You Weren't Part of the Plan
Ch 08

The rest of the day and into the night, Liz was successful in avoiding the guys, particularly Justin. She wasn't sure exactly what went on earlier in her room with him and JC but she didn't want to see or talk to him until she figured it all out in her head.

What confused her most was that she didn't want to be like all the other females on tour and fall at Justin's feet. But something about him drew her in and she had to fight with all she had to keep him out.

She didn't know how many times she had told herself that Justin was out of her league. That he was her boss' son. That he was too young for her. That he…well, if there were an excuse, she had thought of it earlier that day. He was just too dangerous to be around and unfortunately for Liz, Justin knew it already.

He baited her that morning in her room. He knew she would get heated if he pushed her a little and that thought drove Liz crazy.

If she could only hold out and remain calm for the next couple of days, then after they left the guys' tour, Liz would be okay. She would be able to go back to normal and spend the rest of the summer working. She could focus on that and only that. She would remain friends with the girls and go places with them but the guys were different.

She had to remind herself that she had little time as it was to have the friendships she had, let alone have a relationship. She knew she wanted one at some time but right now was the wrong time in her mind, and Justin was the WRONG person. He wouldn't be interested in her even if she were the last human on earth. He knew he could make her sweat so that was why he acted all flirty with her, she just knew it.

Like he said, he just has that effect on women. She said to herself as she laid in the dark that night.

Her roommate of the evening was again Jenny but this time, her and Trace hadn't spoken more than twenty minutes that night. She was tired so Trace let her off early. He would see her tomorrow in Tampa anyway.

Liz could hear the faint sound of breathing coming from the bed beside her and sighed when she realized Jenny was asleep. She laid there in her bed, covers up to her neck, trying to get comfortable but was finding that a problem. She just couldn't find the right spot to position her legs to keep them from tightening up.

She huffed and threw the covers back. She grabbed a windbreaker and slid her feet into a pair of flip-flops before reaching for her key card and exiting her room. She walked down the hall, rode the elevator to the first floor, went passed the check-in counter, and out the back door towards the pool. She wanted to find some place to relax and remembered going to the pool the night before.

She glanced around the area and found no one in sight. She sighed again, grateful to be alone for a little while. All day she had been wrapped up in work or talking with Lynn or the girls so she never had a moment to just sit and think.

She spotted a vacant lounge chair and walked slowly up to it. She sat down on the cold plastic and shivered at its feel. She leaned back against the top of it and pulled her legs up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her legs and brought the windbreaker around them to keep her warm. She placed her head in the confines of her knees and closed her eyes.

The wind was blowing ever so slightly that night and the soft sound of the breeze began to lull her to sleep.

She didn't think about the fact that her mind was being clouded by thoughts of Justin or even feel herself falling for the man that haunted her dreams. She was content laying out by the pool that night and feeling the breeze blow across her body and push her hair away from her face.

She felt the tickle of the air on her cheek and brought her hand up to relieve the itch it created. She began dreaming and where she ended up beyond the darkness was a place filled with light, clouds, flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass filled her senses. She felt her body warmed by the sun that shone bright that day. She realized she was running through a field of daisies and was in fact, laughing happily as she felt the cool ground between her toes.

Her laughter filled the air when suddenly behind the overgrown brush, she caught the glimpse of a wave of curls as they fled behind a nearby tree.

Liz found herself giggling wildly as she raced over towards the tree and rounded its trunk.

She looked everywhere but couldn't find the curls. The smile that adorned her face soon faded and she felt herself begin to pout. She crossed her arms over her chest and stomped her foot on the ground, waiting impatiently for the owner of those curls to return.

She suddenly felt two arms encircle her waist and the smile quickly came back to her face. She leaned back against his chest and ran a hand behind her and up his body as if feeling her way the side of tree to its branches. She stopped just short of her destination. The base of his neck was warm to the touch and with a quick move, her fingers reached an inch higher and became entangled in those curls she had been searching for.

Their texture felt as smooth as the leaves that lined the green structure behind the two. On occasion, a few of them crunched between her fingers just like the ones that became brittle with the autumn season and fell towards the ground. She smiled as his hands tightened around her body and she felt his warm breath whisper in her ear.

"Elizabeth…Elizabeth, wake up."

She hung tight to his arm and slowly opened her eyes to look at the man who belonged to those soft curls. A smile crossed her face as her eyes adjusted to the person just to her right.

