"Well, after my last entry from Hawaii, I put the journal up and went back into my room to get ready for a day at the beach. I lounged around all day soaking in the rays of the sun, playing football with some of the people that were staying at the same hotel, and just relaxing. I got back to my room and found a note under my door. Lying on top of the note was a single daisy. I knew immediately who it was from."

Jes looked at the woman hoping she would tell her what the note said, sure enough she did. She opened the journal and there on the next page was the note she had received. She opened it up and began reading it.

'When we first met we had so many obstacles to overcome. It seemed that the whole world was against us, but somehow we have managed to survive. Sometimes when we are together, I never want to leave. I feel that my life would not be complete without you. When we are apart, I can only hope to see you soon. You mean everything to me and you are my everything. Every breath I take, every site I see, every day I live, I want them to be with you.'

She stopped just long enough to take a breath before continuing.

'Your face is the last thing I want to see before I close my eyes to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake. If this came true, I would never take you or my life for granted and I would thank God everyday for bringing you into my life. I love you with all my heart and I hope we will always be together…one way or another.'

She folded up the note and placed it back in the journal. She wiped the tear that had escaped her eye just moments before.

"Was it from him?" Jes asked.

She looked up at the young girl in beside her and simply nodded her head. "He came for me in Hawaii." Jes' eyes opened wide at that statement. She didn't think they ever got back together, or that is what the press said. "Yeah, he found out that I was gone. He finally called my apartment and my roommate told him everything. I was so mad at her for doing that because I didn't want his pity for losing my job."

"What happened when he came to see you?"

The woman took another deep breath before starting the story back up. "Well, I was getting dressed to go out to dinner when there was a knock at my door…"

"Just a minute…" The young woman said as she tried desperately to tie the strands of her dress behind her. She failed miserably so she just held onto them and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" She asked but didn't get a response.

She was unsure if she should open the door or not but quickly brushed that thought off. No one knew her here so she was safe. She opened the door, slowly, just in case and there before her, HE stood.

He looked more handsome than she remembered. He stood there with a bag over his shoulder as he leaned against the frame of the door. They stood there for a minute just looking at one another. They hadn't seen each other in months and now here he was standing in her doorway.

She didn't say a word, just simply moved out of the way to allow him to enter. He gave her a small smile before he lowered his head and began the short walk into her room. He sat his things down on the floor beside the bed and turned to look at the woman behind him. She still hadn't moved from the doorway and he lightly chuckled to himself. He still had it. He still had that effect on her.

She snapped out of her trance and shut the door only to realize that the strands of her dress were still undone. She grabbed them before they fell and tried once more to tie them together.

He saw her distress and walked up to her. His first words since he had arrived were to ask her if she needed any help. "Here, let me…"

He stood in front of her and brought his hands up to her body, lightly grazing her hips as he slid them around to her back. He felt her shiver at his touch and smiled at that. He crept closer to her until he could almost feel her heartbeat on his chest. His hands found the straps and began to tie them together. He felt the skin on her back and he found himself having that same shiver she just experienced go through him.

The feel of her skin, after all this time was electrifying to him. He stopped tying the straps only for a moment while his fingers touched her back. He wanted to feel her against him so he stepped that last step closer to her and their bodies touched. Immediately he heard her gasp for air.

She closed her eyes when he took that last step. She couldn't look at him. He was too much for her. She hadn't seen him in so long and here he was only inches away from her and all her senses were in overdrive. She wanted to reach out and grab him, feel him again, but she hesitated. He hadn't said why he was here and until then, she would not allow herself to fall again.

She felt the heat from his body getting closer to her and then his cheek touch hers. She thought she would fall over so she raised her hands and took a hold of his waist to balance herself. That act alone sent her skyrocketing. She wanted to touch him for so long and now she was.

He finished tying the strands but let his hands linger on her back. He began to run them up and down her back while he closed his eyes and relished in the feel of her again. Her cheek was so warm against his own but slowly he took it away.

He brought his head down a little further and placed his lips on her neck. He felt her tense up and then slowly relax at his touch. He began kissing her neck and felt her tighten her hold around him.

He made a trail of kissing from her neck up towards her face. When he reached the corners of her mouth, he opened his eyes and saw the same blue eyes he had missed so much, staring back at him. The look they gave him was one that said that she wanted him too. He slowly closed the distance between them and softly kissed her lips. He brought his head back to see if she was okay and when he did, he noticed the tears trying to escape her eyes but she willed them away.

He asked her if she was okay but before he got the words out, she reached up with her hands, encircled his neck and brought him down to her level and captured his lips with hers. The kiss was a desperate one for both of them. They felt that if it ended, so would everything around them. They didn't want to stop this for anything.

He felt her body pressed so tightly against his and thought they would fall over if one of them lost their balance. He reached around and placed his hands on her back again to stable himself. Without thinking, he began to untie the strands of her dress that he just put together. She didn't stop him when he did this. She wanted the same thing from him.

It had been far too long and they each wanted to feel the closeness they had missed in not being together.

As the dress fell to the ground, he stepped back from her and just looked. He hadn't SEEN her in so long and now before him stood the most beautiful woman he could imagine. She smiled shyly at him and quickly found her place back in his arms.

The two continued to kiss and disrobe one another until they found themselves on the bed…

"Woah…okay, no more. I don't think I need to hear about THAT!" Jes stated to the young woman sitting beside her.

"Oh, sorry, I guess I just got carried away." She blushed a little at the thought of her explaining her sex life to this young girl.

