The next couple of weeks Anya divided her time at work and with Justin. He would be gone days at a time. The group would be in New York or Los Angeles doing promotional stuff. She didn't really know exactly what but she didn't worry about it. Things seemed to be going good for the couple. A few times while they were out, some people would ask if they were together. Justin would look at Anya, worried he would hurt her by telling a lie. Most of the time, she was the one who would tell people "no". She knew he hated lying to people but he wasn't ready to tell the world about them just yet. He wanted to keep his private life as private as possible. She didn't complain much. She enjoyed the secret rendezvous they would have and the stolen moments when no one was looking.

The time had come when the group was heading down to Cancun for MTV's Spring Break. JC and Chris had already invited their girlfriends to come along. Justin wanted Anya to come with them. He assured her that if she stuck with the other girls, everything would be okay. The group would only be there for a couple of days and then the guys would fly to Los Angeles to begin rehearsals for their up coming tour. This would be the last they would see of each other for a while. How could she refuse? She was going on a free vacation with her boyfriend, granted there would be tons of people there, but they would find some private time together.

They made it to Cancun and immediately the guys were whisked away to a meeting. This gave the girls time to themselves. They decided to hit the beach. Anya, Beth and Kiley got their suits and found their spot on the sand. Kiley was Chris' girlfriend and had been for a couple of years now. Most fans knew about her and didn't make a big about it. She thought it was because he was the oldest member and was bound to have a girlfriend. Kiley had a couple of run-ins with fans in the beginning and they weren't pleasant to her. She had websites dedicated to her and how people hated her. She had to just take all of it with a grain of salt. No one was going to stop her from being with Chris and that was one of the things Anya admired the most about her.

Beth, on the other hand, had a tougher time being JC's girlfriend. The two make a great couple but since he was, shall we say, more in demand, they had to keep their relationship on the down low. It really didn't bother Beth. She knew that music was JC's first priority and she wouldn't make him chose between her and his music for anything. She knew how much he loved her and that was enough for her. Some people had seen them out and asked about their relationship. They just smiled and said nothing. Instead of lying to people, they remained silent about the whole thing. Beth worried sometimes about what fans would do when they find out about her, and they always did.

As she was sitting there on the beach, thinking about the two girls with her, Anya's thoughts were interrupted by Kiley asking her a question. "So, we were wandering Anya, could you tell us something?" The look on both girls' faces made Anya laugh. They were up to something, she just had to figure out what.

"Sure…I'll answer your question. What do you want to know?"

Both girls looked at each other and then to Anya. "What is Justin like in bed?"

"Excuse me?" Anya almost choked when she heard the question.

"You heard us. We want to know about the private side of Justin."

"I don't believe you just asked me that. You don't already know. I mean not from experience, I hope, but from his other girlfriends?" She was getting a little nervous right now. She didn't mind telling these girls anything about her relationship with Justin, it just took her by surprise.

"No we don't know from experience. We wish. Just kidding. Lord, don't tell JC I just said that. And about Justin's other girlfriends, well, we didn't really like most of them and don't know how far they went, but we know what he did with you." Beth started.

"Don't tell me, the guys told you." Anya said, even though she already knew the answer.

Both girls nodded their heads before all three busted out laughing. "Those guys of ours can't keep their mouths shut about anything. At least they don't tell their fans about it. They do know who to tell and who not to tell." Kiley said in between laughs.

"Hey, listen, I'm going to go get something to drink, do you want anything?" Anya asked as she was getting up from her beach chair.

"Nope. None for me, thanks."

"Yeah, I'll pass, too" came from both girls.

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute." With that, Anya was walking to the bar to get water to drink.

"Hey. She never answered our question. She's good." Kiley said. "We'll have to keep her around." Both girls continued to laugh to themselves.

As Anya waited for the bartender to give her the water she ordered, a guy sitting by her stood up and approached her. "Hey, what's your name?" He asked. She felt very uncomfortable that this guy was within inches of her body. She tried to ignore him but he asked her again. "What you think you are too good to be talking to me, is that it?" The man started.

"Oh, no I'm sorry, I was just thinking of something. I didn't mean to be rude." She said, knowing it was a lie but he didn't know that. She still didn't give him her name.

She was about ready to give up on the bartender when he returned with the water and asked her for her room number to charge it to. "I don't want to charge it to my room. I'll just pay for it here, thank you."

