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My Best Buddy

I made this page for my best buddy Bingo91.
I met him over three years ago in Africa Chat Room.
He is one of several reasons I returned
again and again to Africa Room.His sense of humor
is magnificent to say the least.His friendliness
is of gigantic proportions.However his morality
and kindness he shows by example not by telling.
He is a very special Buddy to me!I couldnt list
all the times he has been there for one of
us [our family] there too many to count.He is
always ready with a sweet word or a soft shoulder
if that is what we need.Judgemental he is not,
but loving and kind to all is his nature.To
be able to say he is my friend is one of my greatest
blessings,Our Father smiled on me that day.May
you always walk a blessed path my friend with God
atyour shoulder and angels ahead of you keeping
you from harm.May your path in life always be
lighted with love and friendship.
Ps. Now be on your best behavior cause I can
always call Pearl. LOL
~Ayor Anoshi'ni~
Zobedia AKA-Rose

Rose's View

~Polgara's Home~

~G's Circles

~Foolish Hearts~  A. Bahgat

~~To Gina, with Love~~  A. Bahgat


November 2000