In shock, she screamed and jumped out of the lounge chair when her eyes focused not on the person in her dreams but on…


He was so startled by her outburst that he fell backwards on his derriere. He landed with a 'thump' and began rubbing the sore area while Liz rubbed her eyes instead.

She looked at him sitting on the floor and tried to hide her embarrassment. She hoped with everything inside of her that she wasn't talking in her sleep. She would be mortified to learn that Lance had heard her dreaming about Justin.

"Um, I'm so sorry Lance. I was just, um…I was asleep and um…" She stuttered out.

Lance gained his composure and finally stood on his feet. "Elizabeth, its okay. I should apologize to you for waking you up. It's just that you were asleep out here when you really should be up in your room. Someone could have seen you and…" He stopped before he said anything that would frighten her.

"I know, I just couldn't sleep up there so I came down here to relax and I guess I fell asleep. But, hey, why are you out here anyway? Shouldn't you be asleep yourself?" She asked as she faced him.

He smiled shyly to her before sitting down on her chair she just vacated. "Well…I couldn't sleep either and thought I'd look at the stars again like last night." He said as he looked up to Liz.

She placed a friendly hand on his shoulder and motioned him to scoot over so she could sit down.

"Lance, what's going on with you?" She asked as she turned to her side and smiled over towards him.

He lowered his head and began to wring his hands together in his lap. "I don't know, I just haven't been sleeping good lately. Bad dreams I guess." He began as he shuffled his feet below him.

Liz could only grin slightly at him. "Lance, the guys are worried about you. They said you haven't been yourself in days. Please, if you don't want to talk to me about it, talk to one of them." She said as she stood back up and gave his shoulder a little squeeze.

He suddenly grabbed her hand and refused to let her leave. "I'd like to talk to you if that's okay?" He said as he pulled her back down beside him.

She could only smile tenderly at him and motioned him to begin. He took a deep breath and returned his eyes to the ground before he spoke again.

"It's a lot more than just having bad dreams. I've had someone on my mind for a while now. You know, like the person you described to Justin and me on the bus the other day?" Liz slowly nodded her head as she made herself more comfortable on the chair. She crossed her legs Indian-style and brought the sleeves of her windbreaker over her hands to shield them from the breeze.

"Well, your description of that person made me think about…" He paused a second, reluctant to say her name at first but decided Liz was a safe person to share this with. "Julia." He replied as he took in Liz beside him.

She had her eyebrows merged and a fist balled up under her chin. She was returning his stare with her own eyes and trying to listen intently to whatever Lance was saying.

"You see, I went out with this girl and we had a great time until she ran into her ex." He started as Liz shuttered, she knew what the ex-factor meant.

Lance saw her and merely shook his head in agreement. "Yep, you guessed it. She immediately went up to him and left me in the cold. She tried to apologize by saying they had just broken up and she had jumped to conclusions about him and that wasn't fair on her part. She wanted to give him another try and see if they could make it work this time. I knew all this already. You see, Julia is the daughter of one of the Jive executives and I've known her for about five months now. She's really cool and fun to be around. We started hanging out when we were in town and after becoming friends, I asked her out. She had just broken up with her boyfriend so I thought I could help her out with getting over him but I didn't."

Liz didn't know what to say to him at that moment. She realized that he must have been more attracted to Julia than she knew. This girl didn't know what she was missing out on, in Liz's mind. Lance was a great guy that any girl would bend over backwards to get her hands on.

"Lance, I don't know what to…"

"Please, don't say anything. I'm really being stupid right now. I mean, we were friends but for some reason, I thought we could be more than that, you know? I just wanted a chance but since we left, I haven't spoken to her and she doesn't know I'm still crazy about her. I need to just get over it for my own sake." He replied as he buried his head in his hands. He was beyond embarrassed now. He had just told Liz, someone he knew only for a short time, about the girl that possessed his dreams. She would think he was a fruit or something, he just knew it.

Liz brought her hands up and removed his own from his face then placed them in her lap. "Lance, look at me." She started. He turned towards her. She saw the anguish in the green cat-like eyes that shown back at her. "Listen, I know I don't have any right giving you advice, Lord knows I need some my self, but just know that I'm here if you ever want to talk, okay? I know that relationships can suck when the person you like doesn't return those feelings, or if they do, there is nothing you can do about it."

She took a deep breath and began talking again before Lance could get a word in.

