Hi, I'm Radio_Babe
Just to share a little of myself with you.
I wanted to make this site to show my
friend's just how much they really mean to me.
How much of a difference they make in my life.
Without them sometime's I think I would be lost.
I hope I bring as much to all of you that you give to me!!
I love you all!!! : )
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Snow Globes by Canadian Angel,
she has a lot to choose from stop by and take a look...
Click on Globe to go there
At good times and bad,
even when I'm sad,
there's one person I can call,
and they will be there to fix it all,
across the longest of land's,
and throughout the sand's of time,
I know my problem's aren't just mine,
together forever, I rely on you,
just as long as you know,
you can rely on me too,
alway's there to give a hand,
I'll remember this as sacred,
to call you my friend!!
Author: Jaxxy!!