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Chapter Five

"Nick?" She whispered shaking him gently. His eyes fluttered open, she brushed a stray hair out of his eyes and smiled.

"Where have you been? I've been so worried?" He asked groggily.

"Aww, that's so sweet. How did you get in?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Miranda. I wanted to make sure you got here okay, but I guess AJ took care of you just fine." He started to get up and but noticed the sadness that overcasted her face as he mentioned AJ.

"Are you ok?"

She looked dazed, "Sure, I'm great."

Even for knowing her for only a short time, he could sense that he was lying, "Ok, I guess I'll get out of you hair then..."

Something inside of her didn't want him to go, "Why don't you stay for breakfast? It's the least I can do for you, after you stayed here all night." He looked Andi over.

"Why don't you grab a shower and I'll make you breakfast?"

"I am a mess aren't I?"

"You look beautiful to me." He said shyly.

She blushed and headed upstairs.

He walked into the kitchen and began rummaging through her cupboard. They were so neat and organized, he grinned to himself as he arranged the plates on the table and began to prepare her breakfast.

Andrea couldn't help but cry as the hot water beat down on her body. She felt so confused, used, and above all dirty. The water was scolding hot but no matter how hard she scrubbed it couldn't erase the way she felt after the coldness AJ had shown her that morning.

She wiped her tears off and stepped out of the shower. She shuddered as the cold wrapped around her. She sighed and looked into the mirror, "You're better than this Andi," she wiped her eyes, "forget about him, forget it ever happened...move on."

She slipped on some grey sweatpants and a tiny white tanktop and proceeded to blowdry her hair. When she was finished she walked down the stairs to smell a wonderful aroma floating in from the kitchen.

"Wow," she said impressed at the sight before her. On the table set a plate of steaming pancakes, strawberry syrup, scrambled eggs, toast, hashbrowns, all cooked to prefection.

"Everything ok?"

" didn't have to..."

"Sh..." He guided her to a chair and pulled it out for her, "I know you had a rough night- whether you admit it or not. Eat up." He ruffeled her hair and sat down across from her.

"I'm going to be sick." Andrea groaned. Nick looked hurt,

"That bad?"

"That good- I should've stopped eating after my tenth pancake." Nick chuckled and helped her clear off the table.

"Well," He said after they'd finished.


"Thank you," they both said at the same time.

"What are you thanking me for?" She asked.

"For spending the morning with me, it was nice."

"That it was," she admitted.

"A bunch of us are going to the beach tonight. There's a free concert going on."

"I heard, Shaggy's going to be there, I love him."

"Whose us?"

"Me, Kev, Howie, Brian...AJ."

She looked down at her hands, "Maybe next time, I..."

Nick tilted her chin and kissed softly, "Please," he whispered softly on her lips.

"I guess so." He smiled and walked outside. She leaned against the door frame and watched him walked to his Durango, he got in, waved akwardly and headed out the door.

She rubbed her finger over her lips, she could smell his scent and smiled to herself. His kiss had been so unlike AJ's. AJ's was passionate and rough, but Nick had this sensitive and caring way about him and showed it with his kiss. She grinned and ran to the phone to call Miranda.

Chapter Four
Chapter Six
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