"I mean, to have someone who captures your heart right from underneath you nose. Someone you never expected to meet and then when you do, you have no idea how to deal with the feelings that are building up inside. You feel as though you're about to explode but for some reason, he…I mean, um she, doesn't even see it. She's too busy with other things to notice how crazy you are about her so you're stuck feeling like a trunk ran over you."

Again, he tried to interrupt but she kept going.

"I know what you're feeling here. You think that you have no time for a relationship of any kind due to work and you have plans that need to be followed in order for things to run smoothly but for some reason, while you weren't looking, this person snuck into your life and you can't get them out no matter what you do. Well, I say that you just give it some time. In the end, things will work out and remember if all else fails, stay away from that person until you feel better. Until you know how to deal with your feelings for her and then see what happens."

She finished and squeezed his hands. She turned her head to smile at him but saw a confused look upon his face. "Um, I didn't help, huh?" She asked.

Lance started off shaking his head. "Why do I get the feeling that you weren't talking about Julia were you?"

She looked at him strangely. "What are you talking about? Of course, I was talking about you and Julia. Who else would I…"

He pulled a hand out of her grasp and put it up to her mouth to keep her quiet for a second. "Elizabeth, first off, Julia is a girl but you slipped and said 'him'. Second, the look in your eyes gives you away. So, I told you about my problem…now spilt it out, what's his name?" Lance grinned evilly at her.

Liz shifted very uncomfortably beside him. She didn't want to say a word about Justin but had pretty much spilled her guts to Lance without giving him the specific name. She had to hit her head at the stupidity of her actions. If she could have kept her mouth shut, none of this would have happened and…

"Come on, Ebby…" He started but saw her face flush under the dim lights that surrounded the pool area when he called her the name that… "Oh my God. Please don't tell me it's…"

She immediately put her hand up to his mouth and squeezed her eyes shut. "Please don't say it. don't say his name. God, what a mess. Lance you have to promise that you won't say a word. Please promise me." She said as her eyes opened and she pleaded with him.

Lance pulled her hand away from his mouth and cracked a crooked smile at her while he shook his head. "I promise, Elizabeth but can I give you some advice now?" She nodded her head not really wanting to discuss this but knew the faster he spoke, the faster she could leave and go back upstairs to try to sleep and get away from the embarrassment that was already upon her.

"Be careful. Be very careful. Justin is full of emotion and love that's for sure but if he doesn't choose to be with you than he may run away. He won't make you feel uncomfortable if he knows you like him but he may stay away from you. So you have to decide whether or not to risk it and tell him, hoping he feels the same or let him make the first move if he does like you. He hasn't said anything to me or the other guys, we would know by now if he did but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He keeps things like that inside and I'm sure if he does want to go out with you, he's probably afraid you'll reject him because…well, because you're a little stuck up sometimes."

Liz's mouth opened to object but Lance stopped her.

"Don't even try to say you're not because you know it's true. You have your life planned out to a 'T' and I know no one, not even Justin could change it and that makes you stuck up on occasion."

Liz had to butt in and defend herself. "Lance, I know I can be a little reserved at times but I wouldn't say I'm stuck up."

He apologized to her for sounded like mean. But she continued to defend herself.

"And secondly, I don't want Justin to 'go for me' or whatever you said. Yes, I do find him highly attractive, and yes, I do like him but like you said, I don't want a relationship because it's not in my plan. I have no time for much of anything but I seem to have added a couple of friends to the short list I had several weeks ago and that's all I can handle. Besides, I think what I feel for Justin is just some simple crush that all girls get. I mean, I saw the girls at the shows, they all fall for him. I guess I've just reverted back into my teeny stage for awhile, but it'll go when we leave the tour in a few days, I'm sure." She finished with a convincing grin on her face.

"You know, I hope you're right." Lance said as he stood and held out his hand for Liz to take. She obliged and the two began walking towards the door to enter the hotel again. They made it to the elevator and rode up to their floor in silence. When Lance walked Liz to her door, he turned to leave but spoke to her over his shoulder. "But what if he's the one you described?" Lance asked as he made his way down the hall.

Liz could only watch him leave. As the door was about to close behind him to his room, he glanced back at her and gave her a slight grin.

Liz heard the door close behind him but she never saw it. She had turned her head and laid it against her own door. Her eyes closed for a brief moment and she took a breath to compose herself before she entered her room and tried to find sleep that night.

