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Key to Bible Study

God Inspired

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (KJV)

  1. Its wonderful unity. Over 40 authors wrote 66 books in different lands and over a period of 1,800 years. Many never saw the writings of the others and yet there is no contradiction between any two of them. Collect ANY group of books by ANY OTHER 40 men on ANY subject and see if they agree.
  2. Its superiority to other books in its origin, formation, doctrines, principles, claims, moral tone, histories, prophecies, revelations, literature, present redemption and eternal benefits, and its general contents.
  3. Its influence in the world. It has blessed millions in every generation, made the highest civilizations, and given man the highest hope and destiny.
  4. The character and greatness of those who accept it. The wiser, most godly, and honest of men acknowledge it as God's Word. Only infidels and the ungodly reject it.
  5. Man could not have written it if he would, and would not have written it if he could. No critic of Scripture has ever been able to improve or disprove it.
  6. Good men must have written it. It condemns all sin and records the sins and faults of its writers as well as others. This, evil men would not do. Even good men would not do it unless inspired to do so to help others.
  7. All man's present and eternal needs are met by the Bible. Redemption and promised benefits have been given TO ALL who believe in all generations and this will always be so.
  8. Its preservation through the ages. Whole kingdoms and religions have sought in vain to destroy it. It is still the victor and indestructible.
  9. The heavenly and eternal character of its contents proves it to be of God.
  10. The response of the soul to it. The Bible fits the soul as a key to a lock.
  11. Its infinite depths and lofty ideals. It is universal in its appeal, reasonable in its teachings, reliable in its promises, durable in its conflicts, everlasting in its usefulness, new and modern in its statements, indispensable to human civilization, indisputable in its authority, interesting in its histories, colorful in its biographies, accurate in its prophecies, individual in its messages, far reaching in its vision, complete in its laws, comprehensive in its knowledge, infinite in its detail, unselfish in its purpose, simple in its application, just in its demands, clear in its application, and masterful in its wisdom.
  12. Fulfilled prophecy. About 3,300 verses of prophecy have been fulfilled, predictions made hundreds and even thousands of years before their fulfillment. Not one detail has failed yet. About 2,908 verses are being fulfilled or will yet be fulfilled.
  13. Miracles. Hundreds are recorded in Scripture and many happen daily among those who pray and claim Bible promises.
  14. Its perfection. It is scientifically and historically correct. No man has ever found the Bible at fault in any of its hundreds of statements on history, astronomy, botany, geology, or any other branch of learning.
  15. Its adaptability. It is always up to date on any subject. It fits the lives of all people of all ages and all lands.
  16. Its spiritual and moral power. It meets perfectly every spiritual and moral need of man.
  17. Its doctrines. They surpass all human principles in relationship, religion, culture, etc.
  18. Claims of the Bible itself. Over 3,800 times Bible writers claim God spoke what they wrote. The Bible itself claims to be the Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
  19. Secular history. Many pagan as well as Jewish and Christian writers confirm the facts of the Bible, quoting it as being genuine, authentic, and inspired by God.
  20. Its inexhaustible proofs. It would take many volumes to deal fully with the many thousands of facts which confirm the Bible to be the Word of God. The book must be divine. If one will use it properly it will confirm itself to him as the inspired Word of God.

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