Promise Me
Chapter 11

*****Sorry for the delay....don't kill me! Please send me feedback and tell me what you want to see, or don't...just so I know. Or what you THINK is gonna happen! Thanx....enjoy!******

Kathryn sighed in excitement as they stepped off the rollercoaster. She looked at JC who was grinning. "That was awesome!" she exclaimed.

"Wasn't it? You liked it??" he asked, having enjoyed the rollercoaster.

"Yeah! It was so cool!" Kathryn adored the rollercoaster. She remembered being too frightened to ride the little one in Toontown, in Disneyland when she was younger. Right now, she felt a little lightheaded, but that rollercoaster, was terrific no matter if she felt lightheaded.

"Awesome!" he said, happily. He, too, loved rollercoaster. "Where to, next, m'lady?" he asked in a fake formal voice.

Kathryn pretended to think very carefully. "Why don't you pick?"

JC's blue eyes lit up. "Okay! Let's go on the "Up-Down"!" He gestured to a large structure in the middle of the park.

Kathryn chuckled at the name, not facing the ride. "Sure, I'm game." she said. Closing her eyes and shaking her head, she muttered under her breath, "Up down? How bad can that be?"" She turned, opening her eyes, expecting to see a little kiddy ride. Instead, she saw a huge structure with people on the sides, arms and legs flailing out and screaming as the machine flew them downwards and upwards. Kathryn gasped. "Oh. Up-Down."

JC looked at her, concerned. "Are you sure you can go on it?"

Kathryn nodded putting on a nonanchalant. "Of course!" How bad could it be? she thought to herself.

*******10 minutes later**********

JC looked at Kathryn, who was pale. "Uh, Kat? You positive you're okay?"

Leaning onto a guardrail for support, she shook her head. "Whew. Some ride, huh."

JC stared at her, concerned. "Kat? Can you walk?"

"Hehe. Yeah. Sure, I can walk." Kathryn took a few dizzy steps. Maybe the fact she hadn't ever really been on very fast ride like that had something to do with her light headedness.

JC saw her dizzy walking, and stepped in front of her, his back facing her. "Okay, get up."

Kathryn looked at him, confused. "What?"

JC grinned at her. "Sorry Kat, but you look like if you take one step, you'll go flying onto the ground. Here, get on my back."

Kathryn stared at him. "Get on your back? Uh, it's okay, I can walk." Kathryn took a step, and felt her knees weaken. She clutched back onto the railing.

JC sighed. "I really hate to do this to you, against your will," and he picked her up and swung her onto his back. "C'mon girl, we're getting YOU something to drink."

Kathryn struggled for a moment, but gave up against his strong grip. Kathryn's cheeks flamed as a few people looked at them with odd looks.

Kathryn and JC overheard one elderly man with his wife. He said to his wife, "I remember when we were dating, we were just like that." Surprisingly, the man came up to them and said, "Excuse me, but you two make a beautiful couple."

Kathryn blushed a flaming red, and stammered out, "We're not a couple."

JC turned a little pink. "We're not going out, but thank you for the compliment, sir."

The elderly man nodded and kept walking with his wife. JC didn't turn around to look at her again, obviously a bit embarrassed. Kathryn just rested her head on his shoulder, and watched everything go by. She closed her eyes, enjoying the free ride. Suddenly, he stopped. She opened her eyes at the sudden jolt.

JC grinned at her, and she slid off his back thankfully, into a chair at a table. "Wait here sneaking off." he told her mockingly sternly.

Kathryn rolled her eyes in jest. "Fine, fine, Mr.Chasez..."

JC grinned and ran off to go get them drinks from the concession stand. Kathryn grinned and leaned back in her chair, relaxing. Maybe she'd stick to softer rides today...she thought to herself with a slight chuckle. She was really liking today. She felt so comfortable with JC. It was like she'd known him for a really long time. They had some sort, you could say. Kathryn didn't know how to describe it. Somehow, when she was around JC, or when their hands brushed or something, she got a tickly tingly feeling.

