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Avatars Page 3

As these are claimed, on a first come first serve basis I will

move them to the persons collection.

NOTE: To download an avatar .......Right click on the pic/image......Then down to Save pic/image AS:

And Save to your Cheetachat/Avatars folder

The path is Usually.......C:\Program Files\Cheetachat\avatars

Friday Nite Names


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These 2 had underscores in the name and will not upload on Angelfire that way so if you had the before go to rename and take out the underscore so we all have the same name for file or no one will see the pic/avatar..

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Christmas Avatars

All unclaimed as of 11/20/99



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And a few new Misc. ones for your choosing








Yes even more...LOL





*~Avatars Page 1 ~*

*~Avatars Page 2 ~*

*~Avatars Page 3 ~*

*~Avatars Page 4 ~*

*~Avatars Page 5 ~*

*~Avatars Page 6 ~*

*~Avatars Page 7 ~*

*~Avatars Page 8 ~*

*~Avatars Page 9 ~*

*~Avatars Page 10 ~*

*~Avatars Page 11 ~*


{Excuse the obvious plug but Alysia is very proud to have her name on the business venture}

Ë~Måï£ MÊ if ya'll want with your avatar and If you Choose one from here also so I can add it under your name.......IF you give it to me in chat I may forget or get it wrong so please email it too.