Several days passed and Anya was leaving work early to get to the doctor's office in time for her cast to be removed. She had been eagerly awaiting its removal for a long time. Every time she looked at it, it reminded her of Justin. Once this is off, I will have nothing to remind me of him. She felt relieved in that fact and knew it was time to move on.

The doctor's office was empty except for her so she got in immediately. The doctor had asked her questions about her hand, her weight loss and the way she looked. He knew she had to be going through something personal to have been this way.

After asking several personal questions, he removed the cast. "Everything looks good. You'll have to come in for physical therapy for a couple of weeks. If you want, we can set them up at the hospital so you won't have to miss work."

"Thank you doctor. Am I free to go now?" Anya wasn't feeling good and was ready to get home.

"Well…I am concerned about your weight loss and other things. I would like to run a few tests to rule out some things." Anya didn't like the sound of that but agreed. She thought her problems were mental not physical, but she wasn't the expert.

When the doctor returned, he had no expression on his face to indicate good or bad news. "Is it good or bad?"

"That depends on you."

If she hadn't been confused before, she was now. "What is wrong with me?"

"Well…you are suffering from what most people refer to as morning sickness, but in your case, it is coming and going all day. This is not uncommon in first pregnancies." The doctor began.

"Could you…um…could you…repeat that?"

"Anya, you are pregnant."

She sat there in complete shock. This can't be happening. Not now, please. "How…how did this…happen?"

"You told me you had intercourse after you broke your hand." This wasn't making any since to her. "I understand you were on birth control pills, but the medication you took for your hand could have reduced the effectiveness of your pills. Didn't anyone tell you about that risk?" He was concerned that a 25 year-old woman wouldn't have known about this.

"No…the doctors in Mexico never mentioned it…Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I know this comes as a shock to you but right now, I need to take some more blood to run some routine tests and get you started on prenatal vitamins. I am very concerned about this baby. For six weeks, you have been unaware of it and your mental state, with your weight loss, can be a deadly combination for the fetus. I would like you to go home and get some rest. If you feel up to it, you might want to look into speaking with someone, possibly at the hospital, about what is going on. This baby needs you to be there 100% and right now, I don't see you giving it more than 10%." He was very blunt with her.

When it came to the health of his patients, born or not, he took no chances. "Now, I'll have the nurse come and draw some blood. We should have the results in a couple of days. Here is a prescription for vitamins. I want you off your pills or anything else you might be on. No drinking. No smoking. In addition, you will need to make an appointment for two weeks. The baby should be almost nine weeks by then. We will do an examine and ultrasound at that time. Do you have any questions?"

Anya shook her head.

"I know I have thrown a lot at you today. Go home. Get some rest. Call the office if you need anything. I'll send the nurse in for those test."

The ride home was a nightmare. Anya had too much on her mind that she almost caused three accidents. She arrived safe at her apartment. Lisa was on vacation with Jeff, so she would have the place to herself.

For the first time, she wished for company, someone to take her mind off this. She would find no one. She tried to eat something but found it difficult to swallow her food. Everything made her sick to her stomach.

She sat on the couch, trying to watch TV. She was flipping through the channels when something caught her eye. She tried to change stations but found it impossible. A familiar video was playing on MTV. She had seen this video and heard the song many times but now it had meaning to her. She listened as the last lines were sung:

Never look back
We said
How was I to know
I'd miss you so

That's what we promised, Justin. How were we to know? How were we to know this would happen?

She placed a hand over her stomach. I miss you, Justin. I need you. We need you. Where are you? She fell asleep on the couch that night, thinking of the past.

Summer passed and soon fall had arrived. Anya was going into her sixth month. The baby was doing great. She learned that she was having a girl at the beginning of January. She hoped she wouldn't deliver on New Years. She always thought that would be too weird. A lot had changed for her. After she had gotten the rest she needed, she decided to concentrate on her baby and put the past behind her. Lisa had returned from vacation and was shocked by the news but stood beside her all the way, neither one mentioned Justin.

She had kept in touch with Kiley and Beth. Luckily, they didn't live in Florida, so Anya never had to worry about running into them and having to explain her protruding tummy. Sometimes she would talk to some of the guys. They still didn't know what happened between her and Justin. All they knew was that they broke up some time ago. No one knew exactly when or why.

Once, she ran into Justin's mom at the grocery store. They talked a little but Anya never let on about the baby. She had even gone home to visit her mom. Although she was upset over her daughter not being married, she did praise her for taking responsibility for her actions. The visit was rough on Anya, and she was glad to be back in Florida.

Work was going okay. She had been so busy that she often had to take breaks during the day to grab five or 10-minute naps. The baby was definitely keeping her busy. She would kick Anya all the time. Lisa would joke and say that she was going to be the first woman field-goal kicker in the NFL.

Her family was good. Her friends were good. Her job was good. Her baby was good. She, on the other hand, was not so good. She kept a smile on her face but inside, she was falling apart. The guys were back from tour and she knew they would run into one another sometime. She wasn't sure what she was going to do when that happened. I'll just have to wait and see.

Chapter 20

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