderful man in her life. She was about to say something so he would know she was awake, when she heard whom he was talking to.

"I know, I am really sorry about last night. I wanted to go out with you but Anya was sick. I ended up crashing on her floor last night. Yeah, my back is killing me. Oh, that would be nice. I haven't had a back massage in a long time. Yeah, she is feeling much better now. Her plane leaves in a couple of hours. Can I do something today? I don't think I have anything to do. Lance and Chris still have to shoot their parts of the video so I am free today. Sure, I'd love to go out with you today. Let me get Anya to the airport and then I'll come over to your place for lunch. Sounds good. See you then."

Anya couldn't believe what she just heard. How could he sleep with me last night and now go out with her. She closed her eyes, not wanting Justin to know that she was awake and had heard him. He turned his phone off and walked over to the bed. He quietly got back into bed and snuggled up to Anya. She was shocked by this but at the same time saddened. He had been so loving to her last night. Feeling his body with hers was beyond words. She had wondered what it would be like to actually "be" with him, but never thought it would happen. Then it did and it felt so right. Now, he was going out with Libby today. She knew he would keep his promise in seeing her again, she just didn't think it would be this soon. Especially after last night. What was I thinking when I did this with him? What am I going to say to him when we get up? What about our friendship? What about when the others find out, and they will find out. That boy can't keep his mouth shut around the guys to save his life. Was last night just some fling for him? Oh, Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

As she was thinking to herself, she noticed that Justin had fallen back asleep. This was her chance. She would get up and leave before he woke back up. She knew this was a horrible way to leave, but she didn't know what she was going to say or do if she had to face him right now. She slowly got out of his grasp and out of bed. She was able to get her clothes on and most of her stuff into her suitcase, when she heard him stirring in the bed. Not now, Justin. Don't wake up now. It didn't work.

When she turned around, there he was, sitting up looking straight at her. "Hey, good morning. Why didn't you wake me up?" He said, still half asleep.

"Uh…I didn't want to wake you…because…I knew how tired you were from last night." She didn't catch what she had just said until he answered with a big smile.

"Yeah, last night." She hit her hand on her forehead and turned back to her suitcase, embarrassed at what she said.

"Well, anyway, I am almost packed and then I'll be out of here and you can be on your way."

"What do you mean, I can be on my way." She slipped again. Strike two. One more and I'm done for.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought you would have big plans seeing as you have a free day today." She said, hoping he wouldn't ask again.

"Today? I have no plans for today. Just hanging around here for a while then maybe going out with Joey later." That was it. She had been upset that he was going out with Libby in the first place but now he was lying to her. He never lied to her. She felt used, dirty, and now angry.

"If you don't have any plans today, maybe you should call Libby back and let her know that. I would think she would like to know she is getting ready for nothing!" With that, she locked her suitcase and started to walk out of the room.

Justin caught on to what she was saying and immediately grabbed for Anya's hand to stop her from leaving. "Let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain, Justin. You had a date with Libby last night. You cancelled to be with me, which I know now that was so you could get some from me. I woke up early and heard you talking to her. You were arranging another date with her for today and then lied to me about it. You could have told me you were going out with her. I don't care, Justin. You can go out with whomever you want to. I'm out of here!" She got out of his grasp and reached for the door. This time he blocked her path.

"Listen, I need to explain. About last night, I cancelled the date because I wanted to be with you. I didn't want to go out with Libby in the first place but you and her ganged up on me. All I wanted to do was come back here and hang out with you. As for what we did. I didn't plan for it to happen but I am glad it did. I have wanted to be with you for a long time but wasn't sure how you felt about me. I know we are friends but I wanted to be more than that with you. Please believe me. As for the phone call this morning, I am sorry you heard me. I felt bad for standing her up last night and I thought I would make it up to her today. Then I would be off the hook and would not have to go out with her again. Please, don't leave yet. I really need to talk to you." He was pleading with her to stay and talk about what had happened between them but all she could think about was the fact that he lied to her just a few minutes ago. Was he lying now?

"Justin, I can't. I have to go. I have to get to the airport and back to Florida. I can't talk about this right now." With that, she pushed herself past him and out the door before he could stop her. The elevator doors opened just as she heard Justin come up the hallway. He had put on his shorts and was in the process of putting on his shirt when he reached her. "Justin, please, I have to go." She couldn't look at him. She knew if she did then she would get lost in him as usual. She had to get home and figure out her feelings towards him. He wasn't making it very easy on her.

"I'll let you go on one condition, you have to call me when you get back to Florida so we can talk. Please, that is all I ask."

She felt him touch her arm and it sent shivers down her spine. Just agree with him and get out of here before you do something you will regret, well, another thing you will regret. She didn't look at him, but walked into the elevator and as the doors were closing, she said, "I'll call." The doors shut and she was gone.

Needless to say, she didn't call him when she got home. The whole way back to Orlando, she had been thinking of what she would say to him and decided that until she was sure of her feelings, she wouldn't call him. She knew he would be disappointed but she couldn't talk to him about that night until she figured things out for herself.

Justin had become impatient and on edge the past few days. Anya had said she would call and hadn't. He knew he had been wrong in lying to her about his date with Libby but he just didn't know what to say about their night together. They had become good friends in such a short time. He trusted her with his life and knew she felt the same. They shared so much and when she had told him about Ben, he knew he would do anything to keep her safe. The guys had noticed Justin, too. They tried to talk to him about what was going on but all he would say was that he had some things to figure out and would explain later. The group had been in Los Angeles for an additional three days and were now heading to New York for two more before they left for Europe. They were going to be gone for about a month, doing some promotional stuff over there. The last day in New York was a free day for the guys. They were all going to either rest up or go visit Joey's relatives. Justin decided to do something else.

Anya came home from work at her usual time. She knew her roommate would not be home for another hour or so. She went to the refrigerator to find something to eat. When she was satisfied with what she had chosen, she pushed the button on the answering machine to see if anyone had called. First up was her mom, then Lisa's boyfriend, and then her work telling her they needed her to come in early tomorrow. She was about to erase the messages when one more came on. It was Justin. Just hearing his voice made her catch her breath. He sounded so lonely and she felt bad for not calling him.

Over the past week, she had tried to forget about Los Angeles and knew the guys would be gone for a month anyway. This would give her time to sort through a few things. The message was over in a few seconds and she longed for more. She wanted to hear his voice over and over. You're being silly. He is probably sleeping right now or partying the night away with Joey. Get over it. I'm sure he has.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the phone rang. She answered it thinking it was going to be her mother again, or Lisa saying she would be late. Instead, she heard a man's voice. "Hey." It was him. He was calling. This was it. She knew he would ask her about Los Angeles and why she hadn't called him. What to say. What to say. Before she could think of anything, he spoke up. "I just want to ask you a question." Oh no, here it goes. "If you saw me, would you listen to what I had to say?"


"You heard me. Would you listen to me if you saw me?"

Without thinking, she said, "Yes…Yes I would listen to you." She was unsure as to what he was up to.

"Good. Now go to your front door." Hesitantly she walked to her front door and opened it. There, before her, was Justin, holding his cell phone up to his ear.

Chapter 12

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