"What you don't want me to know what room you are in?" The guy said as he crept even closer to Anya, if that was possible.

"It's not that. I don't think my friend I'm staying with would like me to give out his room number." She said politely. She paid for her water and was about to leave when the guy said to her.

"I don't see you with any guy, just those girls over there." He pointed to Beth and Kiley.

"It's because I had an errand to run." Anya turned around to see Justin standing there in front of her. Never before had she been so happy to see him.

"And who are you, pretty boy?" The guy said as he put his arm around Anya's waist.

"I'm her boyfriend and I would appreciate you getting your hands off of her now." Justin said, annoyed that this guy was being so forward with his girlfriend.

"Oh, yeah, who's going to stop me?"

"I am." From behind Justin came this huge man, or rather, bodyguard. "I believe it's time you were leaving." With that, the guy quickly pulled his arm away from Anya, gathered his things and left for the hotel.

Anya stood there in shock. It wasn't because of the guy at the bar, but, because for the first time, Justin had admitted to someone other than the guys, that she was his girlfriend. He walked up to her. Standing only inches away from her, she didn't flinch as she had with the other guy. Justin was different. He was the only man that she longed to be near. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for coming when you did. That guy was such a jerk. Let's get back to the girls."

As they walked back to Beth and Kiley, Anya couldn't keep her eyes off of Justin. Everyday she spent with him, he amazed her. She woke up every morning excited about what would happen that day. Whether it was a note he wrote her or just holding her hand, everything they did together was special to her. She learned something new about him all the time and today, he had done something that made her feel wonderful. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little lost." He asked unexpectedly.

"Did you realize that you told someone other than the guys about me being your girlfriend. I know it was some jerk, but still, it was someone." She said, unable to contain her smile. He picked up on what she was saying. He put his arm around her waist as they continued to walk to her friends.

"I don't know where that came from. Boy, I hope I don't let my real girlfriend hear me say that again." When Anya heard that, she pushed his arm away from her and walked off in front of him. "I was only kidding. Anya wait." Justin shouted as he came up to her at her beach chair.

The other girls looked up at him, saying their "HI's" and then going back to their conversation. He sat down beside Anya and apologized again. "Anya, I was only kidding. I'm sorry." He was pleading with her. She did all she could not to laugh at him. He really was so cute when he was trying to apologize.

Finally, she couldn't hold it in any longer. "You are too cute to ever be mad at. Come here." She said as she pulled him forward toward her. He took the hint and without caring who say them, he leaned forward and kissed her.

"Please, would you guys lay off the make out session until you get to your room. We're trying to get a tan here." Kiley said in such a smart-ass way that Justin decided he was going to continue kissing Anya just to tick her off.

"J, come up for air. There are people staring at you two. Maybe you should continue this in your room." His bodyguard told him.

"Not a bad idea. Are you coming, my dear." Justin said as he got up from the beach chair and extended his hand to Anya.

"Don't mind if I do, thank you." She said, gathering her things and walking with him toward the hotel.

"Anya" Beth called after her. She turned around. "Will you tell our good for nothing boyfriends that we would have liked to know that they were back, too."

"I'll do that." Anya said as she started back toward the hotel.

"Oh, one more thing." Kiley chimed in, "you never gave us an answer to our question."

Anya looked at Justin and then at the girls. "I'll tell you later." All three girls burst out laughing.

Justin stood there confused as ever. "Women!" This made the girls laugh even harder.

Since the guys had the night off, they all decided to go out on the town. Joey, Lance, Chris and Kiley were heading over to a club they had heard of, while JC and Beth were going to stay at the hotel. Anya and Justin were having dinner when he decided that he wanted to go check out that club with the rest of the group. He had been trying to get Anya to come with him for the last ten minutes. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"I don't know, Justin. You guys have to get up pretty early tomorrow and you know how you are in the morning." Anya didn't want to go out tonight. She hadn't been alone with Justin in what seemed like ages and she wanted him all to herself.

"Okay JC. You're getting as bad as him, you know that, right?" Justin said pretending to be hurt.

"Oh, okay, just for a little while. I don't want to be out late tonight." She finally gave in. He knew if he begged long enough she would cave in.

"Great, let's go." With that, they were on their way to the club.

When they got there, it was packed full of people. This made Justin's bodyguard a little nervous, not to mention Anya, too. "I don't know Justin, there are a lot of people here." She told him over the loud music.

