The Future 2011:

What have your favorite boy band members been up to for the past 10 years? Let us see.

Lance: Well, Lance and Claudia didn't last more than a year. She decided that Lance was too nice and she really liked the 'bad' boys so she ended up hooking up with AJ from BSB and now has 227 tattoos and 3 kids. Lance, on the other hand, has settled down in a beautiful home on the banks of the Mississippi River. His wife, Sandi, stays home with their two children while Lance still travels back and forth to Orlando where he is managing groups. His FreeLance managing company is going strong and with the resurgence of pop back on the charts, he has decided to represent an up and coming boy band. He lends his expertise on this band and makes sure that 'everyone' gets equal singing time (not that he ever felt left out or anything).

Chris: Chris and Kiley have been married for the past ten years and have one child. They moved to Hawaii two years ago. Chris gave up the clothing line and decided to open a surf shop in Maui. Kiley works with Chris at the shop. He still tries to come to the main land to see the guys when he can and still has a say in the production company he started with Justin but usually leaves all the decisions to him. He grew his hair back out but didn't put it in dreads again.

Joey: Joey and Jen got married and had two children before Jen caught Joey cheating on her and filed for divorce. Since leaving the group in 2004, Joey has been acting in LA and opened that nightclub he always wanted to. He tried to get Lance and Justin to go in with him but they didn't want to move to LA and be involved with the club. Joey turned to his brother Steve and now the two have the hottest club in LA, but Joey is still trying to get over the loss of his wife. He comes back to Orlando every month to spend time with his kids and has vowed to make it up to Jen and be a family again.

JC: JC started his solo career in 2004 when the group broke up. He still writes for other artists but focuses on his own career most of the time. He is the only member not to ever marry. The other guys thought that after Beth, JC became too afraid of getting in a serious relationship again, but he knows the real reason he isn't involved with anyone serious. He dates frequently but never anything big. On his second CD he wrote a song called 'She'll Never Know' but didn't told anyone who the 'she' was. In his heart, he had found someone who made everything right but she was taken and he would never tell her how he felt. He ended up writing several songs about her and would see her every now and then, but never revealed his feelings. He hopes that one day he will find someone to take her place in his heart.

Justin: Justin and Anya were married after the summer tour finished in 2001. They still live in Florida and are expecting their third child any day. Emma is now 10 ½ years old and the spitting image of her dad. She is trying to get into singing just like him and her 'uncles'. Justin always said that music was his first love but after his second child was born and the group broke up, he decided not to pursue a solo career. He couldn't imagine leaving his family for weeks or months at a time. He now works behind the scenes and has his own production company with Chris. He also dabs in music video directing for which he travels to LA and stays with JC when he shoots one.

All in all, the guys enjoyed their time as pop stars but are happy it is over. From the fortune they made, each guy can spend more time with friends and family and provide for them. Everyone thought each one would end up different but were glad with the way things turned out. With the exception of JC, the other guys rarely have people recognize them. On occasion, when they are all together, fans will come up to them and ask for an autograph or picture but mostly leave them alone. The guys sometimes talk about a reunion of sorts but nothing has come from that yet. Maybe one day they will get back together and sing a couple of 'oldies' but for now, they are all happy with their own projects. They still get together on holidays or go see JC in concert. Jen and Anya spend a lot of time with the kids together. This Christmas, they are all going to spend it with Chris and Kiley in Hawaii. All the kids can't wait. Maybe Jen and Joey can work things out, maybe not. Maybe JC will finally tell 'her' his feelings, maybe not. One thing is for sure, no matter how much time passes, they have remained the best of friends and always will.

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