Lisa and Joey left around 8:00 p.m. to go to dinner and to some new club that had just opened. Anya wasn't sure when Justin would arrive. She wasn't expecting anything to happen tonight. If it did, that was an added bonus. She just wanted to be alone and spend some time with him. Also, they needed to talk about what was going on between them and having the interruption of a roommate would be hard to ignore. Around 9:00 p.m. she heard a knock on her door. She was in her room and yelled for whomever it was to just come on it. She walked out of her room and was surprised when she didn't see anyone in the apartment. She went to the door, expecting to see Justin there, but no one was around. That's strange, she thought, I know I heard the door. Just then, she felt an arm grab around her waist and a hand cover her mouth. She was frightened at this point. She had been certain that it was Justin at the door or she wouldn't have told anyone to come in. She was trying to get away from this guy when he leaned down to her ear and whispered, "you shouldn't leave your door unlocked like that. You never know what kind of lunatic could come in."

He let go of her and she spun around, knowing who he was.

"The only lunatic I see is you. Don't you ever do that to me again! You scared the crap out of me. I thought I was going to have to use my kung-fu skills on you." She said with a smile, relieved it was Justin.

"Ooh, I'm scared of you." He put his hands in the air, shaking them, trying to act scared.

"You should be." She said as she punched him in the stomach.

"Hey, that hurt." He said, rubbing the place where she hit him.

"You are such a baby. I barely even touched you. I told you that you should be scared of my kung-fu." She held up her hands in the Karate Kid position. He had to laugh at her. She looked too cute for words right then.

He pulled her into his arms to hold her close. "Okay, I give up. I will never scare you again. I promise."

He leaned forward and was about to kiss her when she said, "good. Now where did we leave off from this afternoon?"

He knew exactly what she was talking about and continued his path towards her lips. "Right here." He said as he closed the distance between them and brought his lips to hers. She relished in the feel of his lips on hers. He deepened the kiss and she thought her knees would give out. She was enjoying just having him near her again. She wanted to talk to him but couldn't stop. She wanted to be with him for so long that words would only get in the way. They do say actions speak louder than words.

He wanted to talk to her, too, but was unable to stop his course of action. It took all the strength he had to pull away from her. She looked at him, a little disappointed but relieved he had been able to do it. She knew she couldn't have. "Can we talk first?" He asked, hoping she would be okay with this.

"Yeah…I think…we need…to talk." She said, out of breath. Every time he would kiss her, it took her breath away and she had to regain her composure. "I mean…oh, you know what I mean…let's talk."

He chuckled to himself when he saw that she was having such a hard time getting the words out. He loved that he could have this kind of effect on her. "Maybe we should sit down?"

She laughed when she realized he must have noticed the dreamy state she was in. She cleared her throat to break his laughter. "Yeah, how about the couch?"

They sat down beside each other. Both of them knew what they wanted to say but were unsure of where to start. Justin decided he would go for it. "Well, since you seem to be out of breath." He tried not to laugh when she gave him an evil glare. "Anyway, I think I should just come out and say this." Anya didn't like the sound of that. He was being way too serious and wouldn't look at her.

"Justin, is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" She hoped if she had, she could fix it.

"No, nothing is wrong. You did nothing wrong. In fact, everything is so right." She gave him a confused look and told him to go on. "What I wanted to talk to you about was us. I know we said a lot of things to each other over emails and stuff but I was worried that when we saw each other, it would be different. I just want to know where we stand. Since I came back yesterday, okay, so I don't remember last night too well. Anyway, today, I guess I should say, we were like good friends one minute than…you know…more the next. It's not that I mind…it's just that I want to make sure you still want to be with me…or whatever." Justin was having a hard time getting the words to come out of his mouth. He was really nervous about this. Although he knew Anya didn't have a problem with their age anymore, he still felt awkward about appearing too young and immature for her. He wanted to please her so bad but the words sounded like gibberish.

She knew what he was trying to say and she felt the same. She grabbed his hand. She intertwined their fingers together. She took a deep breath before answering him. "Justin, I would give anything to be with you..." She started.

"But..." He added. He knew that tone and feared the worse.

