When Justin hung up, JC was standing right there, waiting on his friend to go to the interview. "Come on man, we are going to be late."

"I'm coming. Hey, JC, can we talk later?"

"Sure. Is everything okay?" He was concerned about his young friend. He knew he missed Anya and since he had just gotten off the phone with her, he assumed it was about her.

"Yeah every things fine, I just need some advice, that's all."

"Okay, after the interview, we'll get a bite to eat and talk then."

"Thanks man." With that, they were out the door and on to the interview.

When the interview was over, JC and Justin stopped at the hotel restaurant to eat. "You wanted to talk to me, Justin?" JC started.

"Yeah, well, it's about Anya."

"I figured that much. So what's going on?"

"Okay, here goes. You know how close we have been getting over the past few weeks." JC nodded his head in agreement. "Well, lately I have been feeling different about her, not in a bad way, but in a more than friendly way, I guess. What I'm trying to say is that I have feelings for her and it's not brotherly love I'm feeling."

JC sat there for a minute thinking of what to tell his friend. Sure, he knew Justin liked Anya, they all did, but he didn't think it was more than that. In the beginning, the guys were worried about Justin and Anya spending too much time together due to the age difference but passed that off when they saw them together. The two of them liked each other for themselves, no ages, no status, nothing, just Justin and Anya. JC knew that his friend needed some good advice on where to go from here and he hoped he could help.

"Take it slow with her, that's all I can say. You know she has been hurt before. I was there, remember, when she told us. If you really like her, let her know."

"What if she doesn't feel the same way towards me, you know she had a problem with our ages at first." Justin was unsure if this was good advice to follow or not.

"Yeah, that lasted for, what, two seconds? You know she doesn't care how old you are. Sure, maybe other people will, but take it from me, if you find someone you really like, something like age shouldn't matter. I say tell her about your feelings and see what she says."

"I don't want to mess up our friendship if she doesn't feel the same." Justin was starting to regret ever telling JC about this. He knew JC wouldn't leave him alone about this now.

"Listen, just wait and see. When the time comes to tell her, you'll know." With that, JC excused himself to the restroom.

Justin sat there thinking about what JC had just said. "Just wait and see. Okay, I can do that. I just hope I know when the right time is."

JC returned and they paid for their meals then headed upstairs to get some sleep. Justin had a hard time relaxing that night. Thoughts of Anya and what he wanted to tell her, were running through his mind. Please let her feel the same.

Chapter 8

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