"Don't worry okay. Hey, there are the guys now." Before she had time to look in their direction, Justin and his bodyguard had her pushing through the crowd of people. They caught up with the others and decided to dance for a while. This club wasn't so bad. Since they were in Cancun for Spring Break, there were a lot of college girls and guys, which was something the guys didn't worry about. With the younger fans, they would come up to the guys and it would be hard for them to let loose and have fun. The older crowd was different. Every now and then, someone would come up to them and ask for an autograph or a dance. The guys all agreed and things were pretty tame.

Anya was getting tired and asked Justin if they could go now. "Just one more song, okay? I haven't danced with you yet." He yelled over the music.

"One song then we can go?"

"One song." It wasn't that Anya was having a bad time, it was getting late and the longer they stayed the drunker everyone around her got. She remembered when Ben would drink. It scared her then and scared her now with all the people around.

Justin led her onto the dance floor. She knew she would be safe in his arms. The world would just fade away and leave them there alone. As soon as they got out there, the Backstreet Boys' song "I'll Never Break Your Heart" came on. "Oh great, I finally get to dance with my girlfriend and its this song." All Anya could do was laugh at him. He really is too cute for his own good.

As the song played, Anya was right, they both felt in their own little world. No one bothered them, it was just the two of them. As she rested her head in the crook of his neck, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. They barely even moved to the music. It looked like they were in a great big hug. As the song ended, Anya raised her head to look at Justin. She knew that they couldn't do anything else but dance with all these people around, but she wanted so bad to lean up and kiss him. He must have had the same feeling, because, before she knew it, Justin had leaned down and captured her lips with his. At first, she was hesitant to receive them. There were a lot of people around. What would they think? Forget them. I'm not letting them ruin my night, she said to herself as she gave into him.

When they finally pulled apart, Justin looked at Anya and mouthed "I love you" to her. She smiled and hugged him once more. "I am going to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

"That's so romantic, Justin. I love you, I'm going to the bathroom." Anya said laughing.

"You know what I mean." He pretended to be hurt.

"Oh, come on, I'm only kidding. Now, go to the bathroom. I'll be at the bar getting a water." She laughed at him as he walked off to the bathroom.

When he returned, he looked around for Anya. He saw her at the bar and there looked like a couple of girls around her. The closer he got, the more it looked like one of them was yelling at her. What he saw next shocked him. One of the girls threw a glass of beer in Anya's face and then slammed it down on the counter, only it didn't hit the counter, it hit Anya's hand that was reaching for a napkin. He tried to get to her but people were everywhere. He yelled at his bodyguard to get everyone out of the way. Justin ran up to Anya and the other girls. "My God are you okay?" He asked her, oblivious to the other people around him.

"You're Justin Timberlake, aren't you?" One of the girls said.

"What did you say?" Justin was not listening to what the other girl was saying. He was trying to concentrate on Anya.

"You're him aren't you. Oh my, I am so sorry, I thought she was lying." That was all he could make out above the music.

He turned to Anya, "what does she mean she thought you were lying?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Please can we just leave now?" Anya begged as tears ran down her face.

Justin noticed the hand she was holding. "Let me see your hand." He took it in his own and gasped at what he saw. Her hand was definitely broken. "We have to get you to a hospital, now." He told her.

"Hey, Justin, do you want to dance?" Asked one of the girls who had been standing there.

He was about to lose his patients with them when Anya interrupted, "Justin, let's just go, please." She pleaded with him. He didn't even let the other guys know what had happened or that he was leaving, he just helped her out of the club and into the van with his bodyguard. They reached the closest hospital a few minutes later.

After what seemed like hours, Anya finally appeared in a wheelchair and her arm in a sling. Justin jumped up from his chair, woke his bodyguard up, and ran over to her. "Are you okay? I seem to be asking you that a lot lately."

"She will be fine in a couple of weeks." The nurse, who wheeled her out, said. "She has broken two bones in her hand. We were not able to put a cast on it yet. She will need to come back in the morning when the doctor is here and he will put the cast on then. As for now, she is highly medicated so she will probably sleep the rest of the night. She will need to take another one of these pills in the morning and then return here by 10:00 a.m. for the cast." She handed Justin a small bottle of pills already filled for Anya. He thanked the nurse and helped Anya to the van.

Chapter 17

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