After all her years of reading those "love-stories" in seventeen, and everything she honestly doubted the reality of them. The way random girls wrote in their stories talked about it, Ken had stepped away from Barbie, and waltzed over to them.

But however wierd it may sound... the more time Kathryn spent with Josh, the more she learned, the more she wanted to know, and the less she wanted to be so shy to anybody ever again. She could almost see how people wrote in stories like that. Kathryn shrugged and sighed. Okay, so maybe she had a crush. As if somebody like Josh would actually like her, though. Honestly! she told herself. Oh well, Kathryn thought. Just being around him made her floaty, and she was happy with that.

JC bought the drinks and was walking back to the table. He was liking this day. He hoped Kathryn didn't mind that he brought her to the table on his just looked like she was going to fall over. JC smiled as he thought of her dazed confused expression. She was incredibly adorable, thought JC. He adored spending time with her. There seemed to be a link between them he didn't share with anyone else. But I don't LIKE her that way, or something like THAT, thought JC to himself sternly, somehow knowing that he was fooling himself.

Clearing his mind, he set the drinks down on the table. "I got you a Coke, is that all right?"

"Sure," said Kathryn, taking a long sip of the ice cold drink.

"So..." said JC.

"So, what ya wanna go on next?" she asked.

JC hid a smile. "Maybe something softer."

Kathryn blushed. "Yeah, that might be idea. Hehe."

JC smiled at her blushing. " about the ferris wheel? And then we could play some games and just chill. Ya know, water slides and stuff. We could do that until it's time to eat dinner, and then after dinner, we'll go to the parking lot. I'm sure the guys wouldn't leave the PARK without us!" said JC.

"That's be great." said Kathryn. Mid-sip, JC grabbed her arm and hoisted her up. "C'MON girl! We're gonna experience this park JC style!" Kathryn almost choked on her drink when he yanked her up, but she carried it, and they went off to the ferris wheel, and stood in line.

Finally, after boading onto the ferris wheel, they were moving up into the air. Kathryn settled back comfortably on the seat and watched the scenery get smaller, in awe. It took almost forever it seemed, but they were on the top of the ferris wheel. Kathryn looked down and realized how high they were. "Oh, wow." she breathed.

JC smiled at her wonderment, and loved the fact this was her first time on a ferris wheel and he got to see her innocent expression. Angry at himself, he shook his head and got rid of that thought.

"Awesome, isn't it?" he asked Kathryn.

"Yeah..." she whispered, turning to JC and smiling at him. Somehow, at the second, when she looked JC in the eye, smething took her breath away. It was like a rush of tingles spread throughout her something grabbed her heart. Shaking the thought away, she just smiled at him and averted her eyes.

He smiled back, meanwhile feeling almost the same. There was something about her, that made him feel like he was on a cloud. Every little thing she did seemed her. Just right. Better than perfect. Maybe he had a little crush on her...but crushes can be okay, right? He told himself that, and just kept talking to her. "So, I take it, that aside from the rollercoaster, you're having a good time?" he asked.

Kathryn nodded fervently. "Am I EVER! I was missing out on a lot before I met you guys."

JC grinned at her. "Yeah, but now you got us."

Kathryn smiled, "Yeah, now I got you guys."

They shared a quick grin, and before they knew it, they were back to the ground. Kathryn wiped her forehead. It was very warm. She looked at JC.

"Where to?" he asked her.

"Water slides!" she exclaimed.

"Okay, off we are."

They headed off to the waterslides, and immediatly rented a raft to go on all the best rides, and the floating lagoon.

The day continued, and the two splashed, played around, and got to know each other better. They talked about everything and nothing it seemed, in all the waits in the lines, and on slow rides. JC enjoyed talking to somebody who shared his love of music, as did Kathryn. JC felt like he'd known Kathryn for most of his life. It was an odd feeling, but comfortable.