(The following day in Tampa)

The groups made it to Tampa without any major problems. Liz made sure to ride on her designated bus this time. She had thought about what Lance said to her last night but she couldn't get herself to even think about Justin in that way. She knew she just had some silly schoolgirl's crush on him and that's all. She didn't have time for anything else and he wouldn't be interested anyway. That was what she repeated to herself over and over the whole way to Tampa.

Lynn had asked her several times if she was okay. She seemed spaced out for most of the trip but Liz couldn't bring herself to say anything. This was Justin's mom and her boss. She would surely be fired if she merely mentioned her 'slight' attraction to him. She couldn't risk jeopardizing her job just for the possibility of having a fling with him. Besides, he had Britney for that.

She was one of the people that Liz met last night at the show. Britney had flown down to Ft. Lauderdale yesterday to surprise the guys and Liz met her when she arrived at the show. Right away, Liz found her intriguing. She seemed very approachable and felt her genuine care for the guys just in the way she spoke about them to Liz.

Her warm smile made Liz like her…and dislike her all at the same moment. Added to the fact that she had a killer body, Liz knew the next few weeks with Britney would be tough to get through. Liz was beyond jealous of her but couldn't let anyone know about it.

Here Britney could have anyone in the world that she chose to have and still she went for Justin. Liz wished she would just go away but knew she was only being dumb. She knew Britney and the guys were friends so there was no reason she couldn't be on the road with them but just the thought of her riding to Tampa with Justin on his bus, made Liz cringe. She didn't know what they were doing and that only added to her dismay.

The group finally made it to their hotel in Tampa and were quickly ushered up to their rooms. They had a few minutes before having to head out to the Ice Palace so the girls were conjugated in Liz and Mandy's room talking about girl stuff, trying to relax. Jenny was a nervous wreck. Trace was suppose to meet up with the group and be at the hotel long before she got there but he hadn't shown up yet. She was worried and the girls were trying to calm her down.

"Girl, he'll be here. I'm sure he just got stuck in traffic or something." Danay started.

"Yeah, you know guys, they always have to find a short cut somewhere so maybe he got lost." Mandy added but received evil stares by the other girls in the room.

Nikki just shook her head at Mandy. "Jen, look, he'll be here, okay. He's probably here already but stopped off at Justin's room or something. You know those two can't stay away from each other for too long. It's really sick if you ask me." She said, trying to lighten the subject and make Jenny laugh.

It didn't work. "Well, he better not stop by Justin's room first. I'll never see him if he…"

Her sentence was cut short when there was a knock at the door. Liz, being the closest to it, walked over, turned the wooden handle and smiled brightly when she saw Trace on the other side.

Her smile immediately faded when from behind him, Justin peered out. "Hey Ebby, long time, huh?" He started but Trace quickly pushed him out of the way and walked right up to where Jenny was standing.

The girls all smiled when the two gave each other a quick hug then with their faces only inches apart, said things that only they could hear.

"Ahem…can I come in too?" Justin asked while Liz watched the couple from the door.

She turned around, forgetting for a moment that he really was there. "Oh, um sorry Justin. Yeah, sure come on in." She said as she held the door open a little wider for his body to slide through the doorway and enter the room.

He gave her a sly grin and patted her on the shoulder before walking past her and saying 'hello' to the girls.

The girls acknowledged Justin as he walked up to Danay to give her a hug and imitated his two friends. The group began laughing as they air 'kissed' each other and made googly noises. That caught Trace and Jenny's attention and the pair split up.

"Justin, man, I gave you my time earlier, now leave us alone." Trace said as he grabbed Jenny's hand and led her over towards Liz at the door. The couple were going to catch up down in her and Veronica's room. As they passed by, Nikki gave Jenny an 'I told you so' look about Trace seeing Justin first. She knew Trace would go straight for Justin and prided herself in knowing it. Jenny just rolled her eyes and returned her attention to her boyfriend.

They made their way past Liz and smiled at her as they walked out the door.

"Hey you two…" Yelled Mandy as she ran to the door Liz was about to close. She leaned her head out into the hallway to get their attention. "Remember we have to be downstairs in 15 minutes so make it quick." She finished and giggled when the pair gave her an evil look to mind her own business.

Mandy returned to the group and Liz closed the door behind her.

"Girl, you are so bad. You know they aren't going to do THAT." Veronica said as she smacked Mandy in the arm.

