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Chapter Ten

A.J. tapped the steering wheel debating his next move. He saw a light on in Andi's room so he assumed she wasn't asleep. He turned off his car and slowly opened the door. He looked up at the light and started to close the door.

"AJ?" He looked up and saw Andi standing in a baby blue terry cloth robe. "What are you doing here?"

"How did you know I was out here?"

"I heard a car ignition and I thought you were Nick," she muttered coldly.

"Ouch...thought I was Nick, eh?"

"Really AJ...haven't you done enough?"

"What exactly have I done, Andi?"

"You lied to me, you used made me feel like shit."

AJ couldn't decide on how to respond, but he decided to be honest, "listen And, we've been friends for like...forever. I never really realized how much I valued your friendship til I got back,"

"And?" she asked impatiently.

"And...I guess I'm sorry about what I did,"

"You're sorry?"

He looked down at his feet, "Yeah, I guess."

"You don't look like it," she turned to walk in the house.

"You know what? I'm not sorry. Nick is such a pussy and if you think for one second that you're going to get an once of the ecstacy you had with me, with him you're blind."

"It's not all about that," she shouted angrily at him.

"But it is," he stepped out of the car and pulled his keys out of the ignition. "Without the desire and the passion-there's nothing. You don't have that with him."

"Get away from me, you smell like a bar."

AJ stumbled toward her with tears stinging in his eyes, "you don't get it And, you just don't get it. You want me like I want you," he dropped in front of her and hugged her legs close to him. He let his breath seep out lightly unto her skin.

"I think you need to leave."

He looked up at her, "and I think you need to give in to what's real. You don't even know Nick," he kissed her thigh, "what you and I have is history and it's special."

She pushed his head away, "I might not know Nick in terms of time, but I know him in terms of heart. I may've known you longer but you're not who I thought you were. Please leave AJ."

He could tell she was struggling to hold back the tears so he let go and stood up.

"You need me..." He whispered and got back in his car.

Andi slumped back in her house and locked the door. The light on her caller ID was flashing and she saw that Nick had called.

She dialed his number carefully and listened as it rang,

"Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, I was hoping you would call back tonight. Where were you?"

"I um...I was..."

"C'mon, just tell me."

"AJ stopped by," she heard silence on the line and then a light sigh.

"What did he want?"

"I'm not sure...he was drunk and--"

"Did he try to hurt you?"

"No, he was just babbling about how he needs me and wants me and...I don't know."

"What did you tell him?"

"Nick-it's late can we talk about this tomorrow?"

He responded reluctantly, "I guess so."

"You're the best,"

He smiled to himself and whispered hoarsly into the phone, "goodnight."

"Night." She hung up the phone, exhausted by the day's events.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Too Late Index
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