Kathryn couldn't believe she only met JC about a month and a half ago. It seemed like at LEAST a few years they'd known each other. JC and Kathryn had a terrific time, and the two blew about 20 dollars winning a giant stuffed bear. They had a lot of fun just trying to get it. Kathryn named it Scott in honor of JC's middle name.

Eventually, it began to turn dark, and around 6:30 Kathryn yawned a huge yawn. "Tired?" asked JC concerned.

"Mmm, yeah. Kinda. If you wanna keep going around, lets." said Kathryn, obviously tired, but always the polite girl. She shifted Scott around a little.

JC shook his head at her quaint politeness. My mom would love this girl, he thought to himself, with a grin. JC said, "C'mon, let's go get our stuff from the lockers and go to the van."

"All right, that sounds good!" said Kathryn, sounding a bit relieved they weren't going on anymore rides.

JC threw his arm around her casually and squeezed her shoulder in a one armed hug. Kathryn snuggled a little closer to him, and they walked to the lockers. They gathered the things from the locker. Kathryn chuckled realizing almost everything Lance had packed had been for nothing. However, there was one thing...she grabbed her sweatshirt and threw it on, since the cool summer breeze was making her a bit chilly. JC, following suit put on his warm sweatshirt also. "Are you hungry too?" asked Kathryn.

"Yeah!" said JC.

Kathryn smiled. "We'll all eat at the hotel resturant, my treat. They serve all Italian, my favorite." Hastily, she added, "I mean only if you want to. I could eat alone, too. I was just wond..."

JC cut her off. "Of course we'd want to. That'd be great." Kathryn grinned in response.

Walking to the van, they saw the other 4 guys already there, leaning against the van, chatting. Justin spotted the two first.

"It's about TIME you guys are here!" exclaimed Justin. "Took ya' long enough!"

"Yeah!" yelled Chris. "We've been here for hours!"

"Oh...sorry..." said Kathryn, feeling a little bad.

"Yeah, we didn't know." said JC, doubting what they said .

Lance leaned close towards Kathryn and JC, "We've been here for 10 minutes...don't worry." he whispered. "Chris claims its been hours though and Justin says it's been half a day..."

Kathryn and JC chuckled at Chris and Justin's antics. Joey was meanwhile talking to a pretty girl a few parking spaces away. "Did I mention what a great shade your eyes are? They make you incredibly sexy." The girl let out a startled noise. "I have a BOYFRIEND!" she exclaimed and slapped him, before spinning on her heel and walking away.

Joey walked over, with a grin and a sheepish look on her face. The others shook their heads at him with a unsuccessfully quieted chuckles. "Hmmm, I could've sworn she was checkin' me out! Oh well." he said pretending to be sad. "At least I got the number of that redhead at the water slides. Was she sweet or WHAT? Hey, why are you guys all standing here? Are we leaving?" he asked.

At Joe's words, the group clambered into the van and the driver headed back to the hotel.

" did your day go?" inquired Justin to Kathryn and JC.

They exchanged a glance. JC spoke first, "Awesome. It was perfect...with the exception of a certain ride." His eyes took on a devilish glint as he glanced at Kathryn. She flashed him a look that said, "don't you dare tell." Kathryn knew she'd be teased to death if JC told how she couldn't walk after the, "Up-down".

Kathryn said, "I loved the day. See my bear? Me and Josh won him. He's Scott." She gave Scott an affectionate hug, and smiled at JC.

Justin shared a knowing look with Chris, Joey and Lance. It was apparent that Kathryn and JC had bonded or something throughout the day. They could already communicate through their eyes, for God's sake! That was always a sure sign of...well, something.

Finally, at the hotel, the group of 6 headed straight to the hotel restuarant. Kathryn had asked the other guys if they wanted to go to the restuarant, and naturally they agreed. The bodyguards looked unbearably tired, but followed anyway. JC's bodyguard Joe, was carrying Scott, and apparently liked carrying him. Scott was a huge, fuzzy brown bear, which was extremely huggable. Joe seemed happy enough at least. At the front, Justin asked the man, "Table for 6?"

