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   9/11, Hurricane Katrina, This is a cry for US in the U.S. to repent!  To call a solemn assembly, a “National Day of Repentance” more than a “National Day of Prayer” coming this Friday!  We have sinned against God, against His commandments, and against His righteousness!  How long will we as a Nation, as a whole rebel against the Lord God Almighty?  How long will kick against the pricks?  “God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge?”  -Psalm 53 


Bottom line:


   Undisputed, the list can go on and on when we take into account the Drugs, Alcohol, Murder, Prostitution, Divorce, Hate, Envy, etc etc.  Worshipping and serving ourselves has become the very canker that eating away our lives!  From the Preacher to the President and from the White House to the Whore House altogether are become filthy!  Surely the wrath of God is kindled against this Nation!  IF we only pray and don’t Repent we’re sure to see more corrective judgments in the land (compare Revelation 2:21; 9:20; 16:9; 16:11).   The American dream will become the American nightmare and its Economic prosperity will become a devastated posterity!  There are many Scriptures that have a spiritual relevance, but here are a few to Selah… 



Jeremiah 22:21-22                      





   How long can a Nation continue or a City sin before Judgment comes???  (Read about the “Southern Decadence” of New Orleans).  The Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man.  We’ve become harder and more wicked since 9/11  (Revelation 2:21; 9:20; 16:9; 16:11).  Many Preachers struggle to call 9/11 as judgment and probably will also with the devastation of this Hurricane, but the fact remains, history proves it, God has always been involved in the affairs of man, He sets up Kings and brings down Kings, and Nations, blesses them that bless Israel and curses them that curse Israel.

I pray that it doesn’t take more than this to bring US our knees in repentance!

Men, Brethren and anyone who reads this, do all we can do to help those in need, but the first thing we need to do, which cannot afford to be left undone is Repent!

The love of Christ Jesus constraineth me,


Doulos D