Not Much About Me

Mertalou (this is not my real name)
My brother gave me the nickname when
I was younger. I don't know where
he got it from but it just stuck.

Well, there's not a lot to say about little old me. I was born and raised in the hills of East Tennessee - YeeHaw!!! but I don't have a southern accent - go figure!
Um...I guess I could fill out one of those annoying survey-like thingies to let you know more about me - so here goes:

Name: None Ya - sorry but that's a secret
Age: Let's just say Older than Justin but Younger than Chris
Hair color: Brown with Blonde highlights - but this one time when I was younger it had these funky green hightlights from all the swimming I did and...nervermind
Eye color: I'd call it Cloudy Blue
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Maybe I'd know if I got on a scale but I dislike those things
Work/School: I work at a local zoo - I love it!!!
Brothers/Sisters: 2 Brothers and 1 Sister - but I'm the BABY of the family
Pets: I HAD a dog...bad story, but no pets for me now

Color: Pretty obvious...BLUE
Book: Um...that Agatha Christie one...'And Then There Were None' (or 'Ten Little Indians' - depends on which title you get)
Movie: I like so many but I guess the one movie I could watch over and over would be...either 'Nutty Professor' (I love dinner time with the Klumps) or 'Chasing Amy' (That is the funniest movie)
Food: I LOVE to eat!!! But if I had to pick one food - PEANUT BUTTER all the way

Okay, I'm shortening this survey thing b/c I don't feel like typing it all up

Nsyncer: Well, I like them all but Justin would be my favorite: he reminds me of the first boy I kissed - his name was Steven and he had the cutest dirty-blonde curly hair. Ah...I remember it like it was only yesterday...but then the jerk up and moved away with his family and I haven't heard from him since we were 10!!!
Nsync song: Good one...I'd have to say 'I Want You Back'...that was the first song I heard from them and then I was hooked!
Nsync song in concert: Space Cowboy ROCKS HARD!!!

There's more questions but I'll stop there - if you want to know anything else about me - just email me and let me know - I'll probably answer anything