The man looked over his list, carefully. "If you can wait about an hour there will be a table available sir. There is a few tables of 2, but nothing more, sir."

Consulting the group, Justin was met with hungry looking faces nodding their heads.

"How many of those tables you got?" Justin asked.

"Five." said the man.

"We'll take 'em all." said Justin cheerfully.

Hiding his surprise, the man wrote down Justin's name for the tables. "Okay, they'll lead you." said the man gesturing to some waiters.

As fate has it, Kathryn was placed with JC at a table, in a secluded corner.

A perky waitress walked over to them, a minute later. "Would you like to order any appetizers and your drinks?"

"I'll have a garden salad and a rasberry lemonade." said Kathryn expertly.

JC said, "I'll have a ceaser's salad and a coke."

The waitress nodded with a huge 1000 watt smile at JC and almost skipped off to the kitchen, no doubt prepared to tell her friends about her encounter with the JC Chasez.

After the two finished their appetizers, they were just chatting. Kathryn enjoyed just listening to JC and having him listen to her. His voice seemed to pour over her soothingly, and there was something about it that made her feel warm. And when he listened to her, he gave her his complete attention, and didn't divert his eyes for anything. They talked about the tour, fans, and family. Kathryn loved how he talked about his family, the way he loved them and missed them shown in his eyes. JC was starting to feel like he already knew Nana, and wanted to meet her.

Then, Kathryn looked over at another table and saw a huge plate of fettucine alfredo. "That's a main meal?" she asked JC.

"Yeah, I guess. They're kinda big. I doubt I'll be able to eat all of it since we had so much at the park." said JC.

Kathryn nodded. "You wanna share something?" she asked him.

JC agreed, "I'd like that. What did you want to get?"

"Well, spaghetti with meatballs, but if you want something else, we could have that."

"No, in fact I wanted that too." said JC honestly, pleased with the coincidence.

They ordered the spaghetti, and within some time it came. There was a big, delicious looking plate of it, warm and savory looking, with the always wonderful smell of spaghetti, sauce and meatballs.

The two moved closer, with the bowl between them. They ate neatly about halway through the bowl, taking strands and cutting them, neatly rolled onto the fork. Around halfway, JC grabbed his fork, and slurped up some spaghetti. He licked away the sauce on his bottom lip, and grinned at Kathryn's shocked look. "It tastes better this way!" he said.

Kathryn raised an eyebrow. "I remember eating like that...when I was 4 I think..." she trailed off giving him a doubtful smile.

"No, really! C'mon it this way."


"Please? For me?" he gave her a pleading look.

"Well..." said Kathryn, "okay."

JC grinned. She slurped up some spaghetti, and JC struggled not to laugh out loud to see proper, perfect Kathryn slurp up the spaghetti. Together they slurped up the rest of the spaghetti, laughing every now and then and wiping away the sauce on each others lips and chin with their napkins. When the bowl was almost empty, they battled to get the last few piece, to slurp them up. Somehow, they caught the same strand of spaghetti, unknowingly.

Without realizing what was happening, Kathryn and JC were suddenly pulled together by the same strand of spaghetti, in a kiss. Shocked, the two stared at each other for a minute, then closed their eyes and continued the kiss. Suddenly, Kathryn pulled away from him trying to ignore the tingles that were racing throughout her body and the indescribable feeling capturing her.

"Um. I. Sorry!" said Kathryn, face burning. She reached in her pocket, threw a fifty on the table, and ran out of the restuarant.

"Kathryn! Wait!" said JC in vain, pushing his chair back. People stared, and watched in confusion as the girl ran out, and some glanced at JC.

JC's fingers were left on his lips. That was an incredible kiss, even though it was just their lips, but when their lips connected it was like fireworks went off and and everything was perfect, however corny it may sound. Standing up resolutely, he went to go follow Kathryn out of the restuarant.

Chapter 12
Chapter Index