Well, what else is there to say? After the second fire, I grew very depressed. The inferno that allowed the phoenix to rise, eventually brought her destruction. But the funny thing was I always thought of Abby as rising from the ashes to be reborn to this world, when only now I realize she didn't rise but descended.

God released one of his angels that terrible night all those years ago, that I am certain of now. For no one before or since that day I've met, ever was like her.

Her pure heart after what happened to her was mind boggling to me. I've never known someone who had faced such tragedy in such a short time and grew stronger by it. she remained faithful in her beliefs that God spared her life that night for a greater purpose. She knew what it was, and only now do I understand.

I once heard the quote: Its difficult to hold on sometimes but someday beyond our tears and all the world's wrongs…there will be love, compassion and justice, and we shall all understand.

This is what helped me get through my depression. I couldn't be sad for Abby's death. I had to move on, to grow and live, she taught me that.

Her smile is what I miss the most. I could see her soul shine through that smile of hers. The light she had inside came out through her kind words and soothing voice. She was truly an angel sent from God.

I sit here, in my home with my wife of two years, expecting our first child any day. I still record songs and am doing fine in the music world. I have told her all about my dearest friend, Abby and she is okay with it. she knows how much I loved her and that she will always be with me.

We share a bond that neither time nor death can break. I know that one day we will meet again and then, she will see me for she is the only one who truly saw me for who I am.

That which is given to us…we keep forever, for love never dies.

I love you, Abby. Always know that.

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