She began to rub the area on her arm and stuck her lip out to pout at her. "I know but it's fun to give them a hard time. You know you didn't have to hit me." She playfully returned the punch to Veronica's arm.

Veronica shoved Mandy off the bed. Mandy got up and pushed Veronica back. Soon the two were in an all out shoving match with the other girls egging them on. Hoots and hollers could be heard from the room until Nikki spoke up.

"Girls, stop!" She said as she tried to stop them. They were only playing around but Nikki didn't want anyone to get hurt.

She began pulling Mandy off Veronica when she felt a 'thump' on her head and saw a burst of something bright come into her view.

She turned around and came face-to-face with a grinning Justin who held a hotel pillow behind his back. Nikki could only raise an eyebrow at him before another smack came upside her head from behind. She whipped around to see an equally grinning Danay standing nearby with another pillow in her hand.

Nikki quickly looked at Liz who merely shrugged and held up her hands to indicate she didn't have a pillow to hit her with as well.

Just then, Danay lunged at Nikki and the two landed on one of the beds that Liz and Mandy were sharing. They ended up bumping the already squabbling pair of Mandy and Veronica. They stopped long enough to start shoving Nikki and Danay. This caused a round of laughter from the group.

Justin didn't want to be left out of the 'chick fight' so he decided to dive into the group headfirst. He swung his pillow around hitting all the girls and firing hardest on Danay who had the only other pillow.

Liz watched the commotion before her and could only laugh at their antics. She was growing to love these girls and right in the middle of them all was the other person she was growing to love but in another way.

What? Quite saying that. You do NOT have those kinds of feelings for him. You DON'T! Liz said to herself.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice the pillow that Justin had come flying towards her and land by her feet. She snapped back to reality when she heard Veronica yell her name.

"LIZZY! Grab the pillow!" She yelled.

Liz looked to her feet, hesitantly grabbed the pillow and took all but three seconds to realize what they wanted her to do with it. She put the thoughts she just had, behind her and gave the group an evil smile before lunging towards a pinned-down Justin.

The girls had gotten his pillow away from him and each held an arm or leg of his in place. Liz took this opportunity to get out any frustrations she was holding inside out on him. She had had so much fun hitting Justin yesterday with the pillow that she couldn't wait to do it again. She jumped on the crowded bed and began hitting him with the pillow.

He screamed when she smacked him in the head. He started laughing when she got him in the stomach. But he yelled in pain when she threw the pillow down at his most sensitive area by accident.

The girls were laughing too hard at that point and ended up loosening their grip on him. He saw his opportunity to get away and took it. He bounded up out of the group and off the bed. As he did, he swung an arm around Liz and took her with him.

Their momentum carried them on to the floor below. The girls stopped laughing when they heard a loud groan come from below.

"Liz are you okay?" Nikki asked as they all sat up and looked at their friends on the ground.

Justin just moaned again and sat up. "Thanks for caring about me, too there Nik."

Nikki just shrugged her shoulders and jumped off the bed to help Liz up. "Well, I would be concerned but since YOU started this whole thing, you deserved it." She finished as she stuck her tongue out at him and helped Liz to her feet.

Liz took it and smiled down at Justin when she stood.

"WHAT?" Justin yelled when Liz looked at him and gave him a smirk.

She just smiled innocently at him and returned her attention to the other girls. "Well, that was fun. Now, we need to go get Jenny away from Trace and head downstairs. Lynn will surely be looking for us. We've got…" She began as she glanced at her watch. Looking down, she could still see Justin pouting on the floor. She tried to ignore his stare and finish her statement. "Four minutes to meet her so let's get going. Oh, and Justin…" She started as he gained his composure and stood on his own.

"Yyyyeeesss." He dragged it out while giving her an evil look. He would get her back for this before the night was over.

She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat with the look he gave her. "Um, you really need to get going too. I don't think it'd be good to have you here when we're not."

As she finished, the girls all gathered their things and began to head out of the room. They had all brought their bags into the room earlier while waiting for Trace. Nikki grabbed Jenny's bag and slung it over her shoulder as she motioned for the others to follow her out into the hallway.

"Hey Justin, is Trace in your room?" Nikki asked as the group headed out.

"Yeah, its 432. Hey, tell him I'll be there in a sec." He said as he grabbed Liz's arm making it impossible for her to leave with the group. "Oh, and I won't let Ebby be late. I just need to talk to her a minute."

