My Dad
He recieved an honorable discharge after the war. He then began a life of working very hard for his family. My dad has worked at a myriad of jobs. he has been a logger, a commercial fisherman, a bartender, a bouncer, a taxi driver and ended his working life working at the Sharpes Depot, a government shipping warehouse in Stockton, California. He worked very hard there and rose to a S6 level before his retirement. In his younger days there was nothing my dad liked more than a good old fashioned street brawl. Of course this is heresay on my part cause it was long before he had a family. We never saw that side of him, but my mother assured me it was so. ~smile~
He has a gruff manner but it masks a heart of pure gold! He would and has literally given the shirt he was wearing to someone in more need than he was. His whole life has been one of helping and giving of himself. His heart is full of love and caring. He was never too busy to spend time with us, his children. I have fond memories of countless softball games and tramps through the woods behind our house. We spent many summer evenings this way. I remember weiner roasts and trips to the beach. I remember many picnics and the fun we had. I have a collage of wonderful memories I will cherish forever. This man, my father is what a father should be! You could search the world over and never find any man that embodies the word Dad as my father does. I am so proud of my dad, he has always been there for me through the good times, to share, and the bad times to comfort me and assure me it will be all right. I am proud of all he has and is accomplishing in his life. He may not be overly rich in material goods, but in the things that matter, he is a billionaire! He instilled the important rules of life in us his children. He taught us right from wrong. he taught us by example to be unselfish and to put the needs of mankind and our family above our own petty desires. He gave us all the qualities we needed to become decent, moral, hard- working and caring human beings. I thank God each day for the blessing of my dad in my life, because the lifes lessons and the rules I live by, were taught to me by him.
Thank You for being my Dad!!!
I love you dearly
your daughter Rozetta