"I'd say you did." Jes started laughing at that. The woman joined in. "Okay, so anyway, AFTER that, what happened?"

The woman quieted down and started the story back up. "Well, the next morning…"

As the light from the new day appeared through the curtains, the young woman and man slowly woke up to find themselves not alone. For months they had done this same routine: wake up, look around and find no one there. But today, when they did, they found the person that meant the most to them, right beside them.

He was the first to speak. "Good morning." He said as he lightly kissed the top of her head.

She stretched her arms out and then returned to her place with her head on his chest and arm up around his neck. She intertwined her fingers in his hair and snuggled close to him. "Don't wake me up yet. If this is a dream, I don't want to open my eyes."

He laughed at her and suddenly moved his body and hers so she was on her back and he was above her. She squinted at the light from the morning and brought a hand up to her eyes. "I said I don't want to wake up yet. Please, mom just go away." She swatted at the person above her and when she felt his face, she realized she wasn't dreaming.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw the blueness of his own shining down on her. She shut her eyes again and blushed when she realized he must have heard her talking about her mom. "Good morning." She finally got out.

He laughed at her a minute and then took her hand away from her face and placed it around his neck. "I didn't know your mom wakes you up like this." He said as she tried to take another swing at him but failed. "And I thought I was cranky in the morning."

She laughed at that comment and opened her eyes again to see his smiling face trying to block the sun light in the room. She smiled at him and tugged at his neck to bring him down to her level. Just before their lips met, he heard her stomach growl.

He lowered his head to her neck and laughed into her body. "Hungry huh?"

She raised his head with her hands so their eyes could meet. "Well someone showed up last night before I could get anything to eat and distracted me."

"Hey, I didn't hear you complaining." He said as he gave her an evil smile. He ducked again when he thought she would take another shot at him and quickly got off the bed and stood up.

She wrapped the sheets tightly around her body and leaned over on her side to prop herself up on one elbow and look at him. She smiled at the site before her and when he noticed her stare, he immediately brought his hands down to cover the area he had forgotten was bare.

"You naughty little girl. Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not nice to stare at people?" He said, waving one finger at her.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not nice to walk around naked and tease people?" She asked him.

He simply laughed at her and then turned around to go to the bathroom. He caught her stare again and put his other hand on his butt to cover it up. He heard laughter come from behind the door as he closed it.

Jes looked at the smile on the woman's face and had to ask the question that was burning inside of her.

"Okay, you don't have to answer this but I'm dying to know something." She noticed the funny look the woman was giving her and she quickly asked it before she got shy again. "Is he…you know…" She put her palms together and then pulled them apart, hoping that she wouldn't have to say the words. When her hands reached the width of her shoulders, the woman caught on to what she was trying to ask.

A huge smile spread from her mouth all the way up to her eyes and she started to laugh. Her eyes got really big before she said, "OH YEAH!"

Jes busted out laughing at the thought of what the woman was talking about. They continued to laugh until they heard the garage door shut and people talking. Jes turned her head and saw her brother and mom coming into the kitchen. She jumped up and ran in there to alert them that they had company. She was going to try to get them to leave her alone with her new 'friend' so she could finish the story. She HAD to know how things ended now. It was just getting good.

"Hey honey, whose car is that outside?" Her mother asked as she carried in a few bags of groceries.

"I thought you were heading to the mall?" Jes asked, wondering why they were back so soon. She looked at her watch and realized that it hadn't been minutes since they left but hours. She had been talking to the woman for almost two hours now. Jes hit herself in the head when she realized that the woman would probably be leaving soon to go home. She rushed to help her mom with the groceries and then told her and her brother to please leave her alone for a few minutes while she spoke to the woman.

Her mom gave her a weird look but after Jes said that it was the lady who wrote the book she was reading, her mom agreed. She told her brother to go upstairs and do his homework so he wouldn't disturb his sister. She thanked her mom and returned to the woman sitting on the couch.

"Jes, I think I should be leaving now. Your family is home so I better go." She stood to leave but Jes stopped her.

"No, please don't go." The woman turned around alarmed at the girl's outburst. "I mean, please stay a little longer. That can't be all of the story. There's got to be more."

The woman looked down at the book in her hand and debated whether or not to let Jes keep it. It was her most prized possession, next to something else, and she just couldn't let it go. "Listen, why don't I give you my address and you can stop by tomorrow after school and we can finish then. The end of my story is one that unless you see it with your own eyes, you may never believe it."

She told the young girl the address and turned to leave. "Thank you, Jes for listening to me. And thank you for believing me. No one ever has." She quietly shut the door behind her and left Jes standing there, feeling awful for her.

Here was a woman, smart, beautiful, and funny, who could have just about anything she desired but all she wanted was a friend, someone to believe her story. If she had been with just an ordinary guy, everyone would have taken her word as the truth but since her life revolved around HIM, no one took it seriously. She was given such a hard time about it that she stopped saying anything about it.

She wanted to be open with people but they never believed what she had to say. Really, who would? Everyone wants the attention of a celebrity but once you have it, no one believes you. How could you out of a million people, be the object of their affection? No way.

But Jes believed. She believed with all her heart what this woman was saying. She read the words on the pages and believed. She saw the look in her eyes as she remembered their times together and believed. She felt her heart warmed by the thoughts of them together and she believed.

She couldn't wait for tomorrow to see how it all ended. She feared that she would have to be that friend the woman so desperately needed when the next day came. She knew she wasn't with him, that was for certain but from Hawaii until now was the mystery Jes wanted to solve.

Entry 8
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