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FAITH or Fundraising

FAITH or Fundraising?

What’s going on here?

“God told me to build this building”, “We ‘re  building it for the glory of God”, “Sow a seed into MY ministry”,  “Please send a gift so we can stay on the air”, “For your love gift of $100 we’ll send you a free Bible pennant”

    How many times do you hear these statements a day? A week? A month? A year?  I don’t know about you, but it is a sure stated fact that the world is sick of hearing it!  MOST of the ministries that use those terms and slogans claim they’re “doing it by faith” “we’re believing God”.  Is it living by faith? Or is it catchy advertising phrases. “Get to the phone”, “Call us right away, get to a phone and dial…”

     I’m not out to personally condemn or attack anyone.  I know how easy it is to jump on the band wagon of believing things just because this preacher is doing it, or that preacher is doing it; We need to try everything by the Word and see if that is what Jesus did, is that how the disciples lived, etc,  for we have followed cunningly devised fables or anything else!  Speaking of the Christians at Berea, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11

     Is it “FAITH” that on every show you’re asking for money?  Or is it “FAITH” to go to your closet and pray, telling no one, and letting God reward and prosper it openly.  If it’s God’s will, it will stand so quit asking for money!  If it’s man, it won’t come through and they’ll need to keep begging to support their programs.




5 loves & 2 Fish

     What did Jesus do anyway when He was faced with a great need and was overwhelmed with 5,000 men beside women and children!  In Matthew 14, the way we would have worked a miracle is to have everyone of them to give $10 each “and God will work a miracle for you!”.  Sound familiar?  See how easy it is to get our programs, agendas, and vision funded; and say, “It’s God.  God is blessing”.  And notice also, that it is always put forth as, “I’m standing IN FAITH, believing God, You sow into THIS ministry and God WILL supernaturally SUPPORT you!” They have 2,000 thousand people on their mailing list writing and sending them in the money; but who is going to write you and send you money because you sent them money.  Dropping all the religious rhetoric they’re really saying, “God will supernaturally SUPPORT you!  But He won’t us”.  “Tell them God will meet ALL their needs!  Glory to God!  But WE, we’re are trusting in man.”



Brethren,  We NEED to take HEED of what is REALLY being taught and said!  This is just one of many examples comparing today’s modern church in contrast with “THE CHURCH” as recorded Holy Writ!  Go back to the Bible, the ancient landmark, and no matter what it is: Money, success, dreams, visions, prophecies, etc…  LINE IT UP WITH THE BIBLE AND SEE IF IT AGREES! 



Conclusion of the whole matter

And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.” Mark 11:17