She tried to hold back her smile. "Justin, it's not a BIG but, only a little one."

He appeared to have no idea what she was talking about. He motioned for her to finish. "What I mean is...are you sure you still want to be with me because if not, please save me the heartache now. I am so in love..."

She never got to finish her sentence. Justin leaned over and brought his lips to her cheek. He didn't remove them very far from her, mearly moved them down her cheek and onto her neck. She turned her body to face his and placed her hands around the back of his neck. She started to pull him down with her on the couch but he stopped her.

He shocked her by scooping her up in his arms and started carrying her to her room. "I have been wanting to do this for almost five weeks now. I know you want it too, so let's go."

"Oh my, such the romantic aren't you?" She laughed at his antics.

"This IS romantic." He said as he threw her down on the bed. That made her laugh even harder. He knew that she only laughed like that when she was truly happy. He was glad he was the one to bring that out in her. "I don't think we can do this with you laughing so much."

"Hey, I didn't hear you complaining last time." She was referring to their night in Los Angeles when she had the giggles like crazy.

"Yeah, well, let's not make a habit of it. I don't want to be referred to as the guy that makes all the girls laugh in bed."

"There better not be any other girls." She put her hands on her hips and looked angry with him. He rolled his eyes at her playfulness. "You know what I mean."

"Okay, okay. I know what you mean. Now, get over here. It's been too long." With that, he laid down on the bed next to her.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked growing serious as he pushed a strand of hair away from her eyes.

"I know. I love you, too." That was all that needed to be said between the two. The rest of the night they spent learning every part of each other. The first time they had been together, it was an impulsive thing but this time it was all about each other. They wanted to know how each other ticked, how each other moved, how every part of their bodies felt. It was a night neither one wanted to forget.

The next morning, Anya woke up to find Justin gone. She tried to remember when he had left. I know it was sometime around 3:00 a.m. I think. I'll have to call him after church to see if everything is okay.

She got out of bed and went to take a shower. She was getting dressed for church when she realized that she didn't hear Lisa getting ready herself. I wonder if she is sick or just not going this morning.

To her surprise, Lisa was no where to be found. She hadn't come home last night. She was starting to get worried, when all of a sudden, the front door opened and Lisa ran in. "I know. I know. Don't ask. Give me 20 minutes, okay?" That was all the information Anya got as Lisa ran into the bathroom to get ready for church.

They rode to church in silence. Even sat in the pew without saying a word. The day's sermon sparked an interest in Lisa that Anya had not seen before. The preacher was talking about the seven deadly sins. When he got to Lust, Lisa's eyes opened wide. Anya saw this and started to giggle. An older lady behind them gave a "shhh" to her. Anya told to lady sorry and returned her attention to Lisa. "Please tell me nothing happened last night with Joey?"

Lisa sat there concentrating on what the preacher was saying. "I'll tell you later."

After church, the girls always went out for lunch. That day they picked a little deli down from their apartment. They ordered their food and Anya waited patiently for Lisa to speak up. The silence was driving her crazy. "JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" Anya yelled, a little too loud. The people in the deli turned to look at her. For the second time that day, she apologized and turned her attention back to Lisa. "Sorry about that. The suspense is killing me. Did you or didn't you do anything with Joey?" She waited for an answer.

"If you must know, nothing happened between us last night. We went out to eat and to that new club and then came back to his place. I knew you wanted to be alone with Justin so I slept on the couch. I woke up late this morning. That's all."

"Then why didn't you tell me that before. You don't know the thoughts that were going through my mind all morning in church. By the way, what was up with you when the preacher started in on lust?"

"Oh that. I knew what you were probably thinking and I wanted to get a rise out of you." She began to laugh.

"Mission accomplished. You are awful, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know." The two girls finished their lunch and headed home.

"Hey, I know you said nothing happened last night. Were you okay with that?" Anya remembered how Lisa liked Joey in the beginning and wondered if she wanted more from last night.

"No, we are just friends, nothing more. I have Jeff, remember. Joey is really nice but me LUSTING after him is long over with." She emphasized the word "lusting" which made Anya crack up laughing.

Chapter 16

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