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Cheetachat Avatars

Some of the avatars here are provided by Alysia's Artistry, a new design company owned and operated by Jungle_catz and Babypaws. Others were created by Morning Glory and Snow Princess and Minx. And some by the original owners.!!! Some are a bit XXX so Use Discretion when Viewing!!
Please e-mail any additions and/or corrections to e-mail at the bottom.
NOTE: When pix are uploaded to Angelfire it automatically removes and spaces and hyphens or underscores and name needs to be adjusted in your Cheetachat avatars folder.

NOTE: To Download to your Cheetachat Avatar folder.......Right click the mouse on the picture/image....Go to Save Picture/image AS: Then save to your C:\program Files\Cheetachat\Avatars
THEN: send me and e-mail so I can add to your personal avatars and if you decide NOT to use an avatar send an e-mail so I can take it off the page too.



**A few avatars I made for the Football Fans**





And the Teddybear Lovers



Assorted--no owners

...... ... ...



And Yes there are

*~Avatars Page 1 ~*

*~Avatars Page 2 ~*

*~Avatars Page 3 ~*

*~Avatars Page 4 ~*

*~Avatars Page 5 ~*

*~Avatars Page 6 ~*

*~Avatars Page 7 ~*

*~Avatars Page 8 ~*

*~Avatars Page 9 ~*

*~Avatars Page 10 ~*


{Excuse the obvious plug but Alysia is very proud to have her name on the business venture}

Ë~Måï£ MÊ if ya'll want with your avatar and If you Choose one from here also so I can add it under your name.......IF you give it to me in chat I may forget or get it wrong so please email it too.