She gave the girls a worried look that only caused them to crack up laughing as the door closed behind them.

She looked over her shoulder at a grinning Justin and her worried look turned to pure terror. She had NO idea what he was going to do or say to her. They hadn't spoken since he and JC left her room the other day. She worried that he had sensed her feelings in her room before and would bring that up but for her sake, he didn't…well, sort of.

"Um, Justin you wanted to…to talk." She stuttered out.

Justin let go of her arm and turned his evil smile to a warm one. He genuinely looked at ease for a change. Liz relaxed her shoulders when she noticed his comfortable demeanor.

"Yeah, I wanted to come here and talk earlier but I didn't know you had all the girls with you."

She laughed at that comment. "Well, I wasn't in the talkative mood on the ride over here so they thought they'd try to cheer me up but instead we had to calm Jenny down. She was about to have a heart attack from worrying about Trace."

Justin smiled and let out a low chuckle. "Yeah, well, he was here for a while but I had him in my room playing Playstation. Just don't tell Jenny. I swear we lost track of time."

Liz lightly hit him in the arm. "I can't believe we had a hysterical Jenny down here while you and Trace played video games."

Justin put up his hands to surrender to her. "Hey, it wasn't my idea. Joey came in with a new game and made Trace stay."

She wasn't buying his innocent act at all. "Get real Justin." She said as she went to shove him again but he caught her hand.

She began to feel the beads of sweat materialize on her forehead as he held onto her hand but didn't say a word. She tried to open her mouth to speak but nothing was coming out. She knew she looked like an idiot in front of him.

He felt the tension between them and coughed a second then let go of her hand and moved away. His eyes immediately found a spot on the ground to focus in on. He couldn't look at her right then. He wanted to talk to her about something important but knew now wasn't the time. She had to go meet the girls and his mother downstairs and he had to leave as well.

"Um, I was wondering if you'd like to spend the night with me…" He began but heard Liz take a deep breath in shook. He quickly reworded his sentence. "I didn't mean that…I um…oh, what I meant was…was would you like to come to my room and…and talk with me tonight?"

Liz backed up to the door and grabbed the handle. She knew this was the safest place in the room. One slip and she could open the door in a hurry and leave the room. The stare Justin was giving her at that moment caused her to stop in her tracks. "What…what do you want to talk to me about?" She stuttered out.

Justin coughed once more than approached her. He knew something was going on between them and if he asked her to come to his room after the show for the real reason, she would turn him down. He had to think fast…a little too fast. He ended up saying the first thing that came to his mind.

"I um need a woman's advice about…um, about…Britney." He said before he could take it back.

He saw her face fall and wanted to correct himself again but couldn't. They heard a knock at the door and when Liz opened it, there was Trace standing in the frame. "Hey, the girls sent me down here to get you. Time to go Lizzy." He said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her out into the hallway then returned his attention to his best friend who still stood by the doorway. "That means you have to leave too, J." He said waving his friend out of the room.

Justin looked at Liz standing next to Trace, took a deep breath and walked out to meet them. He slapped his friend on the back to play off anything he might have seen between the two.

Liz thanked Trace and said her good-byes before turning to walk towards the elevators. Justin caught her attention by reaching for her arm again. Under his breath for only her to hear, he asked if she would come to his room.

She glanced at Trace who didn't appear to notice a thing. "Um…yeah I guess I could. What time?" She asked, looking at his hand on her arm. She felt the warmth that penetrated through her body at just his touch.

Justin noticed what she was looking at and squeezed her arm. That brought her attention back to his face and she smiled shyly at him.

"How about 11:00?" He asked.

She replied with an 'okay' and he let her arm go. She glanced back over her shoulder as she entered the elevator and gave Justin one last look.

Damn, he wants to talk about Britney. Girl, you are losing it thinking he wanted to spend time with you. She said to herself as she pressed her forehead against the cool glass that surrounded her. What a night this will be. She pressed the lobby button and rode down four flights in silence. She definitely had a lot to think about before tonight.

The door opened, Liz adjusted her skirt and blouse that was slightly wrinkled from the pillow fight that took place moments ago, and stepped out into the lobby. She met up with the girls and Lynn, not letting on that she had other things on her mind. Lynn handed her the schedule of events for the evening then ushered the girls onto the bus to go to the Ice Palace for the show.

Plan 09
Chpt Index