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Worship & the Word!

Worship &

the Word

WORSHIP is for the Lord, The WORD is for us!

During the appointed time for us gathering together, the thing that blesses God is our Worship! A common statement that testifies to the selfishness of man is: "I'll just miss a few songs at Church, it won't matter anyway, at least I'll get the meat of the service, the Word."

WORSHIP is for the Lord, The WORD is for us!

God doesn't receive anything from the Word, He is the Word, He knows everything; But He blessed when He receives from us through our Worship!

WORSHIP is for the Lord, The WORD is for us!

Worship pleases and honors God; the Word is for us, to instruct us into that LIFESTYLE. Do you think it's a wise thing to bite or despise the hand that feeds you that Word? If you don't come to the place of Worshipping God you may be on the edge of entering into a form of godliness. Worship should be done IN SPIRIT & IN TRUTH, even down to the giving of tithes, offerings & alms! We Worship the Lord by HOW WE GIVE!!!

WORSHIP is for the Lord, The WORD is for us!


DON'T BE LATE the next time for Church! You'll be missing the best opportunity to PLEASE & HONOR God! BE THERE FOR THE APPOINTED TIME OF WORSHIP!!!

WORSHIP is for the Lord, The WORD is for us!

He that hath ears to hear,

Let him hear!

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