Merry Christmas
"Twas the night before christmas, and all through the house." Just reading these few words stirs one's heart. I can feel the excitement building. I have always loved this time of the year. It's magical! Complete strangers smile and talk to you whereever you happen to be. The feelings of joy, brotherhood and love are overwhelming. Everything shines brighter, people smile more joyfully. and the whole world seems more wonderful. This doesn't mean you don't see the unhappiness and injustice, its just that you have higher hopes of overcoming them. You refuse to be downhearted and overwhelmed, some- where in you, you know these problems can be fixed. You feel as though mankind has the love it will take to do this.
Christmas is a time of celebration. A time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is first and foremost the reason for celebration. Having said that, it is also a time of celebration of love. The love we have for mankind, the love for our friends and family. It is the season of giving freely of love and bringing of joy to everyone you meet. The child that lives in all of us is just waiting to be released to enjoy the excitement of the season. I must confess I have never lost that childish excite- ment. We always watched all the Christmas programs every year. Our favorite was "How the grinch stole Christmas." I must confess I still watch it every year. It carried over to getting everything ready for my children on Christmas eve. My hubby and I were so excited that when we finished at about 3am or so, we couldn't stand it any longer. Go to bed you say, and let the boys awaken naturally. Not on your life!!!! We couldn't wait another instant. My hubby would awaken them with Come on wake up, let's see what santa left. LOL The joy of watching their faces is something I shall keep in my heart and cherish always.
We have just a few days left till Christmas and I must tell you, I can feel the excitement already. To each and everyone of you I wish the joy and love of Christmas! May Our Father shower you with the blessings of love and the true meaning of Christmas. May the excitement touch your heart and your spirit.
God Bless You All ![]()